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Post Heart (Cardiac) Surgery, what to expect- Listen from Dr Dhiren Shah and Team.
Experience a post-heart surgery journey of resilience and recovery in this inspiring video showcasing the strength and determination to overcome challenges and embrace a new chapter of life.
Heartbeat of hope: One donor's gift that transcends time #drdhirenshah #motivation.
A single heartbeat, a lasting legacy one donor's gift of a heart, liver, kidneys, and eyes transforms five lives, a selfless act that echoes through eternity. Join us in honoring this incredible donation, a true testament to the power of life.
Do we have to avoid butter, oil, sweets even after Bypass surgery ?
Do we have to avoid butter, oil, sweets even after Bypass surgery ?
Does our physical capacity decrease after going through bypass surgery ?
Does our physical capacity decrease after going through bypass surgery ?
Can Bypass surgery be done only once in a lifetime ?
Can Bypass surgery be done only once in a lifetime ?
Can consuming tobacco become a reason for heart attack ?
Can consuming tobacco become a reason for heart attack ?
Patient Testimonial
Patient Testimonial
Patient Testimonial
Patient Testimonial
Message on world Heart Day
Message on world Heart Day