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Correlation between ageing and ability to focus
Handling life may distract us from the realization that we are ageing. One might or even more often forget about things. Actually, we need to focus on our staff as per our age. At certain moments, all of us think about the energy we used to possess, the abilities we had, now getting diminished. To maintain the life we need to take actions that benefits ageing, read more for focus on reversible ageing.
India, fastest to vaccinate over 3 million people
India became the fastest to administer 3 million doses in just 18 days. The US took 18, Israel 33 and in the UK, it was 36 days. As the largest producer of vaccines now the fastest all the credit goes to the management councils of vaccine administrations. The ministry is also gearing up for inoculating another 6 million doses to front line healthcare workers in February. Read more
Coping up with inflammation, a chronic condition
Inflammation is a complex biological process where your body's tissue fights back the harmful pathogens invading your body. When this battle occurs frequently or continues over a long period, it can become a chronic condition even leading to mortality linked with cardiovascular disorders, cancers and diabetes. Read more this article from Harvard about simple steps to fight inflammation.
Ways You Could Help Tod Ditch A Pacifier
Whatever reason made you choose a pacifier for your baby is preventing SIDS, crying, or sucking issues. Weaning from the pacifier is essential and similarly could be problematic if prolonged. Hence you must know when is the right time. A study shows that babies develop object permanence between about 9-12 months, which means it has to be around 1st birthday.
Schedules and Routines to Help Manage Your Autistic Child
It could be challenging to manage an autistic child, especially when you are a first-time mom. An autistic child isn’t as tough as you think. It could be much easier if you keep yourself in their shoes. How? Think the way he thinks. Make a schedule which he is supposed to do every day. Use visuals & maintain the order. Messing up with the line or adding too much task in one could make it difficult
Offering them a secured environment: People with leprosy
Yesterday was the world leprosy day. As per WHO, India accounts for 60% of cases as reported in 2016. We have initiated successful campaigns leading to positive results but for a short time. Covid pandemic had led to a surge in problems faced by people suffering from leprosy, even before the covid they were not accepted by many just because of their deformation. Read more
Supplements that harms your heart
A healthy heart requires a nutritious diet, exercises and a high state of life. We all may not get enough time to follow up activities beneficial for a healthy heart. What we can do is to start with avoiding packaged food items that may contain harmful supplements. Red yeast rice containing monacolin K, L-arginine and Garlic supplements, read more to know the detrimental effects of consuming them.
Evidence Builds That Pregnant Women Pass COVID-19 Antibodies to Newborns
A new study shows that antibodies against the new coronavirus which gets build up in infected pregnant woman may pass on the foetus. The antibodies can be transferred through the placentas and baby may receive more of them. So, does the virus passes on? Yes, it might. This might have implications for when women should be vaccinated earlier in pregnancy might offer more protective benefits
Why Family Meetings Are a Great Way to Stay Connected
Family gatherings can be used by parents to build up guidelines for the kids to follow. They can show kids or adolescents how to take care of issues with parents pretending with them. This can likewise be the ideal time for permitting relatives to talk about things which are essential to the family overall. At last, they help you stay associated as a family which will keep the bonding strong.
Does My Child Have Autism, What Should I Do?
The prevalence of A.S.D. in babies have expanded over the long haul, as per the American Academy of Pediatrics. Early mediation can have a powerful impact, research shows. The ability of early intercession comes from the mind's neuroplasticity, or capacity to change. So, prior the kids can start getting treatments, better the opportunity they have of acquiring the abilities.
प्रत्येक स्थायी जिम्मेदारी: बीके शिवानी
बच्चों को अपने से अधिक होने के लिए मत पालो, बच्चों को अपने से अधिक बनने के लिए बढ़ाओ" - शिवानी। मानो या न मानो, हर माता पिता पहला विकल्प चाहता है, और हर माता पिता दूसरा विकल्प कि कामना करता है। आप ज़िम्मेदार माता-पिता का हिस्सा बनने के लिए कैसे आगे बढ़ते हैं? आराम देने के अलावा, एक भावनात्मक रूप से दृढ़ बच्चे की परवरिश करना महत्वपूर्ण हो जाता है।
What Happens If You Prolong the Pacifier Use?
All the dental problems. Allowing children to use a pacifier for more than 3 years could cause a severe teeth alignment issue. Some studies suggest the major 2 things could go wrong. An open bite, where the top and bottom front teeth don’t touch even while biting, second a crossbite, where some of the upper teeth bite on the inside of lower teeth.
Mistakes to avoid while caring a baby into a baby carrier
Baby carriers can add a lot of convenience into your life. But, if not sometimes unaware parents may make mistakes which could lead to hip dyspepsia and death too. Avoid putting the baby into a chin to chest position. Keep space for the baby to move his head. Never pick a carrier without adjusting buckles Never let your baby’s legs hang straight With proper attention maa and baby both can stay safe
Grandparents and newborns-The ultimate bond
Whether you say it there long-distance love or the need, Grandparents can be the best caretakers, free advisors, and experience holders in parenting. Having grandparents into your child’s life can make your kid feel appreciated, and attentive too. Hence, it is necessary to start making the bond from the first day so that this love never becomes long distance.
Helping siblings cope
What to say when you are pregnant? Well, if you have another tot in the house than it’s better you start early. Let the baby know that he is going to have a sibling, and plan it a little ahead. As soon you get the news, it would be best to share it with your baby. Sharing makes him ready and also strengthens the bond and empathy towards the coming one. But, hey! Do not overdo the enthusiasm.
Effects of taking too many tests
Dr Altaf Patel suggests that an taking up too many tests at a time can lead to confusion. Body checkup is important, for the doctors to diagnose anything wrong with the body but at the same time may alter their diagnosis viewpoint. He states that one single test may lead to many unnecessary tests. Read more from Dr. Patel sharing where he concludes appropriate, not excessive, testing.
Gratitude towards mental health
An under-rated quality that we should adopt cause it definitely has a positive effect on emotions, experience, building up relations, thereby improving health and mental balance. How to find a way to cultivate gratitude in our lifestyle?. Thanking someone who might have done something nice for you, Maintain a journal to jot down your experience, read more.... and Thank You for your appreciation
आपके बच्चे के लिए पहेली (पझल) का क्या महत्व है?
शारीरिक और मोटर कौशल के अलावा, पहेलियाँ इससे बहुत झ्यादा करती हैं। आपके बच्चे के लिए अपने आसपास की दुनिया की समझ हासिल करने का इससे बेहतर तरीका नहीं है,यहा वे उन्हें अपनी इच्छा के अनुसार इसमें हेरफेर कर सकते हे। जब वे कला बनाते हैं, छोटे टुकड़ों में शामिल होते हैं, आकृति को पहचानते हैं और स्मृति का निर्माण करते हैं, तो उनकी समस्या को सुलझाने के कौशल विकसित होते हैं।
What's your age? Did you Forget?
We tend to forget somethings sometimes that are normal, but some might consider it a severe mental problem. There are common reasons for forgetfulness as we age. Similarly, there are symptoms of severe memory problems. Read the complete article to know how to differentiate bitter and typical memory concerns and consult your doctor don't ignore changes in memory or thinking that concern you.
Know about Emotional Intelligence
It's a quality that makes us understand and relate to ourselves and to other people. We might be familiar with different intelligence forms, but emotional intelligence is not given much importance. It is the skeptical way of understanding one's emotional state, not being considered an inborn talent. Cultivating a healthy emotional state, we need to adapt to dynamic education, know more.