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Demand for Immunity Boosters under a covid era
Covid pandemic and subsequent lockdown actions to contain the pandemic have changed the overall population mindset in confluence with this situation. There is a surge in buying health booster items. The demand for immunity boosters is being boosted with the help of social media platforms. Some of these items available at a pharmacy need to be consumed under medical supervision, Read More.
Covid Vaccination: Why is it not available for kids
Out of total covid cases reported nearly 12% of covid infection in India were among children below the age of 20 years in 2019. Despite such scenario vaccination of children is not considered as of now, Why? Let us understand this; firstly no vaccine can be given to kids until it is tested on them, there are few trials going on in respect to vaccine inoculation for kids. Watch for more information
३ साल के बच्चे को संभालने के ५ सबसे प्रभावी तरीके
तीन साल के बच्चे को संभालने के लिए ५ सबसे सहायक तरीके। एक बच्चे के साथ व्यवहार करने के लिए आपको हमेशा एक प्रशिक्षित और अनुभवी माँ होने की ज़रूरत नहीं है, आप शायद इसे एक आँख से खोलकर पढ़ रहे हैं और दूसरी नज़र बच्चे पर लगातार हैं कि क्या वह किसी शरारती मिशन पर है। शुरुआत में यह जटिल और निराशाजनक हो सकती है लेकिन निश्चित रूप से आपको भविष्य के वर्षों का प्रबंधन करने में मदद करेगा।
A father's diet affects his offspring's genetic code.
Our genes decide our attributes like height, voice etc. the genetic code that passes on with the father's sperm. There are some other specific genes that are activated or deactivated based on the off spring's habits. Research suggests that a bad diet leads to mismatch and mistakes at the cellular level leading a not normal condition for the offspring. Read more of this exciting subject.
Need To Lose The Additional Newborn Fat? Do These Basic Activities To Get A Fit Body
Never come close yourself with the superstar mothers who parade their fit bodies soon after birth. Your body has gone through many changes during pregnancy and will set aside some effort to recuperate from it. Exercise is quite possibly the best approaches to bob back from the C-section. Here are a few hints to lose additional gut fat from pregnancy. Begin strolling, do Kegels and more
Positive effects on babies when you sing
One of the most iconic moments in the motherhood is sitting on a chair singing a lullaby and swaddling your baby. Singing is a great way to calm a fussy baby down. Research says that singing can have better heart and respiratory rates, better sleep and feeding patterns, and better weight gain. It also helps improve the bond with your baby.
Reading books during pregnancy, how does it affect growth?
"My child cannot even recognize her name; how can she understand the books I read?" Well, if you have similar questions, then my dear friend, you need to take a step back and watch this video. 90% of the brain development happens between 0-3 years, more they hear now better they get prepared for schools. It can be the foundation of the bond between you and your child.
Autism and Kids, Take Baby Steps with Your Baby
Socializing an autistic kid could be challenging; however, there are other more challenges than just getting socialized. Talking in simpler words, autism creates neurological damage where sensory, motor and self-helping skills take a toll. Let’s start by working over one issue, a small one, for example waking up early and doing the laundry or gardening the plants. Why this? Swipe left
Is it too early to start potty training!?
Well, not in Japan, at least! In Japan, parents potty train their children as soon as they understand the meaning of the word “oshikko (pee)” and are old enough to sit on the potty seat, which is generally by the age of 2 years. Ten years ago, it was common for 2 years to start kindergartens, & they would only accept children who were out of diapers. So, it is all up to you. Start when you feel is
Teething Babies Are Not Always Fun, Here Is Why
"Your baby’s cutting a tooth, through the gums and there is seemingly nothing you could do. While all the babies are different, their response to teething is also not similar. Which means symptoms could vary from chewing, nibbling on toys to having diarrhea and runny nose too. This can be controlled with cold food, wet cloth and teething toys. Who said parenting is fun!? We didn’t! Happy Parentin
Comforting Your child after his vaccination shot
Pain, redness, and swelling, when you arrive home with your kid getting a vaccine shot. It's really tough for both, physical uneasiness in a child and mental pressure on parents. Though serious side effects are rare in vaccination, parents may still be concerned about their child's uneasiness. Watch the video to know what to expect when your child is vaccinated.
Why So Many Vaccines
As commented "13 Vaccines for Kids" between birth till the age of 18, why so many. It may be one of your primary concerns. Vaccines provide an antigen to trigger the immune system. Suppose a person is exposed to an infection in the future. In that case, the previous memory of the immune system fights the infection. Watch the video to know more about why to give these vaccines at an early age.
Probiotic Boosters Are Lifesavers for Preterm Babies
A new study has found that the supplementation combo of probiotics and prebiotics could help reduce death rates in preterm newborn children. "The commonness of preterm birth goes from 5% to 18% across 184 nations, and 15 million newborn children are brought into the world preterm internationally," clarified lead specialist, Associate Professor Jing Sun from Griffith University in Australia.
Oowahoowaah!! Yes! There Is A Trick to Stop Your Baby Crying, Doctor's Got a Solution
In a video that is presently being observed over multiple times, Dr. Robert Hamilton, a pediatrician, shows something he calls ""The Hold."" Overlap the infant's arms against her chest with one hand, utilizing his fingers to prop up her jawline. He holds the child upstanding (inclining marginally forward) with one hand on the infant's base, and ""squirms"" her tenderly. Watch the video.
Baby Shower Pinterest Ideas and Games to Play
We get it! You are excited and want something different and special for you and your baby. Now that the traditions are changed, you no longer wish to keep just the rituals. So, here are some very cool Pinterest ideas that could surely fascinate you and make your shower very much fun! Have you thought about baby food games?! See this.
COVID Vaccine and Alcohol intake response after inoculation
Whether consuming alcohol after vaccine injection will affect the response of vaccine is a critical study. As suggested by Dr. Hana El Sahly "Alcohol consumption was not assessed as a variable in the large Phase 3 clinical trial" about Moderna's Trials. As vaccine administration drive currently in progress in India, get your self acquainted with the fact, read more.
Covaxin, Covishield, States Precautions and Contradictions: Health Ministry's Fact Sheet
The Ministry of Health and family welfare has rolled out a comparative fact sheet for covaxin & covishield. The distribution of vaccines has been initiated across the country. It contains required information with vaccines specifications contradictions and precautions. Read more about the precautions related to age group, previous health conditions, lactating and pregnant women.
COVID tongue' has been identified as a new coronavirus symptom
If you experience ulcers on your tongue, it could be a Symptom of covid. The list of covid is increasing day by day since the outbreak. According to an epidemiologist at King's College London, Professor Tim Spector, one of the unusual warning signs of COVID-19 may be developing in the mouth in the form of coated tongue or Covid Tongue. If you notice such patches you must consult your doctor, read