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How to handle a highly emotional child?
Don't confuse their emotions for weakness, instead as per the expert's sensitive kids are more reasonable and are easier to handle. When crying is a problem, then again, it is not a bad thing. It is their emotions that are talking, and this is their way to communicate and tell you about their feelings. There are ways to handle it though, listen to what Dr. Phoram Trivedi has to say.
How to sleep train your baby: let's cry it out.
The "cry it out" method refers to any sleep training approach that says it's OK to let a baby cry for a specified period of time (often a brief period) before offering comfort. Night sleep can alter from baby to baby and even during different nights. Watch and learn how it works and see if this method is the right choice for your family.
What is post-partum belly binding? An exciting way to heal from the birth stress
In spite of the fact that the hype around belly wraps has detonated throughout the most recent decade due to the superstar mothers who depend on them. Midsection wrapping is an old practice in Malaysian culture where it is known as "bengkung," and it has additionally been in spots like Japan and Mexico for many years.
How to calm a crying baby? Watch different tricks and tips
Newborns cry for infinite reasons now and then. However, at that point, there are different occasions when your infant conceivably even because she's experiencing an episode of colic may appear to be sad regardless of what you do. It might even be sufficient to drive you to tears. Yet, don't lose trust. Watch this video and learn small tricks and tips.
Why Kids Need the Flu Vaccine
Getting an influenza vaccine is particularly significant this season in light of the fact that this season's virus and the Covid infection cause similar basic signs and indications. Influenza inoculation could decrease side effects that may be mistaken for those brought by COVID-19. Forestalling this season's virus and reducing the seriousness of flu attack.
Kids and screen time: Mayo Clinic
In today's society, children are inundated with media. Many kids spend hours in front of devices such as computers, TVs, smartphones or tablets. But how much screen time is OK for your child? In this Mayo Clinic Minute, pediatrician Dr. Angela Mattke explains new screen time recommendations released by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Vivien Williams reports.
The "HOLD" to quiet their cries
Newborn cries a lot, whether of any discomfort or something else. We don't know why they cry; we just want them to stop crying. In this video, Dr. Robert Hamilton Demonstrates how to calm a crying baby. His "The HOLD" technique surprisingly works wonders. Watch the video for a step by step guide.
How to check kid's vision at home- WebMD
Are you worried about your child's distant vision? Then you should be doing this before it gets too high. Myopia, or near-sightedness, is one of the most common vision problems in childhood. About 9% of kids ages 5-17 are near-sighted. Kids with this condition can usually see things close up, but struggle to see things far away. Check the video and find out how you could do it at home. QA
The "HOLD" to quiet their cries
Newborn cries a lot, whether of any discomfort or something else. We don't know why they cry; we just want them to stop crying. In this video, Dr. Robert Hamilton Demonstrates how to calm a crying baby. His "The HOLD" technique surprisingly work wonders. Watch the video for a step by step guide.
Say No To Crash Diet, Go For DASH Diet
Dash Diet Known as "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension" attributed to reducing hypertensive effects but when inquired upon can be useful for the non-hypertensive population as well. It focuses on the quality of food that we intake which meets your health concerns like maintaining Low cholesterol, losing weight etc. Know more about the conditions and variety of food items it includes.
Logic and Babies: How babies learn a thing is an area of expertise of Dr. Laura Schulz.
In this video, she talks about the actions of the babies is based on a sense of logic they develop. To describe the logical aspect, she conducts some tests with the outcomes based on logical reasoning, A fun to watch the video you may also conduct similar tests with your Baby and see how your baby reacts
Babies Weird evolution facts
Can you breathe and swallow food at the same time, Babies Can. Although babies do not have a fully developed organ system right from the birth, How do the evolve to an infant stage and so on leaves a trial of bizarre evolutionary facts. Form Born Swimmers to having more bones than an adult.
One toddler, many approaches to the tantrums
Though eager to be independent, young children can't always move as swiftly as they'd like or clearly express their needs. They also tend to have trouble dealing with limits, compromise, and disappointment. This can lead to tantrums and misbehavior. But you can teach your toddler to behave well by providing love, clear rules, and a degree of routine. Consider these practical parenting tips.
What is bronchiolitis, and how to take care of it in kids?
Bronchiolitis is a common lung infection in kids and young children. It causes congestion and inflammation in the smaller parts of the lungs (bronchioles) and typically peaks during winters. Since it is a viral condition it could hardly be prevented, but proper measurements like washing hands frequently, wearing a mask during appropriate times could help it stay away from kids.
How To Help Your Kid Avoid Car Sickness?
Nausea or travel sickness is a sort of motion disorder. It happens when the mind gets clashing data from the internal ears, eyes, and nerves in the joints and muscles. While reading a book or watching a video kid's inward ear will detect movement. However, their eyes and body won't which could result in nausea or loss of appetite. Watch more options on how to manage motion sickness in kids.
What is the sound of your lungs?
A fascinating depiction of what a healthy lung sounds like and how it differs in diseases. Keep the SOUND ON- listen to what our doctors get to hear on regular bases. This is what the lungs of asthmatic, COPD or more sounds like. Isn't it interesting? But don't be a doctor yourself, let them do their work and always visit a healthcare professional when they have trouble breathing
What Kids Eat Around the World- The Video Edition
We are summarizing our What Kids Eat Around The World- Edition Series with this final video. HiHo kids is a relatively known channel and present lovely and useful content for parents. Knowing what Indian kids eat, it is exciting to know how lunch meals look like across the globe and also petrifying for some, like America- they serve burgers in school meal lunch! Let's learn together and grow more
Winters and Yoga, the best way to start the day
Children derive enormous benefits from Yoga. Physically it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. In addition, their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improve. Doing yoga, children exercise, play, connect more deeply with the inner self, and develop an intimate relationship with the world. Watch the video and start doing it with kids today.
How to feed your young child with care | UNICEF
Many new moms find it difficult to deal with the hunger study of their child. The time when the baby starts eating solids and is still feeding upon breastmilk is crucial and confuses many parents on whether they are hungry or not. Feeding your child with warmth and interactive approach will help them develop close emotional connection & lifelong healthy eating habits.
Disciplining Children with Sindhu Vee
Sindhu Vee is an Indian origin comedian in the UK. She majorly talks about the parenting differences between India and the UK, which can give someone two different ways to handle a situation. In this episode with BBC, Sindhu talks about how parenting in India is not something you could do in the UK because that’s ‘ILLEGAL’. This is a fun episode, and a sure shot watch to all Indian mothers