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Fish oil is not proven to improve heart disease.
Fishing for the answers of fish oils? A study published in the journal of the American Medical Association found that even a high dose of Omega-3 fatty acids does not reduce any chances of major cardiovascular events. Evidence is mixed and does not show the type of fish oil and the type of placebo used. More studies are required to evaluate the benefits of EPA fish oil.
India's Antigen rapid test is like 'flipping a coin'
One of the fastest-growing pandemics in the world, but also the least reliable tests being done in the country. Rapid Antigen tests are reporting false negatives in almost 50% of the cases. It is essential to point out the actual picture to the citizens as this is producing false hope and threatening further containments. Till date 26.5 lakh RA Tests have been done with 93.4 lakh positive cases.
Dog wanted to see the baby, so they took it to the hospital.
Pictures have gone viral on the internet showing grandparents meeting the newborn with a glass door between them in the US. A Twitter user mentions This gave me chills, such beautiful pictures to capture this life-changing moment," Twitter user commented on the pictures. "I love how they picked up the dog to see the baby," wrote another.
All the Women Who Feel Not So Ready for The Pregnancy Yet
Straight from the very famous gynecologist on how to use an emergency contraceptive pill by Dr Anjali. There are few drugs that could help in difficult times only when taken with caution and responsibly. The emergency contraceptive pill is one of them. While you take it, it is equally important to know its side effects. In this video, Dr Anjali has tried to explain the right way to use the pill.
Don’t overeat; this is what happens.
You wake up after the morning of Diwali and Christmas holidays, and you feel sick. You can feel headaches, fatigue and even a bloated belly. So, why does this happen mostly after the festive? This article takes you to the western culture of thanksgiving. However, Diwali or Christmas is no less than thanksgiving. Here are 10 possible things that could happen to your body after the festival.
Tired of Frequent urination during pregnancy? Watch this
It could be infuriating, painful and might make you stop having enough H2O. One of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy is frequent urination, and for many women, it doesn't ease up at any point during pregnancy. There is always science behind everything. Learn why you have to go more often and get easy tips to reduce your number of trips to the bathroom.
Complementing: Vaccination and Ayurvedic Immunity for your Kids
Health Concern!, which way to go, Immunity through vaccines or Ayurvedic Immunity for your baby. But do you know they may complement each other? A generally known fact is that a stronger immune system is more receptive to vaccines. Ayurvedic remedies act on the principle to develop stronger Immunity without side effects. Read more to know how Ayurvedic Immunity and Vaccination go hand in hand.
Immunity & Vaccination, 2000 Years before tomorrow
We all know that the first Vaccine developed by Edward Jenner in 1796 in relation to Smallpox. The importance of Immunity and Vaccination was acknowledged long before that by the Greeks, Chinese and Indians. Experiencing disease symptoms can also be the fact that your immune system has kicked in. Here are some facts which will clear out your mind when you think about vaccines.
Delhi: Chunk of beds marked for poor lying vacant
When individuals are attempting to get affirmation in hospitals, numerous beds reserved for the poor in private clinics are lying empty. The opportunities range from 40% to 100% in various clinics. In this way, EWS patients looking for treatment for the disease are qualified to get treated there," said Agarwal, a committee member "Yet we are getting complaints about denial of the admissions”.
Dog wanted to see the baby, so they took it to the hospital.
Pictures have gone viral on the internet showing grandparents meeting the newborn with a glass door between them in the US. A Twitter user mentions This gave me chills, such beautiful pictures to capture this life-changing moment," a Twitter user commented on the pictures. "I love how they picked up the dog to see the baby," wrote another.
Fire in the ICU ward of COVID hospital in Rajkot, five dead
An uncertain incident took place at the COVID hospital in Rajkot, Ahmedabad. The fire broke out in the ICU ward where at least five patients died at Shivanand COVID-19 hospital. With a total of 33 patients at the hospital, seven in the ICU. The cause is still unknown—the Chief Minister of Gujarat orders probes into the incident.
Have You Also Delayed Your Child's Vaccination Due To COVID-19 Pandemic- QnA Time
When you are getting behind the schedule, you are inviting the germ friends to your house and allowing them to attack your kid. This means until your child does not catch the disease, he does not have immunity against it. Vaccines help your baby to develop immunity, which allows him to develop physically and mentally healthy. Read the article to know more reasons for "on-time vaccination".
Name the rash-Teething rash
Teething is the cycle of an infant's first teeth pushing through their gums. This cycle commonly begins around the age of a half year to 1 year and stops around the age of 3. Getting teeth can hurt, making children fastidious or hard to quiet. Slobbering is a typical manifestation of getting teeth. Tenderly cleaning spit from the skin with soggy cotton fleece can prevent the rash.
Indian Urban Youngsters on Radar of Increase in Type 2 Diabetes: A Hidden Epidemic
As per a new study, more than half of the men, and nearly 2/3rd of the women currently in their 20s can develop diabetes in the later stages. The research published in the Journal Diabetologia country shows that India already has a significant health burden caused by diabetes with more than 77million adults, and the number is expected to double by 2045.
Stress in Mother While Pregnant Is Affecting Infant's Brain
Stress can be harmful to you, but during pregnancy, it is harmful to you and your child- a new study reports. Maternal stress is known to influence the development of the child's behavior and ability to regulate emotions as it grows. Researchers found that higher levels of cortisol in mother's hair is linked to the structural levels in infants' brains.
Eye strain and vision problems for WFH professionals
Digitalization has eased the human body but along with it has come other problems too. Human vision has decreased in recent years due to excessive use of screens, work, and home. The study reveals that almost 70% of the employees who are spending their time in front of the screen for 8-9 hrs a day have computer vision syndrome (CVS). WFH employees are highly recommended for a regular CVS check.
6 Sure-Shot Reasons to Formula Feed Your Baby
Believe it or not, not all moms are comfortable to breastfeed their baby. They might have their reasons or not, if no excuses come up, it is OK to formula feed. They are shamed, questioned, and are heard many negative things. Many working mothers are forced while many have to opt for a medical condition; if you are one of them then have read this beautiful article.
Challenges Women Face with Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is an essential part of a newborn's life. It provides essential nutrients and all the required vitamins. However, some new moms face it quite challenging to breastfeed their baby for many reasons. Some might have problems latching, a painful breast, or a sore nipple. But is painful breastfeeding normal? Find out the answer from the video by
Is a baby sleeping over its stomach safe?
You have a ten-month-old and want to know at what point can they start to sleep on their stomach. A lot of babies between four and seven months will start to roll either from their back to their stomach or from their stomach to their back. Some babies are very restless and also turn from side to side. The American Academy of Pediatrics has got all your queries covered, watch this video.