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Benefits of Till Ke Laddu: Why You Need to Include This in Yours and Your Child's Diet
Winter is coming". It also brings lots of delicious and healthy sweets. In the current scenario where the world is facing the pandemic, it is required to build immunity, what could be better than till laddus? Sesame seeds are rich in selenium, copper, zinc, iron and vitamin B6, and vitamin E. They play an essential role in building white blood cells to fight infections.
Baby Massage: Helping Digestion (Video)
If your baby is suffering from colic or constipation, it is distressful for the baby. Continious crying makes it stressful for the mother to take necessary steps to ease up baby's condition. Massaging is useful activity to relieve baby's pain, here are some tips and tricks which elaborates the significance of massaging in context of motion of hands, pressure allowance and much more.
When will my periods return?
Your periods will typically return within about 6-8 week after the birth only if you are not breastfeeding. If you breastfeed, the timings can prolong and vary. Exclusively breastfeeding your baby can delay periods until the time you feed. Prolactin, the hormone that produces breast milk, suppresses the reproductive hormone. Due to which ovulation does not occur, and you don't menstruate.
The heartbreak of Miscarriages after healthy pregnancies
11 weeks of a healthy pregnancy, and soon after I realized there is no heartbeat on the ultrasound. I was unprepared, especially after having three healthy children. The doctor holds my hand and says the risk of miscarriage was still there in your first 3 babies with the "typical" cause of age being 35 or over. I never thought that 11 weeks of pregnancy could be this grieving and depressing.
What Toddlers Eat Around the World- Denmark
Danish toddler's food is similar to their neighbors- Germany. They love potatoes and meat. Kids are usually fed on potatoes and meatballs and chopped salads. Also, another staple is classic split pea soup with mustard and bread. Every Danish child would love it. They get their job done. Easy and simple to chew food like a sandwich made with ham, fish, cabbage, beets and Danish cheese! That's it.
Best Sleeping Positions During Different Trimesters of Pregnancy - Dr Rashmi Chaudhary
Pregnancy achieves a lot of hormonal, physical and physiological changes in your body. So, all of these progressions cause sleep disturbances for the women; your pre-pregnancy resting stance may not be agreeable for you in the sleeping status. So, an ideal dozing position would be, it ought to be comfortable to the pregnant lady just as it shouldn't meddle with the blood supply of the growing baby
Name the Rash-Yeast Infection
Indeed, even infants experience yeast diseases, which show up after being given antibiotics. Thrush seems white on the tongue and mouth, while a yeast diaper rash is tomato red joined by little red pimples at the edges. Request that your physician endorsed medication. Proper hygiene is all it needs. Make sure you use clean nappies, use warm water while giving a bath and you can prevent this.
Is it safe to sleep on my back now that I'm pregnant?
If you have the habit of sleeping on your back, it's safe to continue till your first trimester. However, as the womb grows, it is better to lie on the side. During the third trimester, the risk of stillbirth doubles as you sleep over the side. When you lie over your back, the vein that supplies blood from the lower body to the heart presses and the O2 level decreases. Soon you will start feeling
Mothers-to-be Who Takes Epidurals During Labor Tied with Autism
Children whose mothers were given an epidural during labor may face a slightly heightened risk of autism, a large, new study suggests. The study also reveals the unlikeness of the connection between autism and epidurals as the chemicals which trigger the autism disorder is not proved yet. Autism is a disease where 1 in 54 children gets affected in the United States.
A Must Know to all The Parents- When to Not Start CPR In an Infant
In case your child does not have a carotid pulse, (the pulse you feel over your neck and ear region) only then you should start CPR. If your infant is choked, you should NOT start CPR immediately as the pulse will be there, the heart is still working, only breathing has stopped which means you have to unchoke your baby and then check the pulse and start CPR.
Women from Bangladesh Reluctant to Use Healthcare Facilities for Giving Birth
Women living in Dhaka slums do not use even the cheapest options for giving birth at the hospitals. The fear of shame and undocumented payments pushes them back. A study says that 61% of upper-class women opt for caesarean while only 13% of the poorer women. This reflection indicates that childbirth is highly influenced by the socio-economic status and literacy level of the country.
What toddlers eat around the world- South Africa
South Africans, in general, eat somewhat similar to Indians. Regardless of the age, race or class, they eat a maize-cornmeal-based porridge which is like a cereal bowl with a thicker texture. One of the other favourites is a marmite sandwich with a cup of milk and sugar tea is common. Marmite is a well-concentrated yeast spread made from a by-product of the beer brewing process.
Ways You Can Boost Child's Focus and Attention Span
Some children can focus more than others. This lack of focus can prevent them from showcasing their actual talent to the world. But there is some good news. They, if cultivated early in life by solving age-appropriate puzzles, outdoor activities, structured environment and proper food can bring out the best version of themselves and help build focus in the early stage of a child's life.
This Store Sold Only Black-T-Shirts for A Day and This Is What Happened
Yes, one size fit all in this store. This Fashion store decided to sell only 1 size & 1 colour for every customer. After the complaints Manager of the store (Kids) came and spoke about, “If one size doesn't fit everyone, why do they have the same expectation from every kid”? Each kid is different, their needs need to be nurtured and guided differently. The stunning message by Bournvita is eye-
Why Am I Losing so much hair?
During pregnancy, you might have thick, shiny hair, and suddenly after birth, this may go away. You may worry that you are losing hair at a pace faster than before but don't worry. Rest assured, you won't go bald. While pregnant, your hormones hold onto the hair and shed less. During postpartum, the hair that should have to shed starts to fall out along with the regular number. But,it is temporary
Introducing Bottle to Your Breastfeeding Baby
Maybe you are planning an evening out or willing to return to work soon. So which kind of bottle to opt for? Try a slow-flow nipple; this will make your baby feel just like breastfeeding. How much milk should you give? As per research, a 1-6 months baby consumes 750ml/day. Hence, you can adjust accordingly. Proceed with your regular breastfeeding schedule, and you will be just fine.
C-Section Rates Around the World: Which Countries Perform Too Many (Graph)
Countries- percentage on annual birth • The Dominion Republic 56.4 % • Mexico 45.2 % • Poland 34.6 % • The United States of America 32.2 % • Switzerland 32.5 % • Germany 30.9 % • The United Kingdom 26.2 % • India:17.2%
She Runs a Mile In 5 Minutes a Day Before Giving Birth
Pregnant women from Utah, California, is in the news for all the right reasons. While many women think pregnancy is itself a marathon, this 28-year-old woman, expecting her first child, went ahead and ran a marathon during her last month of pregnancy. Makenna hopes to inspire other women just as she got inspired by pregnant athletes, to stay fit during pregnancy and pursue whatever you want.
Kareena Kapoor Khan On her Second Time Pregnancy in The Lockdown
Well, the big difference is the lockdown. During my first pregnancy, I used to meet my friends and family from time-to-time and also indulge myself in Yoga with my instructor during the week- Says Kareena. Although she misses her exercise routine, her diet is on point. She eats what she likes; a spoonful of ghee on her parathas are her patent with a cup of curd, not to forget.