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Ways to Survive Being A Single Mom in The Society
Mai split up with her husband when her daughter was 1 year old. Her husband abandoned both of them and left the city for good. He started his new life as soon as he left Mai, on the other hand, she was shattered, didn’t know where to start from. First-year went by, it was all about experimenting, chaos and hard decisions. It was rough as things have started getting back, she told her future self.
Exercises for A Second Trimester Pregnant Women
This pregnancy workout makes it easy to strengthen your body, and are the most straightforward moves to work out from home. These six workouts are planned by Antenatal physiotherapist for you. Kegel exercise is a perfect start for your pregnancy workout routine. It makes your back stronger, improves urine inconsistency and prepares your pelvic muscles for labour.
What is Autism in Hindi and how to deal with the stress of Autism in kids?
Autism in kids is known as स्वलीनता. A study conducted by a research scientist from MU College of Veterinary medicine in more than 700 families for the Interactive Autism Network on the benefits and burdens of having a dog or cat in the family. The results show that instead of getting overburden by the duties they found it a stress relief to have a pet and has a stronger bond towards it.
What Are The Symptoms Of Miscarriages? -First Trimester
Most of the miscarriages happen during the first trimester. First trimester miscarriages give symptoms of usually spotting or bleeding in an unusual manner followed by a discharge of fluid or tissue through vagina. Every 1 in 4 women goes through some vaginal spotting during first trimester. Factors like being overweight, having a history of smoking and drinking and age factors can affect the preg
HOW To Over Come A Miscarriage Emotionally?
Miscarriages are becoming very common with women nowadays. Dealing with it could be a lot more difficult than it might seem. As much the attachment with the baby increases the pain of losing the child doubles. We are sorry if you had to go through this, but read this article, you might feel better. Tips on how to hold yourself if you have ever faced a miscarriage.
Pregnant ? Still Addicted to coffee? List of things to avoid during pregnancy.
Got the good news? You by now know that alcohol and cigarettes should be steered off. But here are some things you might not have been expecting to “Not to do” while pregnant. · Not to take hot water baths · Not to eat raw or uncooked food/meat · Limit the caffeine intake · Not to stay in the same position for too long · No to do heavy exercise or stretching during the late pregnancy
Treatment for ADHD kids at home
An ADHD child when sItting idle can aggravate their behaviour and lead a turmoil in the house. Hence it is very much important to keep your kid busy and you to engage them in one or the other duties. Develop and engage them with daily outdoor sports, and any productive activities to keep them calm, creative. Here is a video of Dr Phoram Trivedi answering on how to manage your kid's ADHD.
Are you planning to have a baby soon? Know Where to Start from
There is no denying that good news could be overwhelming in the start. You might have questions on what is safe? What to do for your baby and is it normal, should I opt for breastfeeding or formula milk? Emotions can take you away but as time passes by things will get going. To calm your nerves down here is the list of 6 things you need to take care of before planning a family.
Things that no one would tell you if you are a first time parent
Upon realizing that you are going to become a parent soon, you would be imagining all about cuddles, snuggles, and cute smiles and laughter. When reality kicks in your thought process completely change. Just because your baby doesn't sleep without you, or cries often doesn't mean you are not a good mother. Every mother's experience is different and every child will respond differently.
What is a Normal labor
Definition: Series of events that takes place in the genital organs in an effort to expel the viable products of conception (fetus, placenta and the membranes) out of the womb though the vagina into the outer world is called labor. A full process of labor consists of three stages where the first one lasts the longest and third the shortest.
What is EQ? Know why is it essential for your child to have a higher EQ
Psychologist Daniel Goleman reports that intelligence quotient (IQ) at the most makes up to 20% of the success into your life; However, the remaining, such as wealth, emotion, empathy…. Emotional Quotient (EQ) is not defined during childbirth and sees no boundaries and could help the child develop higher empathy, social responsibility and decrease in anxiety levels.
Stages Of Labor-Third
This is the last stage of the labour process and it ends within a few to 20 minutes. It starts after the birth of your beautiful child and ends once the placenta is separated from the uterus. It is also known as the 'Afterbirth' stage and is the shortest of all. In case of episiotomy or tearing of the vagina than the stitches would be taken during this stage of labour.
Stages Of Labor-Second
It is the time when midwives will see your baby. You might not feel that it is the time but, once you start pushing down midwives and your birth partner can see the baby, and will ask you to push harder than more frequent once you are in second active stage. The baby will be pushed downwards by the volunteer contractions mixed with uterine contractions.
First stage (the longest) is chiefly concerned with the preparation of the birth canal for the expulsion of the fetus for the second stage. The first stage relaxes and contracts your muscles in womb. The cervix opens up in order to make a passage for the baby to come out. During labor the wall of the upper segment of uterus gets thickened and progressively lower segments get thinner.
Tips on having good morning without any sickness during pregnancy
Morning sickness is nausea and vomiting that occurs during pregnancy. Although it says morning sickness, it could happen at any time of the day or after meals. Most of the women has to go through this phase, especially during the first trimester. It happens due to the rise in hormone estrogen, or due to sensitivity of smell. Ginger tea or ginger itself could do wonders for morning sickness.
How to manage the Mood Swing during Pregnancy
Mood swings or changes during pregnancy can be caused by fatigue, physical stresses or majorly because of the hormone’s estrogen, and progesterone. Hormones regulates the level of neurotransmitters, which is responsible for regulating your mood. A women’s feelings While pregnancy is overwhelming for some, it is the journey worth everything.
How to burp your baby so to gassy babies?
Burping is as much important as feeding your baby. Here is the quick guide to burp your child so as to avoid GAS issues in babies. If the baby is little fussy than stop the feeding, burp your child and feed after few minutes. 1. Lay the baby to your chest pushing its stomach 2. Tap upwards 3. Burp 3 times 4. If not willing to burp than lift baby’s arms few times.
How does a normal labour happen?
· Series of events that takes place in the genital organs in an effort to expel the viable products of conception (fetus, placenta and the membranes) out of the womb through the vagina into the outer world is called labor. A full process of labor consists of three stages where the first one lasts the longest and third the shortest. It begins within 2 weeks (before or after) the estimated date.
What to do when there is a case of severe choking infant?
1. Put the baby in a facedown position and give your hand support to baby’s head and jaw. 2. Give 5 pats between baby’s shoulder blades by the heel of your hand. 3. If you are still unable to get the object out of its mouth, turn the infant on his back. Give 5 chest thrusts with 2 fingers of your other hand and one hand to keep his head upright. Keep the pace as of CPR.