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Diabetes in infants ! Paying extra attention to them
Infants do not exhibit the classic catecholamine response to hypoglycemia and are unable to communicate sensations associated with it; thus, the risk of severe hypoglycemia, is highest in this age. Thus, parents of infants need the support of a diabetes team that understands the difficulties of dealing with an infant with diabetes and is able to provide emotional support to manage their concerns.
आंखों का सूखापन दृश्य कार्य और जीवन स्तर को प्रभावित करता है।
हम दुनिया को अपनी आंखों से देखते हैं, और दुनिया सीधे हमारे चेहरे पर देखती है। सूखी आंखों वाले लोगों के लिए संवाद करना मुश्किल हो जाता है, यह दृष्टि और जीवन की गुणवत्ता को प्रभावित करता है। हैदराबाद से एक अध्ययन जिसमें 1.45 मिलियन रोगियों को शामिल किया गया था,उनका अनुमान है कि लगभग 45% ने आंखों के सूखने का सामना किया और परियोजनाओं का कहना है कि लगभग 50% शहरी आबादी 2030 तक समान रूप से पीड़ित होगी।
"NORDIC DIET" Where's it from?
The Nordic countries include Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Greenland. The “Nordic diet” is based on their traditional ways of eating. Like the more famous Mediterranean diet, it’s not really about weight loss. Instead, it's a delicious way to eat healthily. This style of eating is based on these guidelines: More fruits, vegetables, & seasonal foods when possible & Less processed.
Everyday Food habits for children with Cholestrol
For breakfast: Fruit, nonsugary cereal, oatmeal, and low-fat yoghurt are among the good choices for breakfast foods. Use skim than whole For lunch and dinner: Bake or grill foods instead of frying them. Use whole-grain bread and rolls to make a healthier sandwich. Always serve fresh fruit (with the skin) with meals. Children should avoid soda, juice, and fruit drinks.
Precautions to prevent excess weight gain in infants
Consider the following dietary precautions to prevent your baby from becoming overweight: From the beginning, try to teach your child to stop eating before she reaches a point of satiation. Try to breastfeed. Breast-fed babies tend to be lighter in weight If you are bottle-feeding, don't allow your child to keep a bottle as a companion during the day or night
How blood pressure works?
Watch Out this Video to Understand how blood pressure works in your body .Normal blood pressure is important for proper blood flow to the body’s organs and tissues. The force of the blood on the walls of the arteries is called blood pressure.
High Risk Pool toys: This is what you should know
Traditional pool toys like vinyl floats, water wings, and kickboards pose the greatest risk. A good thumb rule is: if something is inflatable, it probably contains PVC and phthalates. Heat encourages phthalates to migrate outside the plastic in these toys. So, if they are allowed to sit out in the summer sun, you may be increasing your risk of exposure.
निम्न रक्तचाप कई समस्याओं के लिए एक उच्च जोखिम है
निम्न रक्तचाप ठीक लग सकता है, और कुछ लोगों के लिए, यह कोई समस्या नहीं पैदा करता है। हालांकि, कई लोगों के लिए असामान्य रूप से निम्न रक्तचाप चक्कर आना और बेहोशी का कारण बन सकता है। गंभीर मामलों में यह जानलेवा भी हो सकता है। विशेषज्ञ आमतौर पर आहार में नमक को सीमित करने की सलाह देते हैं क्योंकि सोडियम रक्तचाप बढ़ा सकता है, कभी-कभी नाटकीय रूप से। लो ब्लड प्रेशर वाले लोगों के लिए यह अच्छी बात हो सकती है।
Vinegar shown to be effective against burn wound infections
Highly diluted acetic acid, an active ingredient of household vinegar, has been shown to be an effective alternative agent to prevent infection and kill bacteria found in burn wounds. Just soak a small face cloth or paper towel and apply vinegar to the burn till the skin feels cool. Apply it immediately after the burn and it will ease the pain and prevent a blister.
Can a baby be OBESE?
An overweight baby is one with a weight gain far out of proportion to height gain. An overweight baby looks fat. Such a baby is not necessarily a healthy one. The infants who continue to be overweight as children and adults usually have parents, siblings, or grandparents who are overweight. Any infant with a strong family tendency toward obesity needs help
The role of Insulin in human body
Watch this patient-friendly animation about the main role of insulin in the human body.Help your body turn food into energy, for starters. When you’re diabetic, and you’re either not producing insulin, or your insulin function is off, all sorts of things can go wrong.
Colour to treat High Blood Pressure ? YESS ! YOU HEARD IT RGHT
Colour therapy is additional therapy given along with the medical treatment to treat different ailments.The blue colour can be applied from the top of the head to the feet. The colour helps in lowering the high blood pressure and in dealing with a nervous breakdown. Blue colour has high, short and quick vibrations and manifest cold. The blue colour also helps people sleep better.
5 माइंड गेम्स बच्चों की रचनात्मक सोच को बढ़ावा देने के लिए घर पर बच्चों के लिए बिना किसी लागत वाली इ
वीडियो बच्चों में रचनात्मक सोच को बढ़ावा देने के लिए 5 मिनी-गेम सहित बच्चों के लिए साधारण बिना लागत वाली इनडोर गतिविधियों के बारे में है। महामारी ने हमें बहुत कुछ सिखाया है, और हमने अपने पास मौजूद सबसे छोटे संसाधनों की सराहना करना सीख लिया है, तो क्यों न उनका उपयोग किया जाए! ये 5 गतिविधियाँ न केवल आपको एक रचनात्मक बच्चे को लाने में मदद करेंगी बल्कि मज़ेदार होंगी, हम वादा करते हैं।
"H.A.L.T" - A secret word for all parents to handle their tantrums
I guess this is a pretty well-known one, if your kid is having a rough time, it’s because he or she is hungry, agitated, lonely, or tired: H.A.L.T. It’s not a magic word, by any means, but it does help you clue in to what might be upsetting your child, especially if he or she is younger and struggling to communicate. They’re all basic needs, and sometimes they go unintentionally unmet.
Keto Diet and Cholesterol: Friend or Foe?
Because the keto diet is very high in fat, it begs the question of whether it can affect your cholesterol levels—for better or for worse. This is a valid concern, as cholesterol levels are linked to heart disease risk. Based on studies, it might be surmised that a keto diet can improve total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. However, this diet may have no effect LDL cholesterol levels
Dieting: Villian or Scapegoat?
Restraint theorists' measure "chronic dieting" measures weight fluctuations and emotional over-involvement with food. Dieting has become a topic of controversy as eating disorders and obesity increase. It is more a scapegoat than a villain for those with anorexia or bulimia nervosa. The single best way to curb dieting is to make changes to the food environment, both societally & within the home.