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Early childhood education: A silent victim of COVID-19?
The first six years of your child’s life is all about its development. According to a research, 90% of the brain development occurs in the first six years of life. Where parents are equally worried about their children losing out on learning, they can have an opportunity to improve the bonding between the two. This could also be a time where parents could mould the child as they want. A boom or a Ban for you?
Learning while playing, some fun ideas for kids
DIY activities, one of the best ways to challenge your child’s comfort and creativity is by letting them do it themselves. DIYs are really fun for kids but might make them being trapped in the house with mess but hey! Trust us it is all worth it. Creativity is one, secondly it gives them the joy of independence of completing a project, builds their confidence too. Some DIYs can be cooking, painting, claying, and making cards.
एक मधुमेह(diabetes) वाले बच्चे की देखभाल के लिए युक्तियाँ
जब आप मधुमेह(diabetes) वाले बच्चे का पता लगाते हैं तो यह केवल बच्चे को ही नहीं होगा, यह लड़ाई से जूझ रहा पूरा परिवार होगा। इसलिए, डॉ। लाफेल कहते हैं, बचपन में मधुमेह(diabetes) एक पारिवारिक बीमारी है"। आने वाले बदलावों को पहली बार में समझना मुश्किल और मुश्किल हो सकता है, खासकर पहली बार माता-पिता के लिए, लेकिन तनाव का प्रबंधन करना और स्थिति को हरा देना समस्या का सबसे अच्छा स्पष्टीकरण है।"
Bathing a newborn, things to take care of
You can bath your baby at any time of the day. It’s a good idea to pick a time when you’re relaxed and you won’t be interrupted. And it’s best to avoid bathing your baby when baby is hungry or straight after a feed. If bathing relaxes your baby, you can use it as a way to settle your baby for sleep in the evening. Old is gold, watch this video from around 11 years ago, but nurture all the little thing that the nurse Is saying.
How to know if a child has special needs?
During the first year of a kid’s development, defects in motor function, language, and sensory perception could be detected. Head-banging, self-biting, and other unwanted or extreme responses to circumstances, are in extreme cases. They are more likely to be exposed to trauma, like bullying or else. This are mostly the mental health issues but with a proper support kids from such situation can come out stronger.
Is online schooling giving enough exposure that your child should be getting?
Now since offline schools are not the option, at least for the moment, online schools have started taking up their games. Many schools have now stepped up, despite the troubles they are going through, they have come up with unique ideas and mindfulness programs. But what should they majorly focus on? This could be a great opportunity to emphasize on the STEM education and more.
Kids with regular tummy pain could face appendicitis, is it true?
If your child has difficulty passing gas, stool, having pain around the abdomen, fever and nausea than it could certainly be the case of appendicitis. However, it is less likely to happen at an early age but, not zero. Appendicitis starts as a pain around the child’s belly button and spread in other parts of the abdomen, this happens as a result of infection, or a twist in the appendix as well.
How does kangaroo care affects your child’s health?
The skin-to-skin contact not only has the ability to work out the bonding between the two, but does a miracle of a science in premature babies. According to the expert kangaroo care can regulate body temperature, which also means that a premature baby gets a similar environment as she was getting before birth. In addition, it also promotes better oxygenation in infant with respiratory disorders.
Can endometriosis cause infertility in women?
Do you know that endometriosis can lead to infertility? However, it is still possible to get pregnant with endometriosis. Classified into 4 stages, this is an abnormal growth of the endometrial tissue that lies inside the uterus. The most common site of this disorder is ovaries, fallopian tube and outer surfaces of the uterus. With all the support of science, today it is possible to reach fertility even with such condition.
Ever thought of changing your parenting style once the pandemic is over?
So, what parent do you think you’ll be? The pandemic has given us enough time to introspect, to realise what’s really important to us and what we want to change in our lives. For some of us may think as a turning point of the life others take it as a new beginning of the chapter. Which ever way you take it, remember than your kids would always be your best friend, all that matters is your love and comfort for them which should not change.
क्या होता है स्तनपान के कारण पीलिया होता है?
स्तनपान पीलिया तभी होता है जब आपके नवजात शिशु द्वारा स्तन के दूध का अपर्याप्त सेवन किया जाता है। जब आपका नवजात शिशु आवश्यकतानुसार इष्टतम स्तनदूध नहीं ले रहा होता है, तो इससे बिलीरुबिन का स्तर बढ़ जाता है और अंततः बिलीरुबिन का पुन: अवशोषण बढ़ जाता है। इसलिए सीडीसी अनुशंसा करता है कि स्तनपान सुरक्षित है और सबसे बढ़कर, यह आपके बच्चे की प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को बढ़ाता है।
When and how to start brushing your baby’s teeth?
Many parents do not realise the importance of brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as they get their first one out. Doing it twice a day will help them develop a habit of life time. Watch this film to find out how to brush your child's teeth. Health visitor Penny Lazell explains how you should brush your child's teeth and the importance of getting into a routine of regular brushing.
Adding these to your toddler’s diet will help your fussy eater love food
It is often a task for parents to get their tiny ones eat something healthy, rather something healthy-looking. It is all about what they see. In the quest to make things interesting for kids, why not try something that’s full of colours and shapes in their food. It Is believed that rainbow-coloured foods entice kids a lot, which is why doctors & dietician suggest adding more colours on the plate.
Why does mosquito bites one more than other?
Your blood is sweeter than theirs’s. True? Probably not after reading this. But if your body is producing more lactic acid than someone sitting next to you than you are surely inviting some mosquito to feed upon. Lactic acid is a produce of human body which is released through skin as a result of muscle cramp or sweat. While not all who exercise produce equal lactic acid, this depends on individual body type.
DIY Tips to follow during pregnancy for a healthy and strong hair
A healthy shinny hair might be easy to get but difficult to maintain, especially during postpartum. So why not try this home-made hair spray that stays for hours with no tacky smell!? Methi or also known and Fenugreek seeds are one of the most effective ways to treat hair fall naturally and also helps get rid of dandruff! Want to know the recipe? Swipe left.
Is it safe for lactating moms to take COVID-19 vaccine?
The consistent approval has come from the Federation of Obstetric & Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI) & other body for the safety of the vaccine for the lactating women. Many mothers find themselves in dilemma but instead the antibodies that develop as a result of vaccine, travels from mothers to the baby through milk and build relative immunity against the virus.
Pandemic or not, child should not suffer
COVID-19 has taught everyone a lesson that cannot be forgotten. But what not should be forgotten is your child’s vaccination. There may be travel restrictions or lockdown due to pandemic which has reduced 50% of the patient flow in the OPDs of the hospital. This has turned into lesser number of kids being vaccinated in comparison to previous years.
गर्भावस्था के दौरान कॉफी पीना कैसे हानिकारक हो सकता है?
तीन साल के बच्चे को संभालने के 5 सबसे उपयोगी तरीके। एक बच्चे के साथ व्यवहार करने के लिए हमेशा आपको एक प्रशिक्षित और अनुभवी माँ होने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है, आप शायद इसे एक आँख खोलकर पढ़ रहे हैं और दूसरी आँख लगातार बच्चे पर देख रही है कि क्या वह किसी शरारती मिशन पर है। शुरुआत में यह जटिल और निराशाजनक हो सकता है लेकिन निश्चित रूप से आपको भविष्य के वर्षों का प्रबंधन करने में मदद करेगा।