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Which Is Better for Your Health: Walking or Running?
Both walking and running are excellent forms of cardiovascular exercise. Aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio exercise each week for your health. Walking is a smart choice if you’re new to exercise and hoping to get in shape. If you’re looking to lose weight or burn more calories, try running. If you’re new to running, start with a program where you alternate between walking and running,
First Human Case of H10N3 Bird Flu Reported in China
A 41-Year-old man admitted to a hospital reporting from china with H10N3 flu is infected. It is reported as first case of this bird flu in a person across the globe. Patient was hospitalised with complain of fever in in the eastern city of Zhenjiang on April 28 and diagnosed with H10N3 a month later, as per china’s centre of disease control, it is less likely to spread among humans and are at a lesser risk.
Boy or girl? It's in the father's genes
You must have known that a father with more brothers is likely to have sons than a daughter and vice versa, but doesn’t do for females likely as it totally depends on the father, whether he has more X or Y chromosome. If there are too many males in the population, females will more easily find mates, so men who have more daughter will pass on their genes causing more females in later gen.
Covid immunity may persist for years
Immunity to the coronavirus lasts at least a year, possibly a lifetime, improving over time especially after vaccination, according to two new studies. The findings may help put to rest lingering fears that protection against the virus will be short-lived. Together, the studies suggest that most people who have recovered from Covid-19 and who were later immunised will not need boosters.
Some more reason to eat mushrooms now
Mushrooms are a great example of “don’t judge a book by its cover.” Yes, they’re fungi but do you know that mushrooms are one of the richest sources of selenium in the produce aisle. That’s a mineral that works like an antioxidant in your body, guarding cells against the kind of damage that can lead to disease. Selenium also plays a role in the immune system.
बच्चों के सिर का माप –उम्र के अनुसार चार्ट
जब भी आप अपने बेबी के साथ पेडिअट्रिशन के पास जाते होंगे तो वह आपके बच्चे की ग्रोथ और डेवलपमेंट से जुड़े कई पहलुओं पर ध्यान देते होंगे। इनमें बच्चे का वजन करना, उसकी ऊँचाई या लंबाई की जांच करना और उसका हेड सरकमफेरेंस यानी सिर की परिधि को मापना शामिल होगा।बच्चे के माथे के बीच और सिर के पीछे के सबसे दूर के हिस्से की दूरी को हेड सरकमफेरेंस यानी सिर की परिधि कहा जाता है। आमतौर पर, यह माना जाता है कि 6 महीने की उम्र तक बच्चे के सिर की परिधि उसकी छाती की तुलना में लगभग 2 सेंटीमीटर ज्यादा होगी।पहले चार महीनों के दौरान विकास तेजी से होगा।इसके बाद, छह महीने से दो साल तक, छाती और सिर का माप समान होगा।
Making a healthier snacking habit if you are working from home
Just because we’ve been working from home for months now doesn’t mean we have fully mastered it. Lots of us are working in less than perfect workstation setups which many finds distracting and are turning to what’s inside fridges or cupboards while at the office things happen otherwise. So, wipe left and get some tips from pros.
Ways to Support Your Child’s Mental Health
No one is spared from the effect of the covid-19 pandemic, if not physically than mentally. There are some practices like mindfulness that can help relax you and your child together. Mindfulness does not always mean meditation but Being mindful just means our attention is on what we’re doing, and we’re open to what’s happening -- saying “yes” to our experience instead of pushing it away.
MSG: What the science says about its safety
MSG is a flavour enhancer and is a food additive that is widely accepted in Asian cuisine all over the continent in different forms. But little does anyone knows about the facts it holds. For ex, a common myth “MSG is unable to be processed by the body”. Instead, there are numerous glutamate receptors throughout the gut and nervous system and is consumed very much naturally just like other foods.
A key to not just a long but a healthier life
On average how many servings of fruits do you consume on a daily basis? AHA recommends including at least 4-5 portions of each, fruits and vegetables daily. higher consumption of fruits and vegetables increases the intake of potassium and antioxidant activity, which link to lower blood pressure and improved lung function, respectively.
The Best Gifts for 3-Year-Olds, According to Child-Development Experts
Three-year-olds are eager to solve problems and will make their own if needed. That’s why blocks of all kinds are fun choices for 3-year-olds who want to explore, create, and figure things out. The gifts for 3-year-olds should enhance their existing strengths, help them develop and master new ones. This is the time you could best mould their thoughts, creativity, and development, and so the clay isn’t a bad idea too!
How can dads support their child in NICU?
Having a baby in NICU can be stressful for the parents. It is common for them to have strong emotional feelings for the health of the baby. This could also lead to stress and even depression to the mother in some cases. But Dads play an equal role in helping the child and mom remain sane. He can share the time, make her feel comfortable and not responsible for and guilty.
What are the problems associated with the Fifth disease of pregnancy?
Fifth disease (also called erythema infectiosum) is a common childhood illness. In children, it starts with cold-like symptoms followed by a rash. If you get infected during pregnancy, you can pass it to your baby. This can cause miscarriage or stillbirth, but this is rare. Sickle cell anemia (SCD) is one of the most common problems of the fifth disease.
क्या रोने से बच्चे के फेफड़े मजबूत होते हैं?
नहीं, बच्चों को रोने देना उनके फेफड़ों के लिए कुछ नहीं करता है। अपने बच्चे के रोने का तुरंत जवाब न देने और उसे दिलासा देने की पूरी कोशिश करने का कोई कारण नहीं है - हालाँकि कभी-कभी एक अभिभूत बच्चे को सोने के लिए कुछ मिनटों के लिए अकेला छोड़ना पड़ सकता है। बच्चे एक आवश्यकता को संप्रेषित करने के लिए रोते हैं, हालांकि माता-पिता के लिए यह पता लगाना कभी-कभी कठिन होता है कि वह क्या है। वे भूखे, थके हुए, गीले या अत्यधिक उत्तेजित हो सकते हैं।
Making a healthier snacking habit if you are working from home
Just because we’ve been working from home for months now doesn’t mean we have fully mastered it. Lots of us are working in less than perfect workstation set ups which many finds distracting and are turning to what’s inside fridges or cupboards while at the office things happen otherwise. So, wipe left and get some tips from pros.
Let your child learn to listen too!
Learning how to have conversations is important for children’s development, relationships, and wellbeing. You can help children develop conversation skills by talking and listening to them every day. Role-modelling, prompting, guiding, and practicing help children learn conversation skills. rules about polite conversations and consequences for rudeness can help you manage to interrupt and talking back.
Nappies: Cloth nappies and disposable nappies
With all the positives of having a cloth nappy and comfort that comes with a disposable nappy which one would you be opting for? Totally depends upon many factors like, are you traveling, is it monsoon, does the baby has a nappy rash, or do you have a spare nappy? Cloth nappy certainly has more health benefits than diaper ones but the later is easier to choose during travel.
60 days “The Power of Habit’’ is it true?
Once we’ve formed habits, they are hard to break because, many times, we forget we’re doing them. Because of the habit loop, we are able to do other things without thinking about our habits. Though some substances we use have addictive qualities that make the habits almost impossible to break, there are ways to replace those bad habits with good ones… and all it takes is 60 days. How? Swipe left.
Kidney disease linked to depression: A study
In a recent study of adults with healthy kidneys, the researchers found that those with major depression were more prone to develop a faster-than-normal deterioration in kidney function. The study explains: “CKD is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and mortality worldwide. Therefore, the identification of more modifiable risk factors may reduce the huge burden of CKD
Television and the Under 3 Crowd
Although children may learn some concepts from watching educational programming, they learn best from interactive, hands-on experiences with the people they care about. For parents and caregivers who choose to allow their young children to watch some TV, consider the following research and guidance on viewing screens before parents.