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Reduced cholesterol breakdown may accelerate dementia in males
Cholesterol from the blood cannot travel to the brain due to the blood-brain barriers. Hence the link between high cholesterol and brain disease is hard to find. However, the bile acids which are responsible to break down cholesterol are found in the brain and play a vital role in its function. Low levels of these bile fluids are highly associated with a more rapid progression of dementia in males.
How can probiotics help babies?
Some foods contain probiotics, although there haven't been any studies done that demonstrate health effects for babies. Still, it can't hurt to try them. Yogurt is a great source of probiotics. Most babies can start around 4 to 6 months. Look for contents "live" or "active" cultures, which means the organisms have not been destroyed by heat during processing.
Don’t fear fat, instead do this
Fat is a type of nutrient, just like protein and carbohydrates, your body needs some fat for energy, to absorb vitamins, & to protect your heart and brain health. For years we’ve been told that eating fat will add inches to your waistline, raise cholesterol, and cause a myriad of health problems. But should you cut out fat in your diet to improve your health? Let’s bust some myths!
Your two year old, being two: A tumultuous time.
Some refer to this period as the “terrible twos,” but it’s really a terrific time. It’s when your child is beginning to come into her own and learning what it’s like to be an independent person. They are both independent and dependent, loving and hateful, generous and selfish. With so much of going on, it’s no wonder that two is a challenging age for parents and children alike. But terrible it isn’t. It’s really pretty amazing.
Habits that is hurting your mental health
Have you noticed yourself feeling down and drained constantly nowadays? It may be hard to identify problems related to mental health than it is to identify problems regarding physical health due to the subjectivity and intangibleness that comes from topics regarding human psychology. Because of this, it is very important to invest time and effort into ensuring good mental health.
मेरे बच्चे को दंत चिकित्सक के पास ले जाने का सही समय कब है?
यदि आपके बच्चे ने अपने पहले दूध के दांत आने के बाद से दंत चिकित्सक को नहीं देखा है, तो अपॉइंटमेंट बुक करना एक अच्छा विचार है। अधिकांश पहले दांतों के सामने लगभग एक दशक की कड़ी मेहनत होती है। अपने बच्चे को छोटी उम्र से ही दंत चिकित्सक के पास ले जाकर उसे पर्यावरण की आदत डालने में मदद करें। यात्रा को मज़ेदार और सकारात्मक बनाएं, भले ही आप स्वयं दंत चिकित्सक के प्रशंसक न हों। बच्चों को स्वागत और सहज महसूस कराने के लिए दंत चिकित्सकों के पास बहुत अनुभव है।
Power of Play: Building Skills and Having Fun
Playing is fun by which kids test their thoughts and acquire new abilities. From day 1, children are excited and resolved to see how the world functions. They learn to figure out how to communicate, solve problems, build team-work, test ideas, and how to get along with others. Empowering your child’s play is just another way of nurturing their development.
Will my child develop social skills if he's not in preschool or child care?
During the pandemic, it has become totally impossible to send children to schools or to start a preschool. While preschool majorly does not focus on education or knowledge but is all about interactions. It is not necessary to send child-to-child care solely to provide peer experiences. Other options are: joining parent-child classes, meeting other families with young children in your neighbourhood
Go Ahead, Spice Up Your Diet It’s Good for Your Heart
Primarily being used for flavouring your food, spices are believed to have medicinal value. Two studies on this subject illustrate the anti-inflammatory properties that spices have. One of these studies showed lowered blood pressure in the participants consuming the prescribed amount of herbs in their diet. Another delivered results linked with the reduced amount of cholesterol in a patient with T2D.
Fruits to control your sweetness carvings.
According to studies mentioned in the article, taking up fruits in your diet could surely benefit your health by naturally regulating levels of insulin thereby reducing the chances of developing T2 Diabetes. It is to be noted that eating raw fruit rather than its juice provides more benefits. Fruits are a great choice to be healthy as they are also packed with other nutrients and fibre. Read more
Under the burden of Job Satisfaction
Managing lifestyle and Job has left many to feel over-pressured by the workload, personal goals, habits. Even though one may be satisfied by the work profile but may fall prone to stressful situations that one can’t handle. The article lays down some pointers like, Sleep Troubles, Frequent Headaches, Higher anger levels and others to be aware of the negative effects that accompany work stress.
Mood Swings and Forgetfulness, early signs of Alzheimer’s.
As we age, we lose the power to be physically active and remember things the way we do when we are young. But if the brain cells and the neural network degenerates and dies could also lead to losing important mental functions, this condition is known as Alzheimer’s. As per 2017 statistics, around 50 mn people are said to be suffering from this condition, read more to know the preventive measures.
शिशु को खजूर देना कब शुरू कर सकते हैं?
बता दें कि खजूर की गिनती ड्राई फ्रूट्स में होती है। ऐसे में बच्चों को इसका सेवन एक साल की उम्र के बाद कराया जा सकता है। दरअसल, 12 महीने की उम्र तक के छोटे बच्चों में सख्त या फिर साबुत खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन कराने से चोकिंग (गले में अटकना) का खतरा बना रहता है। यही वजह है कि बच्चों को ड्राई फ्रूट्स के रूप में खजूर का सेवन एक साल से पहले नहीं कराना चाहिए। हालांकि, सीधे तौर पर शिशुओं को खजूर खिलाने की सही उम्र के बारे में फिलहाल वैज्ञानिक प्रमाण का अभाव है। इसलिए, इस बारे में बेहतर जानकारी के लिए डॉक्टर से सलाह जरूर लें।
Raise yourslef before raising a child: A Sadhuguru tip
He looks at how a child needs a friend, not a boss. If we enforce our ideas upon a child, he will lose his sense of independence, and this could result in rebelliousness later on. Once you become a parent, the most important thing is that you have to be 100% straight. You just have to protect them from the wrong influences, the rest let them free and set them free from your influence, the same time.
Healthcare over the network.
Religare Technologies launched Healthline 24x7, India’s first phone-based and web-based healthcare service in Kolkata, Chennai, and Pune after its success in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru. It uses the SCES technology to deliver its users right health information from its huge database covering 126000 healthcare service providers thus bridging the gap between the healthcare providers and public.
Conditions that oculd prevent your eyes from focusing clearly
Any condition that prevents the eye from focusing clearly can cause amblyopia. The 3 most common conditions are: Strabismus (also called crossed eyes) – The eyes don’t line up in the same direction. Refractive error – This includes nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Cataracts – These cause clouding in the lens of the eye. Cataracts in children are uncommon.
Symptoms of PICA that you might not be aware of
Pica symptoms are related to the nonfood item the person has eaten. They include: Stomach upset, Stomach pain, Blood in the stool, Bowel problems .These symptoms are the result of the toxic, poisonous, and bacterial content of the nonfood items. Repeatedly eating nonfood items over a period of time can cause: Lead poisoning , An intestinal blockage or tear ,Injuries to teeth, & Infections.
What do you think about sympathy pains?
Sympathy pain is a term that refers to feeling physical or psychological symptoms from witnessing someone else’s discomfort. Such feelings are most often talked about during pregnancy. The medical term for this phenomenon is couvade syndrome. This pain doesn’t pose any danger, but it’s worth considering the science to help explain this phenomenon. A mental health professional can also help you.
What are the causes of "COUVADE SYNDROME"?
Some causes may include Changes in hormone levels. As the syndrome develops, the hormones prolactin and estrogen increase during the first and third trimester of pregnancy. Feelings of attachment – Fathers that attach with their unborn child. Physiological causes. It is believed that men who are more empathetic (compassionate) develop the syndrome more often than those who are not.