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Is having anxiety on a regular basis normal?
We all worry, but do you ever wonder if you worry more than normal? Anxiety is easy to miss because to some degree, it’s part of our everyday normal emotions. And it’s okay to sometimes worry about your job. Or feel uncomfortable before speaking to a group. Speaking to a professional about your feelings, thoughts, and worries is important & they can also come up with strategies on how to reduce them.
मोलर गर्भावस्था क्या है
मोलर गर्भावस्था वह अवस्था है, जिसमें निषेचन के बाद, भ्रूण असामान्य रूप से विकसित होता है और अंगूर के एक गुच्छे की तरह दिखाई देता है, जिसे हाइडेटिडिफॉर्म मोल कहा जाता है। यह गर्भनाल की विकास संबंधी एक दुर्लभ बीमारी है, जिसका पता आमतौर पर शुरुआती तिमाही के दौरान चलता है और ज्यादातर मामलों में इसके परिणामस्वरूप गर्भ खराब हो जाता है।
What Is a Spleen and What Does it Do?
The spleen is part of your body’s lymphatic system. The lymphatic system helps remove cellular waste, maintain fluid balance, and make and activate infection-fighting white blood cells for the immune system. It’s also responsible for making substances that play an important role in inflammation and healing. Know more by watching the video.
Pregnancy Incontinence: Why It Happens
Frequent urination is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Leaking urine, or incontinence, is one other common symptom. You may leak when you cough, sneeze, exercise, or laugh. These physical movements put extra pressure on your bladder, which causes stress incontinence and your baby puts some weight too which leads to some leakage. Changing hormones could also be blamed for the same.
Is it necessary to turn a non-vegetarian to have a healthy baby?
Don't believe everything you hear. Vegetarians can certainly have healthy babies, otherwise, more than half the women out there would suffer! you just have to extra care in planning your diet and consult your doctor about taking supplements in case you need them. Choose a high protein diet, such as eggs, milk, dried beans, peas, lentils, tofu, and other soy products could help satisfy your protein requirement.
Pregnancy: When to Go to the Hospital
Most women will experience "fake" contractions sometime in their pregnancy, not all women, but most. Fake contractions, as Braxton Hicks contractions, are almost real ones. But they're not called real. Unlike Braxton Hicks contractions, real contractions are regular in duration and regular in their interval spacing. Typically, you'll start off with four to six contractions in one hour.
The Most Common Pregnancy Cravings and Why We Have Them
You're not alone. Sweet, salty, sour, spicy — cravings during pregnancy can run the gamut. So, why do pregnant women crave pickles? This is a very common question! Pickles are typical craving culprits. Increased blood volume raises a woman's need for sodium, making these salty foods a common go-to. While the body’s need for calcium makes you crave cheese!
How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Really Need?
Sleep needs vary by person and are affected by several factors. However, for most adults, 7–9 hours per night is the ideal amount. Pay attention to how you feel during the day to determine whether you’re getting the right amount for you. If you’re sleeping enough, you should feel awake and energized during the day. If you find you’re sluggish or often tired, you may need to sleep more.
What is ulcerative colitis (UC) and foods to avoid?
UC is a chronic condition which often causes inflammation of the colon and rectum. A person with UC faces a lot of difficulty dealing with foods. For ex, foods that contain a lot of fiber flares up the digestive track, and triggers inflammation. Nuts, including those cooked into other foods or made into flours, should be on your do-not-eat list if you have been prescribed a low-fiber diet for UC.
"ब्लैक फंगस" के बारे में क्या प्रचार है?
म्यूकोर्मिकोसिस नामक फंगस संक्रमण के लगभग 9,000 मामले, जिसे "ब्लैक फंगस" भी कहा जाता है, अब तक रिपोर्ट किया गया है, और यह म्यूकोर के संपर्क में आने के कारण होता है। फंगस कमजोर प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली और अंतर्निहित स्थितियों, विशेष रूप से मधुमेह, और स्टेरॉयड के तर्कहीन उपयोग वाले रोगियों का शिकार करता है। अनियंत्रित रक्त शर्करा भी रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता वाले लोगों को रोग के अनुबंध के उच्च जोखिम में डाल सकता है।
Small Habits That Will Change Your life for good
Do you tend to get lost in life and start living it in a state where you feel like nothing is changing? Do you feel like you're just basically repeating the same things every day without actually progressing towards your life goals? It’s normal to feel like you are stuck, and that’s okay. The important part is taking action whenever you feel like things are not going the right way.
The art of pumping and dumping the breastmilk
Pumping and dumping breastmilk is exactly as it sounds; it means to express breast milk and to throw it away instead of giving it to your child. After consuming alcohol or caffeine, it takes a while for the substances to metabolize and leave your system. This means after you have consumed any of the, you can pump and dump the milk and restart again when she is hungry.
Do not let your child cross this mark, signs that your tot is overweight
As strange as it may sound, but toddler obesity is becoming a cause of concern. It shows an upward trend, with approximately 14 per cent of kids. Apart from facing health issues, obesity also puts kids at risk of developing health complications later in life. It can become difficult for the kids to shift from the obese category to the healthy category later in life because of unhealthy lifestyle habits.
IQ exercise for you 0-6 months old infant
Notice your baby doing anything new? Big strides in development happen this month. That's because the left side of the brain is now "talking" to the right side of the brain. in order to help your baby's brain development at a more than average pace read colourful picture books with your baby! He'll love looking at the bright colours and bold, contrasting patterns while listening to your voice.
What Does Dreaming of Being Pregnant Mean?
Have you been dreaming of being pregnant? Our dreams can provide a fascinating insight into both our most obvious thoughts and the more subconscious elements. Of course, there is always a tiny chance that a dream about being pregnant can mean that you are willing to get pregnant in real life. And If you dream of taking a pregnancy test, it symbolizes that something life-changing is about to happen.
Where should your newborn be sleeping?
Have you chosen where your newborn will sleep when she returns home? The AAP suggests keeping your newborn child in a similar room where you rest (yet not in a similar bed) to enormously lessen the danger of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), So, purchase a thick, soft mattress in place of the one that comes with a play yard. Paediatricians say that babies do fine sleeping on a firm surface.