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How to start using sleep talk therapy ?
First, focus on the behaviour that you want to encourage in your child. You can whisper some positive words into your kid's ear once he/she falls asleep. You can say few sentences at a time. During the first 40 to 50 minutes after they fall asleep, their subconscious mind is awake and they are open to accepting such positive words. Use positive words in the present tense and see the difference.
There are so many childhood diseases, infectious and noninfectious, that it would be impossible to list them all. However,some of the most common ones, including viral and bacterial infections as well as allergic and immunologic illnesses are : Bronchitis, chickenpox, measles, rubella ,ear infections, rotavirus, Kawasaki, Mumps, Meningitis, strep throat, scarlet fever, Reye's syndrome etc.
A number of different viruses cause bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways), which affects children less than 1 year of age. Most commonly, it is caused by RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), but it can also be caused by influenza and other common viruses associated with upper respiratory symptoms such as fever, runny nose, and cough. It is most common in the winter months.
Detox diets': Does science support the claims?
“Detox diets” as you may have heard, is designed to “detoxify” the body from toxic substances, which is claimed to improve health. For all the external heavy metals and pollutants, we inhale and consume needs to be flush out. But this also does not mean putting yourself on stricter restrictions, just avoiding junk and exercising regularly would work for your body.
बच्चों के लिए अरंडी के तेल के लाभ
बड़े शिशुओं के लिए, अरंडी का तेल केवल तभी दिया जा सकता है जब किसी बाल रोग विशेषज्ञ द्वारा सुझाव दिया हो। कैस्टर ऑयल में कुछ लवणों और एस्टर के साथ-साथ रिकिनोइलिक एसिड होता है, जो मुख्य रूप से त्वचा-कंडीशनिंग एजेंटों के रूप में कार्य करता है। अरंडी के तेल की यह ख़ासियत, जब शीर्ष पर लागू होती है, तो बच्चे की त्वचा को प्राकृतिक रूप से मॉइस्चराइज करने में मदद कर सकती है। यह भी माना जाता है कि अरंडी का तेल ब्लड सर्क्युलेशन को उत्तेजित करता है और इस प्रकार बालों के विकास को बढ़ावा देता है, क्योंकि इसमें विटामिन ई, नौ आवश्यक फैटी एसिड और खनिज और एंजाइम के अलावा ओलिक एसिड शामिल हैं।
What are the benefits of different sleeping positions?
Whether you sleep on your back or side all of it has its pros and cons. Sleeping on the side position may ease out your acid reflux but could also fastens ageing by promoting wrinkles over the face. Another position is for those who sleep like a dead spider. Ones who sleep over back may aggravate lower back pain and sleep apnea too.
Is underweight a problem? Know how to gain weight quickly and effectively
Doctors usually recommend gaining weight to people who consistently weigh too little, which can cause a range of health problems. While Consuming nuts regularly can help they are also a great snack and can be added to many meals, including salads. This is one of the healthy way other includes adding milk, increasing rice intake and consuming dark chocolates could be beneficial.
Constipation and how to get relief from it during pregnancy
It’s common, but uncomfortable, to experience constipation when pregnant, in fact, it’s the 2nd most common gastrointestinal complaint about pregnancy! and it may continue to be an issue during postpartum. Many women have reportedly claimed to get relief by having a high fibre diet along with increased fluid intake while other exercise does wonder! Go with what works for you.
What is a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpus means "wrist." The wrist is surrounded by fibrous tissue that functions as a support for the joint. The tight space between this fibrous band and the wrist bone is called the carpal tunnel. The median nerve pass through it to receive sensations from the thumb, index, and middle fingers. Any condition that causes a change in position of the tissue can irritate the median nerve leading to "CTS."
Why do i feel tingling and burning sensations in my hands and feet often:QnA time
Tingling in the hands and feet is associated with symptoms like pain, burning, or numbness. These type of sensations reflect damage to the nerves in the area; because these are peripheral areas of the body, the term peripheral neuropathy is used to refer to this. Vitamin deficiency, diabetes, and kidney failure are among the medical causes of tingling in the hands and feet due to nerve damage.
Stages of NREM sleep in babies
Stage 1: your baby goes from being awake to dozing. It is easy for a baby to wake up by a noise. 2: Your baby moves to a light sleep stage and her heart and breathing further slow, and her muscles relax. Eye movements under the lids stop and brain activity slows down 3: In this baby is quiet and does not move. His heartbeat and breathing are at the slowest. His body will repair and regrow tissues.
Collaborative efforts could resolve the issues over J & J covid Vaccine.
The unwanted politics over the statements of officials over the effectiveness and corelated side effects of the different contributors of vaccines had taken a heated path, especially with J & J’s vaccine over blood clot issues and statements given by the company’s representatives. Read about the whole scenario and the challenges authorities have to face to keep misinformation about vaccines away.
बच्चों में तैरते समय कान के संक्रमण को कैसे रोकें
कान के इन्फेक्षन मध्य कान अंतरिक्ष (ओटिटिस मीडिया) और कान नहर में होते हैं। कान के संक्रमण के लिए सबसे आम उपचार में से कुछ मौखिक या सामयिक एंटीबायोटिक हो सकते हैं जैसे "" इयर ड्रॉप्स""। अच्छी खबर यह है कि स्विम्मर्स इयर जैसे कान के संक्रमण को रोका जा सकता है। इन सं इन्फेक्षन का कारण बनने वाले बैक्टीरिया को जीवित रहने के लिए पानी की आवश्यकता होती है। जब तैरने के बाद आपके बच्चे के कान में पानी रहता है तो ये बैक्टीरिया पनपते हैं। यही कारण है कि डॉक्टर आपके बच्चे के कानों को साफ और सूखा रखने की सलाह देते हैं, खासकर अगर आपका बच्चा कान के संक्रमण से जुंज रहा है तब ।
Foods that affects your sleeping habit
Eating healthy and allowing the body to absorb proper nutrients provides the brain with the chemical environment that it needs to produce the neurotransmitters that it needs to maintain adequate sleep, the nutrients we get from food serve as the building blocks for other minerals and proteins that are needed to create the amino acids that are involved in sleep.
Your lifestyle could be responsible for a recurrent pregnancy loss, here’s why
Miscarriage is the most common complication of early pregnancy, affecting between 15% and 20% of all pregnancies. The results of this latest study found that there are higher occurrences of successive miscarriages in mothers who are underweight. The study included 16 other studies that showed that being underweight or overweight significantly increases the risk of the two consecutive losses.
Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 299v, a probiotic strain improves the iron levels of pregnant women
As per a new study, taking a particular probiotic strain improves iron levels in healthy pregnant women and may therefore help to prevent iron deficiency. Compared with taking a placebo, taking the probiotic product reduced the prevalence of iron deficiency (78% versus 59%) towards the end of pregnancy. When a person develops iron deficiency anaemia, the body cannot get the amount of oxygen it needs.
How to differentiate between ankel sprain, fracture and tendinitis.
Sprains are injuries to the ligaments of the ankle, causing them to partially or completely tear as a result of sudden stretching. Fractures can accompany ankle sprains or occur without sprains. Fractures are repaired with casting to immobilize the bone for healing. Tendinitis usually results from trauma but can result from underlying inflammatory diseases or illnesses such as reactive arthritis.
What are the types of birth defects causing a severe problem post-pregnancy
Birth defects are structural changes present at birth that can affect almost any part or parts of the body (e.g., heart, brain, foot).3-5% of babies are born with birth defects which is called a congenital disorder. Around about 40-50% of these diseases are detected in the earlier stage of pregnancy but. 3-5% of babies suffer from a congenital anomaly. These kids need to be admitted to NIC