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Feed yourself the goodness of seeds
Seeds are a small sized powerhouse packed with nutrients. They have many benefits from prevention of chronic diseases, they help reduce blood sugars, cholesterol, and blood pressure. One such seed is Sunflower seeds. Protect your cells form radical damaging and boost your immunity by including them in your diet. 30 Grams of seed contain around 160 calories, read more
Potassium for your health
Potassium is a chemical substance; it is a necessary mineral for your body. It acts as an electrolyte. Foods such as bananas, oranges are rich in potassium. It helps your muscles works and your nervous system for smooth communication. When your body has higher levels of potassium, the situation is called as hyperkalemia. Though your kidneys remove the excess potassium, sometimes it fails to do so.
What to Do in Case Your Toddler Is Choked Hard but Still Could Breathe
When a child has swallowed something and is coughing hard, give her a chance to cough it out. Coughing is the best way to clear an object from the air passages. Do not make any attempt to remove the object. Do not slap her on the back, turn upside down, or pull out the object. Each of those actions can drive the object tighter into the airway and works only if the object is completely choked.
How to Communicate with A Temperate Tantrum of a Toddler
If your child doesn't calm down and you know the tantrum is just a ploy to get your attention, don't give in. Even if you have to walk through the supermarket dragging your screaming toddler, just ignore the tantrum. It is easier said than done, but stick to your guns and eventually the duration will lessen and they will know you are serious and this is not going to work. Once they get it, they will stop.
What Is the Most Important Phase of Life?
It is the first few years as a child. that is when the brain grows really fast. It is faster than any other time in our life. At this stage brain develops thousands of new connections every second. By the time your baby turns three, her 80% of the brain has been developed. It is also one of the main reason to have at least 3 years of gap between your two children,so that each gets equal attention.
Air Pollution Today, Risk Is Tomorrow: Article Review
Kids unmasked to air pollution, for example, out of control fire smoke and vehicle exhaust, for just one day might be destined to higher paces of coronary illness and different diseases in adulthood, as per a Stanford-drove study. The examination is the first to research air contamination's impact to both the cardiovascular and immunity in kids and how it regulates cell control in the human body.
गर्भावस्था में एनीमिया।
एनीमिया, वह स्थिति है, जिसमें आपके रक्त में हीमोग्लोबिन (एचबी) का स्तर सामान्य से कम हो जाता है। आपका शरीर यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि पहले आपके शिशु को उसके हिस्से का आयरन मिले, उसके बाद आपको। आपके शिशु को विकसित होते दिमाग और तंत्रिका तंत्र के लिए आयरन की जरुरत होती है। अगर गर्भावस्था में गंभीर एनीमिया का उपचार न किया जाए, तो कुछ और परेशानियों का जोखिम बढ़ जाता है, जैसे, समय से पहले प्रसव का दर्द उठना, अपने विकास के चरण से छोटा शिशु या फिर जन्म के समय शिशु का कम वजन आदि। एनीमिया के लक्षण क्या हैं? आगे पढ़ें
Like Father, Like Daughter OR Son, OR is it all science?
A study published in the APA journal Behavioural Neuroscience found that dads of girls tend to be more present and responsive to them than dads of toddler sons. Fathers of young boys, on the other hand, likes to make it rough and more of a playful relation. As of father’s empathy, it goes for girls while for son they think to keep it surreal. Well, then it all comes down to Psychology.
Bad Breath: that blows you away
It takes away a conversation, it may make you feel embarrassed and this applies to kids too, having a foul smell coming out of their mouth could take away their charm. If the smell is persistent, no matter if you take up daily tooth brushing, mouth wash or even chewing gums. Halitosis i.e chronic bad breath could be the reason behind it. Read more on how to get rid of bad breath.
High amount of Fructose: A factor causing inflammation.
Sugars are necessary, Fruits, and veggies, they all contain sugar like fructose. Fructose is an alternative energy molecule that out body breaks down for metabolic energy. A person consuming processed food may get high supply of processed fructose, HFCS is a low-cost sugary syrup, A study referenced in this article point out the underlying inflammatory conditions and adverse immune events.
Bitter Gourd (Karela): Benefits you should know.
Its Bitter, but it has many health benefits, that is why our parents used to force us to eat it. Though it may take some time to settle it with your taste preferences, you will get the surprise of life boosting nutrients. Cutting down fats, boosting immunity or cleansing your skin are some benefits of consuming Kerala. It is good for diabetic patients to control blood glucose levels. Read more
Biodiversity, A world inside your GUT
Your Gut could be home to about 140000 different viral species as the researchers from welcome Sanger Institute and EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute have studied after analyzing 28000 specimen gut microbiomes from all around the world. Not all viruses and bacteria are harmful, our health depends on the imbalance of the biodiversity of these micro-organisms. Read more!
A Smarter Choice of Food Results in Smarter Kid
Remember grandmas talking about feeding almonds and cashews to your younger one? Well, not everything traditional is false because as per the researchers when you feed healthy food to your kid when they are younger it provides them enough nutrition for their brain development. Avoiding high fat, sugary food is a big yes! As per a Harvard study anthocyanin and quercetin help boost memory.
Giving them a painless vaccine experience
Vaccine day could be tough for a child and parents to experience post vaccine side-effects. We now have many vaccines that are painless. One might get a wrong idea about painless vaccines that they do not cause pain when administered, this vaccine lowers the after-inoculation side effects like fever. This video describes whether they are worth to be given to your child. Watch for more information.
Increase their opportunities for social interaction.
According to a report in Times of India, researchers say that people who are isolated from social interaction tend to have a higher risk of falling into depression or develop chronic disease. With COVID 19 lockdowns many might be struggling for being alone. The article takes statistics of forced solitude into account from different parts of the world. Read more on how o combat loneliness.
ब्रोंकियोलाइटिस क्या है, और संक्रमित बच्चों में इसकी देखभाल कैसे करें?
ब्रोंकियोलाइटिस बच्चों में एक आम फेफड़ों का संक्रमण है। यह फेफड़ों (ब्रांकाई) के छोटे हिस्सों में जमाव और सूजन का कारण बनता है और सर्दियां के दौरान स्थिति खराब हो सकती है। यह एक वायरल संक्रमण है, इसलिए इसे रोकना मुश्किल है,लेकिन उचित एहतियात जैसे हाथों को बार-बार धोना,मास्क पहनना बच्चों को दूर रहने में मदद कर सकता है। हमेशा ध्यान दें कि आपका बच्चा वार्षिक टीके सहित सभी टीकों पर अप-टू-डेट है ।
Dietary Management in Pregnancy: Dried fruits to Opt for
Dried fruits are high in calories, with different nutrients and minerals & fiber. A single piece of dried fruit comprises of similar measure of supplements as a fresh organic product just without the water content. Despite the fact that they help increasing supplement and calorie consumption, it is best not to devour more than a serving in turn. You can add extra seeds and nuts for extra protein.
A Better and More Effective Vaccine Is Required to Prevent Childhood Pneumonia: A Study
A UNSW Sydney-led medical team had called for a new vaccine for childhood pneumonia, 13vPCV. This new vaccine was introduced to cover 13 most common serotypes responsible for pneumococcal infection, with six additional serotypes. The previous one (7vPCV) covered 7 serotypes. Childhood bacterial pneumonia, and empyema are highly preventable disease through vaccination. Further research needed.
Largest adolescent's health awareness lesson in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
According to World Record Academy, an event organized by Junior Chamber International holds the world record of being the largest health awareness event participated by more than 1600 students. Dr. K. Radhakrishna and phycologist Satish Valiveti addressed the students on wellness of adolescents. Read more about the event clarifying a concern of young Indians in relation to preventable diseases