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What Happens in Your Brain During a Seizure
During a seizure, there are eruptions of electrical action in your mind, similar to a thunderstorm. This action causes various side effects relying upon the sort of seizure and which area of the brain is included. Seizures can take on a wide form and influence various individuals in an unexpected way. A few people could get to know the occurrence might happen while some are unaware about it.
How is your Head, Scratchy!!! But What Causes it.
We live in a polluted environment, we sweat, we face extreme summers or chilly winters. We face these conditions heads on, but one thing can result in social or self-esteem problems. It is a contagious skin condition that affects many, it is Dandruff. In mild condition it can be treated with normally available anti-dandruff shampoo, in severe conditions like seborrheic the conditions could worsen.
Rise of Obesity Cases Among Children, amid Covid Pandemic
The impact of lockdowns has adversely affected people from all age groups, children are facing higher risks. A survey conducted in about 22 states, provides the data which showed children belonging to 20 states were vulnerable to obese conditions, the underlying causes were related to intake of junk food and lack of physical activities. On the other hand, malnutrition was also on rise. Read more.
Ayushman Bharat: Health and Wellness Centers
An appreciable initiative under the flagship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, providing much needed health care services to our population. The campaign offers extensive coverage at a primary health care sector as well as securing expenses with insurance. As a part of preventive healthcare around 4000 Lakhs people have been treated at around 70000 centers. Read more about promising insight.
Parenting style based on your zodiac signs Pisces (February 18 – March 20)
Pisces parent pretends to not see but does know everything. He feels the kid's need and doesn't squeeze him. This nurturing style can lead either to an ideal childhood or to completely different impact. For the most part, the kid will be centred around certain exercises & interests. Pisces parent gives the baby unconditional help and doesn't spare a moment in going the additional mile for his kid.
Autism in Three-Year-Old and What Are the Signs
According to the AAP, babies could display early signs which parents may ignore. Reason could be many and one of them is, my child is perfect & he is just like any other kid. The typical signs emerge before the age of two or max by three. The signs and symptoms include avoiding eye contact, does not like to be touched, and difficulty to soothe or comfort. Autism is not curable but can be treated.
Flax Seeds for Breastfeeding Mother
Flax seed - Flax seeds have estrogenic properties that can help nursing mothers make more milk. Whole flaxseeds work better compared to the ground powder kind, and flaxseed oil give good fats that are a solid segment of bosom milk to advance a kid's mental health. You can sprinkle flaxseeds on your grains and servings of mixed greens or attempt these bananas spread lactation treats.
Why Are You Getting Headaches Every Day after Giving Birth?
You are surely aware about many symptoms like hair loss or anxiety, this could get on to a new mother’s nerves but when the reason is not known it is more stressful. This is known as postpartum headaches. Primary reason could be because of birth stress and mid-night wake-ups. Secondary could be because of underlying conditions like sudden caffeine withdrawal, or even breastfeeding!
एक नवजात हिचकी का कारण क्या हो सकता है?
हिचकी आना किसी के लिए भी एक सामान्य प्रक्रिया है, और वही नवजात शिशु के लिए भी जाती है। शिशुओं में, हिचकी तब होती है जब डायाफ्राम सिकुड़ जाता है और स्वर रज्जु अचानक बंद हो जाती हैं। यह एक हिचकी के दौरान सुनाई देने वाली विशिष्ट "हिच" ध्वनि का कारण बनता है। यह कई कारणों से हो सकता है, एक चिड़चिड़ा डायाफ्राम होने के कारण; यह तब होता है जब खाद्य रिफ्लक्स को नियंत्रित करने वाले वाल्व अभी तक विकसित नहीं होते हैं।
Hormones responsible for the production of breastmilk in mother and its benefits
This video, created by Nucleus Medical Media, features the anatomy and physiology of the female breast and demonstrates the basic breastfeeding procedure. An overview of the roles of the hormone’s prolactin and oxytocin in milk production, along with the four basic positions, which include the cradle hold position, side-lying position, cross-cradle hold and football hold, are also highlighted.
Your Perfection Is Driving You Towards Helicopter Parenting Perfectionism
It is a psychological trait of wanting to be perfect, wanting success, and to have positive accolades that you can look up to. You wanting to live vicariously through their achievements to make you look good is one of the major factors. But helicopter parenting leaves a large void in your child’s life and you might want to reconsider your style! Read more what Forbes have to say.
What Are the Possible Causes of Breast Pain During Pregnancy?
The hormonal changes make you do that. The secretion of these hormones during pregnancy causes tenderness and pain in the breasts. In the first trimester, breasts undergo changes due to the release of estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin hormones. These hormones cause proliferation of the milk lobules. In further trimesters progesterone is the only one responsible for tingling effect.
Babies who are not vaccinated, uncertainty with healthy future.
This article describes the story of 18 month’s old Helena Harding who almost died from meningitis. HIB meningitis vaccine is compulsory for children below 5 years, in India. The girl suffered a serious multi-organ failure, but she was lucky with on-time HIB vaccination. Read more of this real-life event where vaccine scares negatively affects many lives.
Gaining weight on weight loss program
Gaining weight despite of strict a weight loss diet plan. Cutting down those calories by removing carbs from your diet may not be an optimal plan if you are filling up the void by consuming nuts. Nuts are low-carb high-calorie food items. For instance, one ounce of macadamia nuts gives 200 calories and just 4 grams of carbs putting you at risk of gaining more calories than you require.
Carb Manipulation, limiting your carbs.
Fats and Carbohydrates are two types of macronutrients. Fats are bottomless stores of energy whereas carbs are limited instant energy providers. Do you know you can train your body to be better at burning one fuel source or the other? Athletes fixate carb intake techniques to make better use of energy by limiting them and rely on fats as their primary source. Read more about carb manipulation.
Why your diet plans not helping you achieve.
"People are too focused on the scale instead of the habits they need to reach the outcome," says Lainey Younkin, MS RD LDN. We all know about what it means when we say “I want to become healthier” and we start with stocking up good food and prepare our diet plans and daily routines. Yet many of us fails to achieve our health goals, Read more about focusing of habits to get healthier.
How does fertilisation take place in woman’s body and what are the chances of having twins?
Fertilization happens when a sperm cell successfully meets an egg cell in the fallopian tube. Once fertilization takes place, this newly fertilized cell is called a zygote which grows and becomes a fetus. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one type of fertilizing procedure. Women who choose IVF may also increase the chances of having twins, this is done in lab to increase the chances of fertility.
क्या गर्भावस्था में पीठ के बल सोना सुरक्षित है
अगर आपको अपनी पीठ के बल सोने की आदत है,तो यह आपके पहले ट्राइमेस्टर तक जारी रहना सुरक्षित है। हालांकि,जैसे-जैसे गर्भ बढ़ता है,वैसे ही साइड में लेटना बेहतर होता है। तीसरे ट्राइमेस्टर के दौरान,समय से पहले जन्म का जोखिम दोगुना हो जाता है। जब आप अपनी पीठ के बल लेटते हैं,तो शिरा जो निचले शरीर से रक्त को हृदय की आपूर्ति करती है और O2 स्तर कम हो जाता है। और जल्द ही आपको चक्कर आने लगेगा।