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What should be baby’s first solid food?
Once your munchkin is a little older, you might be wondering when you can start feeding her baby food. This will depend on her developmental progress. It is equally important to introduce the right foods. Watch this video to know what are the best first solid foods for a baby. Starting simple is key, as your baby’s digestive system is still in its nascent stages.
Thick Creamy and fresh homemade curd with raisins to boost your health.
A lot to work out in life might make you live on unhealthy food un-conditioning out your gut. Loss of hair, sleep disorders and constipation are some of the giveaways of unhealthy eating habits. Make use of food of the gods that would revive your digestive system with its probiotic blessings. Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar talks about unadulterated Curd with added prebiotic raisins.
Serve yourself with goodness of Dragon Fruit.
Natively originating from tropical regions of southern Mexico and Central America, Dragon fruit widely known as Red Pitaya, grows on a plant called Hylocereus cactus. India being in a tropical region too produced good quality of this highly nutritious fruit. Resembling like a dragon in attractive red or pink color has antioxidant. Read more about its nutritional benefits and taste.
Machine Learning to identify patients with a mixture psychotic and depressive symptoms
Finding an accurate treatment to aid mental health could be tough as the conditions might have related co-morbidities and symptoms that can be associated with different mental conditions. The study being conducted by university of Birmingham in consortium with PRONIA is addressing to make the diagnosis of mental illness using various algorithms making treatment of such illness more sterile.
Torticollis in children, what could be the possible cause?
A long muscle passes from each side of neck from the back of the ear to collarbone. This is sternocleidomastoid or SCM. A baby affected by torticollis has one of these muscles shortened on either side. The most possible reason includes that baby might have cramped in the womb or have been in an abnormal. This could put extra pressure on one side of the head which causes SCM to tighten.
The Four-Way Tips to Win the Parenting Battle
If you’re a parent, it’s been said, the most important work you’ll ever do is within the walls of your own home. By sharing these four-way tricks to your partner, there are opportunities to find a complementary way. Emphasizing on shared values and also providing space for the unique values and approach of each parent. It could be frustrating at first but the reality is a lot better. Read more.
UTIs During Pregnancy, What Are the Risks and Causes
During pregnancy, there are several factors that boost the risk of UTIs, especially a kidney infection. Hormones cause changes in the urinary tract, and the uterus may put pressure on the ureters or bladder making it more difficult for urine to pass from the kidneys to the bladder and out. Untreated UTIs can contribute to preterm labor, hence it’s better to alert the symptoms asap to your Dr.
Dogs Are More Attached to Adults Than Babies: An Article Review
Dogs synchronize their behaviour with the children in their family, but not as much as they do with adults, a new study founds. Upon experimenting the synchrony between dogs and kids, it occurred more than expected but still lower than adult-dog synchrony. Researchers focuses on giving credits to kids, which often gets unnoticed. It also suggests that it can provide positive learning experiences.
Drumsticks a superfood for your diet
Drumsticks also called moringa, is a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants. It is native to tropical regions of south asia, India being largest producer in the region. The entire drumstick plant has nutritious leaves, flowers & pods. Did you know that the medicinal properties of drumsticks may also prevent some cancers form developing. A good food for diabetic people read about more qualities.
गर्भावस्था में डिप्रेशन से शिशु आक्रामक हो सकता है
शोधकर्ताओं के अनुसार डिप्रेस्ड माताओं के बच्चे के दिमाग के कनेक्शन कमजोर होते हैं जिससे उनके व्यवहार पर असर पड़ता है। अध्ययन में पाया गया कि बच्चों के मस्तिष्क का "कमजोर वाइट मेटर" बढ़ते आक्रामकता और सक्रियता से जुड़ा है । गर्भावस्था महिला के जीवन में एक अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण अवधि है और अधिक महत्वपूर्ण रूप से बच्चे के भविष्य के लिए है । इसलिए शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से स्वस्थ रहना महत्वपूर्ण है ।
How does a woman’s body respond to the changes while pregnant/ Baby Center
Our animated video reveals in detail how your body changes and makes room for your developing baby during pregnancy. A woman’s body undergoes transformation during nine months of pregnancy. Some are hormonal while other are physical changes including weight gain and pelvis making room for the baby. Watch this amazing video by baby centre.
World’s oldest male at 112 years and 344 days old, Long Life a Japanese Perspective
We all aim to live a long & healthful life, where do we go wrong? Let us get an outlook of how people in Japan where life expectancy is averaged at more than 80 years while Indians have an average life of just 69 years. A triat which the associate with combination of healthy diet, exercise, cultural factors even genetics. Read more about their lifestyle which is similiar to us indians.
Heart Pounding hard, How much on should workout
From buffing up your self with muscles or trying to have a lean body, exercise have many benefits, doing it without proper knowledge about your health conditions could be serious if you have established heart conditions. Nothing to worry about, some basic exercise could do the work along with proper knowledge, Read more of the relationship between physical activity and cardiovascular health
Do probiotics assist you to loose your weight
If we want improved gut health and enhance immune function, many opt for probiotics, as a isted health booster. They are available in natural foods and also in manufactured food and supplements. Most of them linking these items as a way to loose weight. With research going on to find a link between altered gut bacteria and obesity would clarify the stance of probiotics. Read More
Does your brain memorise when you sleep
Researchers form University of Michigan suggests that as brain continues to function during sleep, there are these areas which are activated during the activities we do when we are awake, same portion of neurons gets activated during subsequent sleep. They tried to view the impact of visual and physical stimulation along with the sleep-associated re-activation of neuron communications on memory.
Everything You Need to Know About Artificial Insemination
Artificial insemination is a fertility treatment method used to deliver sperm directly to the cervix or uterus in the hopes of getting pregnant. Sometimes, these sperm are washed or “prepared” to increase the likelihood a woman will get pregnant. The procedures include ICI & IUI, where the fertility rate varies from 35-40% and of course depending upon the age, medications & underlying conditions.
Infertility is extremely common, but know that you are not alone
About 13 percent of couples will have trouble becoming pregnant, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. And health experts suspect this number is likely much higher as infertility tends to be underreported. Women can be infertile for a variety of reasons. But, having the best mental health is most important. Also, when it comes to infertility, don’t wait. Seek help.
How to treat ingrown toenail at home in children/ WebMD
An ingrown toenail is a toenail that grows into the skin of the toe, and it's usually the big toe. It causes your child to have tenderness, redness, and swelling of the skin around the corner of the toenail on one of the big toes. It is usually caused by tight shoes, which is very common with growing kids' feet. Watch the video and get a very easy trick on how to heal the ingrown.