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Cortisol: A double-edged sword
Cortisol is a steroid hormone secreted in the adrenal glands. It regulates processes in the body related to metabolism and immune response. It's also a primary stress hormone. High levels of cortisol for a prolonged duration can cause a lack of sex drive, in women periods can become irregular, anxiety, and depression. Low cortisol level leads to weight loss, muscle weakness, mood changes, read more.
Well-Being, Brighter side of Life
Keeping a balanced mindset is challenging. Moreover, it takes time to change old habits. The important point here would be triggering those attributes that bring out a positive response to yourself. One might indulge in the artificial concepts of being pessimistic and optimistic rather than assessing reality's nature. Read more to explore a dimension of and optimism and a better outlook.
Poor Sleep Is Linked to Depression in Adolescent; Article Review
Chronic sleep disruption during adolescence can lead to a severe form of depression, a study says. Researchers from the University of Ottawa has published a paper signifying sleep delays during adolescence which could increase the depression in both male and female. The study has been specially undertaken because to study the mental health effects of the pandemic.
Have A Fussy Eating Toddler? This Is Just One of The Tips, Might Work!
You at times hear, "Put the food before the kid, say nothing, remove it shortly, regardless of how much or how little has been eaten. Give nothing else until the following dinner." beyond any doubt ordinarily, when kids are eager, they will eat. Along these lines, this is OK on the off chance that it isn't done out of anger or as a punishment and if it is completed in the correct thought. Try this out!
Nutrition Myth Busted: "Radiation from microwaves creates dangerous compounds in your food."
You might hear people saying, "you should not use the microwave; it has radiations!". Well, in this case, it is nothing like the nuclear plants which we would imagine. It refers to the energy that travels in waves and spreads as it goes. Microwaves used to cook foods are many, many times weaker than X-rays, gamma rays. So, it is just a myth. It is safe to eat microwave heated food.
Midnight Waking in Children
Children who wake in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep have a different form of insomnia. In young children, the problem is often a habit. In an older child, depression may interfere with sleep; chronic medical conditions such as allergies may also be at fault. Children can suffer from restless leg syndrome, leg pains, and sleeplessness.
सुधा मूर्ति द्वारा पेरेंटिंग (पालन-पोषण) टिप्स
"द सर्पेंट रिवेंज - महाभारत के असामान्य किस्से, सुधा मूर्ति की किताब में पेरेंटिंग टिप्स के बारे में बात की गई है। ""बच्चा एक स्पंज (पानीसोख पदार्थ) है, वे अपने चारों ओर सब कुछ अवशोषित कर लेते हैं ""- सुधा मूर्ति कहती हैं, अगर माता-पिता नहीं चाहते कि उनका बच्चा मोबाइल फोन में खुद को खोजे, तो उन्हें भी ऐसा नहीं करना चाहिए। वह आगे कहती है कि आप अपने बच्चे के रोल मॉडल हैं, रोल मॉडल कोई शाहरूख खान और सुधा मूर्ति नहीं हैं।
Is Thumb Sucking In Babies A Problem?
Guess what? NO, it is not a problem. Thumb sucking, in fact, is a reflection of the sign that your infant is hungry. This could also be a reflex even before birth. Also, in some babies' thumb sucking makes it feel secure, and some might eventually develop it as a habit when they are stressed or want to sleep. This should go away by the age of 6 or 7 months or 2-4 years of age on its own.
Read Your Heart, Tips to Improve Reading Practice in Kids
The first teacher, any child, has is his or her parent. Reading to babies just as parents ought to invest energy every day conversing with kids, they should likewise invest some time reading to their little children. This prods interest in books, and as kids become grownups and pre-schoolers who need to copy their guardians doing a wide range of things, reading will get one of them.
Tricks to introduce new food to your kids.
Grow It Yourself Garden. The most ideal approaches to get children to eat new things and attempt new products of the crops are to have them develop it all themselves. Gather your children in the earlier season and pick which plants you need to build. Odds are that your children will need to do some work, and that is something worth being thankful for.
Forgiveness for yourself and others, for better mental health
Forgiveness is not just a gesture, it's a conscious decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance towards a person who harmed you. We all in our life may come across such situations. The unburdening effects lightens the emotional load and positively assists mental and physical well being. Read the article and start your process to eliminate the scope of mental disorders from your life.
Meals before sleep
Whether eating right before your bedtime is a disputed practice, with conventional approaches attributing near bedtime meals a reason for weight gain due to low metabolic rate, some studies state that eating bedtime snacks could aid weight loss. Read more of this insightful article which compares the dilemma between unhealthy eating habits and the effects of enjoying a diet right before going to bed.
Satisfaction level of vaccinated healthcare workers
Among the 5 lakhs healthcare workers who got COVID 19 vaccination, nearly 97% were satisfied with the flow of vaccine drive. The Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan said that personalized messages were sent to the beneficiaries a day latter their vaccine injection. One key finding in the survey was about communicating the adverse events, the concern of 10% of the survey population.
Reach out there, to reach inside you
One should take a break from their busy schedule, So pack your bags and explore for splendid world experiences at least once a year. Even the idea of planning a vacation could help you relieve stress. Exploring new places puts forward a sense to attach yourself with new habits, you might learn a new language or an including a healthy cuisine in your diet, Surely traveling helps you live longer
Relief from Back Pain
Spine is the primary support system of your body, muscles and ligaments around the spine can lose strength as one ages. Back pain is likely to occur in individuals between the age of 30 to 50, sometimes it can be caused due to an injury. Engage yourself in physical activities that keep your spinal strength intact and flexible. Read about curls, planks, and bird-dog moves for a better spinal health
Childhood Eating Habits Have Long-Term Impact Over Health: Article Review
Researchers from the UC riverside university show that overeating fat or sugar as a child can alter the microbiomes (pathogens, bacteria, and germs) for a life-time. The study suggests that even if one chooses to live healthier later, the change can not be undone. The experiment was done on mice, but the effect we have observed is equivalent to kids with a western diet.
बच्चों में दमा-मूल बातें जानें
यह फेफड़ों और वायुमार्ग की एक बीमारी है जहां फेफड़ों में जलन और सूजन हो जाती है। अगर बच्चे की सांस फूल रही है, छाती में जकड़न या इसी तरह के लक्षण हैं तो यह दमा के लक्षणों में से एक हो सकता है। यह एलर्जी, पारिवारिक इतिहास या समय से पहले जन्म के कारण भी हो सकता है। दमा को पूरी तरह से ठीक नहीं किया जा सकता है हालाँकि दवाई द्वारा प्रबंधित किया जा सकता है।
Vaccination, India gaining up the speed
Union Health Ministry on Sunday announced India has become the third topmost country to administer covid vaccine doses with more than 57 lakh beneficiaries. There is also a sustained increase in the number of healthcare workers accepting the vaccines day by day. Also, the number of daily covid cases have been reduced to around 12000 in the last 24 hrs and the recovery rate to around 97%.Read more
Endometriosis in women, how does it affect your infertility/ WebMD
Endometriosis is a painful disorder where tissue like the tissue that ordinarily lines within your uterus — the endometrium — grows outside your uterus. Endometriosis most includes your ovaries, fallopian tubes and the tissue coating your pelvis typically. Seldom, endometrial tissue may spread past pelvic organs. Watch the video for a better explanation.