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How to get kids to love to write?
The best writer is avid readers. Read to your child every day. The more you read better the creativity of your child, and this is how you get going. Reading can start at any age, & there is no particular pattern to it. The second step is to practice what you preach. Third to let them write their thoughts. Fourth being doesn't heckle to the question, instead question them back & let them answer it.
What Kids Eat Around the World- The Video Edition
We are summarizing our What Kids Eat Around The World- Edition Series with this final video. HiHo kids is a relatively known channel and present lovely and useful content for parents. Knowing what Indian kids eat, it is exciting to know how lunch meals look like across the globe and also petrifying for some, like America- they serve burgers in school meal lunch! Let's learn together and grow more
An open letter from an Indian filmmaker Farah Khan on embracing motherhood at 43!
To all the women she says, I became a mother when I was ready for it, not when society deems "the appropriate age to conceive". Thanks to advancements in science, I was able to do it with IVF at this age. Writing more on embracing parenthood at this age, she further reflects her journey as a mother and thanks to the technology. Her note is a reminder to every mother that #ItisAWomansCall
Why do you need to focus on extracurricular activities for your kids?
As a parent, we want the best for our child. But somewhere we also burden them with our dreams, True? If that is the case, then this article is for you. Many parents believe that encouraging their child's extracurricular interest will drop the grades. This is far from the truth. Studies show that students who take part in extra activities are more likely to succeed in life than others.
How to feed your young child with care | UNICEF
Many new moms find it difficult to deal with the hunger study of their child. The time when the baby starts eating solids and is still feeding upon breastmilk is crucial and confuses many parents on whether they are hungry or not. Feeding your child with warmth and interactive approach will help them develop close emotional connection & lifelong healthy eating habits.
Disciplining Children with Sindhu Vee
Sindhu Vee is an Indian origin comedian in the UK. She majorly talks about the parenting differences between India and the UK, which can give someone two different ways to handle a situation. In this episode with BBC, Sindhu talks about how parenting in India is not something you could do in the UK because that’s ‘ILLEGAL’. This is a fun episode, and a sure shot watch to all Indian mothers
Will ‘Maar Padegi’ work anymore in Indian culture?
Son- I don’t want to study anymore, I am tired. Dad- “Maar padegi! do your work, finish it and then we'll talk”. This is just an example of how Indian parenting is actually working. Parents think that they hold the ultimate power of handling their child, and this is why the dependency they have created has made most of us fail in adulting. What are your opinions? Read the article to know more.
Few Health Tips for Newbie moms
Getting back into the shape is undoubtedly not the first thing you want to do after delivering a baby. A C-section delivery takes a little longer than a natural one to get back on to everyday routines. In such cases, Hydration plays a perfect role. Good Hydration maintains circulation, avoids blood clots and improves breast milk production. This is just one, read the article to know more such tips
What Could Be the Reason for A Newborn Hiccups?
Having hiccups is a normal process for anybody, and the same goes to a newborn too. In babies, hiccups are caused when the diaphragm contracts and the vocal cords close suddenly. This causes the typical “hic” sound heard during one. It can be caused due to multiple reasons, one being an irritated diaphragm; it happens when the valve that controls the food reflux is not developed yet.
What Are The 5 C’s of Parenting?
Parenting is fun, exhausting, and rewarding enormously. It might be the very best thing you have ever done in life, but you cannot ignore the lows. Being a parent is an incredible feeling, and as parents, we must be prepared to put far more than we get out of it. In this video by MOMSPRESSO Dr Shailija Sen talks about ‘5Cs of parenting’ – Connect, Coach, Care, Community and Commitment’.
Every PARENT’S Responsibility: BK Shivani
Don't raise the kids to have more than you had, raise the kids to become more than you were""- BK Shivani. Believe it or not, every parent wants the first one, and every parent wishes for the latter one. How do you proceed to become a part of the responsible parent? Apart from giving physical comforts, it becomes significant to raise an emotionally strong child.
Ways to Parent A Diabetic Child
Parents are the role models for their children. A child's mind is still growing and like a sponge. Once he sees you leaving a mindful life, following a healthy diet, routines and enjoying workouts, a kid will be more welcoming towards the change. You know about the disease, so the key is to stay calm and ensure that there is no negative impact of any chaos on your child's health.
Why experiences are better gifts for older children
Experience is all that counts. A study from the University of Illinois at Chicago states that as children get older, giving them something they can experience (live through) instead of material things makes them happier. How do we connect this? Taking on trips and making memories will make them a little happier than giving them materialistic things while kids like the latter.
What Does Green Poop in Newborn Say?
There are many reasons for a green stool in newborns. According to Dr Palmer, one of the major causes of green baby poop is food intolerance; this can be something of a mother's diet or reaction to cow milk. If a breastfeeding baby isn't getting enough milk then it could also be one the many reasons. Read the article by and see what experts have to say.
Have You Also Delayed Your Child's Vaccination Due To COVID-19 Pandemic- QnA Time
When you are getting behind the schedule, you are inviting the germ friends to your house and allowing them to attack your kid. This means until your child does not catch the disease, he does not have immunity against it. Vaccines help your baby to develop immunity, which allows him to develop physically and mentally healthy. Read the article to know more reasons for "on-time vaccination".
6 Sure-Shot Reasons to Formula Feed Your Baby
Believe it or not, not all moms are comfortable to breastfeed their baby. They might have their reasons or not, if no excuses come up, it is OK to formula feed. They are shamed, questioned, and are heard many negative things. Many working mothers are forced while many have to opt for a medical condition; if you are one of them then have read this beautiful article.
Is a baby sleeping over its stomach safe?
You have a ten-month-old and want to know at what point can they start to sleep on their stomach. A lot of babies between four and seven months will start to roll either from their back to their stomach or from their stomach to their back. Some babies are very restless and also turn from side to side. The American Academy of Pediatrics has got all your queries covered, watch this video.
What are the six essential winter wears for kids? Watch the video
Winter is almost here, and we know you're unquestionably anticipating cuddling with your child during the colder months of the year. With the correct child wears for winter, you'll have less to stress over and can expand all that cuddle time! Are you worried about how to keep your child warm in winter? Watch this video to understand what the colder time of year fundamentals for children are.
What kids eat around the world- Poland Edition
Kids in Poland are less influenced by western culture and are savored more on home-cooked healthy food. But hey, isn't this similar in other European countries too?? Maybe. So, children in Poland love having soups, more on vegetable-based, and potato pancakes. Also, what is more, exciting is they do have a dish called fruit soup and fruit dumplings!! That's something new.