How to control your craving for a healthier takeaway?
“The Healthy Plate Model to Your Takeaways”. Half of the plate should be vegetables. A palm of protein (meat/ fish/ eggs/beans/tofu). Order extra vegetables as a side with your meal (e.g. steamed greens/ broccoli). Share a portion of rice or chips between two people, and measure a fist-sized portion of these carbs onto your plate.
Men can also experience pregnanacy symptoms : "pregnant dad syndrome"
Couvade syndrome is a condition in which the partners of pregnant women often experience the same or similar pregnancy symptoms, also called sympathy pregnancy or pregnant dad syndrome. However, this syndrome has not been classified as medical or mental issue. symptoms can include: Changes in appetite, weight gain or loss, Fatigue, Nausea, diarrhea, Cramping or back pains, & Anxiety or depression.
What does extra calories do? They just get into your wardrobe and sew your clothes tighter?
Healthy snacking gives you a huge energy boost in the long run, unlike the temporary high from processed or refined food. Opt for natural and healthier products, as they are high in fiber and take longer to digest. The glucose on these unprocessed foods is released more gradually into your bloodstream while unhealthy food’s energy lasts only for a while leading to a sooner crash down.
This is why you feel tired all the time and this is what you should do about it
Most people wouldn’t consider daytime sleepiness to be a big deal. A lot of the time, it isn’t. But if your sleepiness is ongoing then it could cause fatigue. In many cases, excessive sleepiness can be fixed with some lifestyle changes. If you still feel worn out after trying to manage your fatigue on your own, talk to your doctor. You may have a sleep disorder or another medical condition that needs attention.
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क्या ब्रेस्टफीडिंग कराने के दौरान रक्तदान किया जा सकता है?
क्या बच्चे को ब्रेस्टफीडिंग कराने के दौरान रक्तदान करना सुरक्षित है? जवाब है, हाँ। फिर भी ब्रेस्टफीडिंग के दौरान रक्तदान से पहले डॉक्टर से सलाह लेना और एनीमिया व ऐसी ही किसी अन्य खून संबंधी बीमारी का पता लगाने के लिए ब्लड टेस्ट कराना न भूलें। इस बारे में जल्दबाजी करने के बजाय कुछ पॉइंट्स पर विचार कर लेना चाहिए जेसे ब्रेस्ट मिल्क में 87% पानी होता है और जब आप रक्तदान करती हैं, तो वह आपके शरीर से लगभग 450 मिली पानी ले लेता है। मतलब यह है, कि रक्तदान के बाद व्यक्ति को 48 घंटों तक ज़्यादा तरल पदार्थ लेने चाहिए, ताकि शरीर में हाइड्रेशन बना रहे और जो पानी बाहर निकल चुका है उसकी आपूर्ति की जा सके।
The secret to a healthy and happy life: Dr Hansaji Yogendra
5 am, a time that is associated with cosmic energy. Waking up at 5 am has its own powerful secrets. The time between 4:00 AM and 5:30 AM is also called as Brahma Muhurta. Brahma is the creator and Muhurta means time. So it is creator’s time. The potential of creation is at peak during Brahma Muhurta. You can create all that you want in this period very easily.
Does your heart grows too during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, there are a number of important changes to cardiovascular function which are necessary for progression of a successful pregnancy. Blood flow to various organs increases during pregnancy to meet the increased metabolic needs of tissues. It seems that becoming a mother makes your heart grow & blood volume increases by up to 50% and your heart beats faster & stronger, growing larger.
Kids and coffee: How safe is it?
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids aged 12 to 18 consume no more than 100 mg of caffeine per day. Whereas you may feel energized, your baby may react to caffeine by acting jittery, anxious, or irritable. Your baby’s body can’t handle it quite as easily, and a smaller amount can affect their functioning. Your baby might even experience colic-like symptoms
Can Babies Eat Onion?
Babies can eat cooked onions from the age of six months. Introduce onions as part of the baby’s regular diet consisting of several solids. You can use cooked, mashed, or pureed onions to add flavour to different recipes. Older babies can consume cooked onion as finger foods, such as cooked onion rings. Toddlers can consume steamed, baked, grilled, and roasted onions, along with other foods.
Figs for Babies: Safety, Right Age, Benefits and Recipes
Fig is a nutritious fruit from the common fig tree. The pulp is filled with tiny edible seeds and tastes sweet with a hint of berry’s flavor. Figs offer several vital nutrients, such as dietary fiber, potassium, antioxidants, and vitamins A, B, and C which helps to boosts digestive health. Fig’s dietary fiber, primarily cellulose adds bulk and retains intestinal water which also prevents constipation.
Is It Safe to Take Melatonin During Pregnancy?
Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain and is responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle. There are many natural elements and foods that help maintain a healthy sleep cycle. Also, during pregnancy, the levels increase naturally and start rising from 24 weeks till 32nd week of pregnancy. Hence before taking any supplements it is best to consult a doc.
Cesarean Awareness Month: 9 tips for a faster recovery
Patients who have undergone C-section, can start walking after 2 weeks. Walking can reduce the risk of blood clots and also reduce constipation. But there are other things that need to be taken care of like- breastfeeding. It is important to sit in a comfortable position before feeding. Never bend while feeding for a year or more, as it can lead to a chronic backache.
Aromatherapy during pregnancy, how proven is it?
Scented oils are used to heal body, mind and spirit and are utilized by some practitioners during pregnancy; however, most experts advise caution since some in concentrated forms may pose risk. Though it is safe to use, one can be sensitive to smell and some scents might make nauseated, light-headed or prone to headaches too. As it is all about feeling good, remember what your body says.
How Your Family Can Become More Active
There Is always that one person in the family who is super active and another one who is a big couch person. Who are you? now that every little move of your counts than why not be along with the digitalization than against it? If your children are glued to video games than why not try the dance mat games but Make sure that you set a limit on the time that your child can spend playing video games.