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Body Clock i.e. Circadian Rhythm
Micro RNA's are molecules that do not produce proteins. Yet, they play a crucial role in regulatory function in the body. Waking up and going to bed is where they regulate the body's clock. They are present in our DNA's Junk as scientists try to study and find out more on these junk parts. Studies have been attached to our body's natural timings and diseases like cancer. A much more to read about.
What Religion Promotes: Managing Stress
Therapies recommended by Psychologists are similar to what religious people use to increase wellbeing and reduce distress, found in the study of Researchers from the University of Illinois. 'Cognitive Reappraisal" is what the modern therapist refers to. We should experiment with our Religion's teachings to create a constructive environment to manage stress at an individual and societal level.
Guiding Peacefulness: "Going To Sleep" State or Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the "going-to-sleep" stage achieved through systematically following a set of verbal instructions. This state of consciousness is different from meditation, in which concentration on a single focus is required. Its deeper form of relaxation can be a good relaxation exercise and effective stress buster.
Eleven million covishield doses purchased by Indian Health Ministry
The order was released by HLL Life Care LTD, a nominated agency of Ministry in matters to procure covishield vaccine. The delivery will take place from Pune based SII facility. India had recently approved two vaccines, Oxford's Covishield manufactured by the SII in the country and Bharat Biotech's Covaxin, for restricted emergency use. The Vaccine inoculation will start on 16 January.
Bringing Life on earth
Motherhood, one of the most lively moments incepting when a female conceives a child. Through 9 months of absolute bonding, an event occurs a bloody and traumatic for both mother and child. The way the technological advancements are portrayed in plays and fiction movies have some effects on real inventions. Read more of this fantastic article putting light on birth through technical processes.
Corona, how mutations can help it escape the vaccination
With the emergence of a new variant found in the UK, the evidence suggests that the vaccines being developed for COVID 19 virus are useful on this new variant. A second variant threat has emerged from South Africa. It is assumed that this second deadly variant may carry mutations that would help the virus at escape immunity for vaccines.
Continuously Having a False Pregnancy Test? These Could Be the Reasons
Home pregnancy tests are entirely reliable, only in some cases. Hence, they should always be crosschecked by a follow-up with doctors' checkups. Heard about ectopic pregnancy? When the embryo gets implanted outside the cavity of the uterus, even in the abdominal cavity. What are the other reasons? Read on healthline.Com.
Is It Safe to Breastfeed After Coming Out COVID Positive?
Some of the earlier reports do not recommend mother-baby contact or breastfeeding when infected. However, a study submitted in BMC later past year shows that there are very less chances to transmit the infection. Out of 22 mothers, 20 chose to breastfeed their babies. During a follow-up period, no major complications with no neonates were infected during breastfeeding.
Older the better, postpartum care traditional way
Adults say it right. Postpartum care is highly essential for the new mom to recover faster and make a stronger comeback. Delivery and labour become extremely stressful for a mother, and she definitely needs some extra care. While this therapy will help her abdomen and pelvis come back to normal size, it will also make her mentally stronger. Watch the video to learn more.
Get Smart, Use your phone to get healthier
We might ignore health and spend time on work-life and leisure time. We make resolutions to get ourselves on track while maintaining a balance between work and extra time. One thing that we can use is our smartphones to stay healthy. Overcoming overuse of our smartphones and tactfully avoiding wasteful usage. This would assist you in making use of other facilities, as mentioned in the article.
What Makes us Human, DNA
Genetic mutations have a neutralized effect is a short run. It's the accumulation of mutations reflecting the time passed when we observe two living species having a common ancestor. Having different genes what we term them to differentiate. With only 1% difference, the human and chimpanzee genomes are remarkably similar. Read more to know what makes us different for apes is it DNA or Genes
Eggs are high in cholesterol and can increase the risk of heart disease
Numerous studies have now been directed in healthy individuals demonstrating no impact of everyday egg consumption on blood cholesterol levels. The National Health and Medical Research Council's Australian Dietary Guidelines instruct that eating eggs each day isn't related to an expanded danger of coronary illness. It is rather important to make sure you eat a low saturated fat diet.
When Does A Reward Become A Bribe?
A reward will never change someone's behavior while bribing will contribute. A 12-year-old hates homework and often tries to skip it, Dad promises to spend a weekend with her if she completes without any reminder. Is it a bribe? Yes, but when you dive deep in, you notice that it is bringing a positive reinforcement, that too not for a short period but over a longer time. So yes, it could be a rew
Is it ok If you provide a vegan diet to growing children: QnA
Whatever your reason is for going vegan, you may wonder if it is suitable for my growing kid? A small number of adults, maybe less than 1% are vegans, which means they do not eat meat, dairy or honey. But it Is also seen that vegans are highly decisive of B12, zinc, iron and calcium. Only solution to this. "No matter what diet you follow, it is vital to have a balanced diet".
Be Aware of False Pregnancy, Is It Harmful?
False pregnancy, also known as Phantom pregnancy, will give you all the pregnancy symptoms, fatigue, nausea, morning sickness etc.. Yet, the women have not conceived, and there is no formation of a baby inside the womb. There could be multiple reasons to have a false pregnancy, history of depression, past medical issues, and might be a strong willingness to get pregnant.
Want to Control Too Much Breast Milk Supply, Try Block feeding
Block feeding is a breastfeeding technique where a baby is fed on one breast over a long period, maybe for 3 hours or more. This can help bring down the breastmilk supply or if you are trying to wean. Block feeding can take a few days to figure out. Once the lower level of engorgement is created, it sends a signal to the brain to slow down the milk supply. To see the side effects swipe left.
5 simple exercises, you can work out post-lunch
A healthy lifestyle and exercise go hand in hand. Most people believe that only time they can actually exercise is mornings or evenings when their stomach is not full. It's how we all are conditioned, but some things we can change, how about an exercise routine that we can do during your lunch hour. It may sound weird. However, exercise during lunchtime can come with its own set of health benefits
Withholding Covaxin use, for now
Chhattisgarh health minister TS Singh Deo commented that covaxin should not be allowed as phase III has not been completed. Though DCGI approved Bharat Biotech Covaxin Phase III trials over 25 centers across India. Chattisgarh to complete its mock drill in all its 28 districts and projected 2.53 lakhs healthcare workers get vaccinated.
January 16, Initiation of Vaccine Drive In Delhi
Around 30 Million healthcare workers will be inoculated. The Dehli government said they have identified 89 sites, including 36 state-run and 53 private hospitals. Vaccines to all the centres will be supplied by the Delhi government and free for the beneficiaries. Covishield Vaccine of Oxford-AstraZeneca would be administered as of now keeping Covaxin for restricted emergency use only.