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Why So Many Vaccines
As commented "13 Vaccines for Kids" between birth till the age of 18, why so many. It may be one of your primary concerns. Vaccines provide an antigen to trigger the immune system. Suppose a person is exposed to an infection in the future. In that case, the previous memory of the immune system fights the infection. Watch the video to know more about why to give these vaccines at an early age.
Oowahoowaah!! Yes! There Is A Trick to Stop Your Baby Crying, Doctor's Got a Solution
In a video that is presently being observed over multiple times, Dr. Robert Hamilton, a pediatrician, shows something he calls ""The Hold."" Overlap the infant's arms against her chest with one hand, utilizing his fingers to prop up her jawline. He holds the child upstanding (inclining marginally forward) with one hand on the infant's base, and ""squirms"" her tenderly. Watch the video.
Baby Shower Pinterest Ideas and Games to Play
We get it! You are excited and want something different and special for you and your baby. Now that the traditions are changed, you no longer wish to keep just the rituals. So, here are some very cool Pinterest ideas that could surely fascinate you and make your shower very much fun! Have you thought about baby food games?! See this.
COVID Vaccine and Alcohol intake response after inoculation
Whether consuming alcohol after vaccine injection will affect the response of vaccine is a critical study. As suggested by Dr. Hana El Sahly "Alcohol consumption was not assessed as a variable in the large Phase 3 clinical trial" about Moderna's Trials. As vaccine administration drive currently in progress in India, get your self acquainted with the fact, read more.
Covaxin, Covishield, States Precautions and Contradictions: Health Ministry's Fact Sheet
The Ministry of Health and family welfare has rolled out a comparative fact sheet for covaxin & covishield. The distribution of vaccines has been initiated across the country. It contains required information with vaccines specifications contradictions and precautions. Read more about the precautions related to age group, previous health conditions, lactating and pregnant women.
COVID tongue' has been identified as a new coronavirus symptom
If you experience ulcers on your tongue, it could be a Symptom of covid. The list of covid is increasing day by day since the outbreak. According to an epidemiologist at King's College London, Professor Tim Spector, one of the unusual warning signs of COVID-19 may be developing in the mouth in the form of coated tongue or Covid Tongue. If you notice such patches you must consult your doctor, read
51 minor incidents with day one covid trials Delhi, all safe now
Delhi's Health minister reported 51 cases of minor complications observed out of 4000 inoculated vaccines. With only one adverse case, a 22-year-old security guard who works at the hospital was sent to be taken care of at AIIMS. Though 8000 vaccines were to be given only half were actually administered. Read more for complete insight.
Use of digital healthcare on a surge since COVID 19
ORCHA (the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications), estimates 25 per cent increase in health application downloads. Around 4 million downloads of simple apps related to stress, anxiety and weight loss were the most downloaded ones. Considering it as a leveraged position for the healthcare industry to provide better healthcare facilities. Read for more information.
Priorities Change: From Sanitizing to Insuring Life cover.
Teachings of the year 2020, Re-Think health concerns and Financial Planning. We are indeed well acquainted with the hygiene factor we can't ignore. This year 2021, we could emphasize coping with financial distress. Insurance is one of the fairways to look into when considering your family's financial future. If you do not have health insurance, now is the time to get one.
102 and counting, New Coronavirus strain
On Wednesday, the ministry said, "The total number of persons found to be positive with the new UK variant genome stands at 102 ." Apart from India, the prevalence of this new strain is reported in several other countries. Strict quarantine measures are being taken to contain this situation. Ministry is keeping track of the people with whom these positive patients came in contact. Read Mor
Diabetes among India's aged Urban population
Being attributed as the diabetic capital of the world, LASI reports suggest its prevalence is more in the population living in urban areas. With further insights, a number of the affluent elderly population is two times higher than the lower-income aged group. An estimated 3/4th of the people above the age of 45 is undergoing the treatment of Diabetes. Read the complete article on Diabetes in Indi
Keep it Pumping, Exercise Regularly.
Our level of physical activities affects how our heart performs—our society driven by tech. Advancements made living more comfortable, shifting manual labour to more mental processing. We should consider adopting daily exercise activities that improve our cardiovascular health. Read more of this exciting article about adopting simple measures to help your heart pump you up.
OATS Meal: Which one and how to consume
Healthy diet concerns, watch what Dr. Sam Robbins associates oats and oats meal too. There are many varieties of oats available in the market. Dr. Sam explains which type of packaged oatmeal we should consider and the ones we should avoid during our breakfast. "Most people do have oatmeal in the morning for breakfast. I don't do this and warn against it." What to know why does he say so..
Let's Make the Sleep Easier: Tips On Swaddling Your Newborn
Swaddling or Wrapping up is a conventional act of wrapping an infant up tenderly in a light, breathable cloth to help them feel calm and rest. They should just have their body wrapped and not their neck or head. The thought is that being wrapped up will help your little one feel cosy and secure, similar to how they felt in your belly. Watch the video and learn something new today.
Divorced Parents Are More Likely To Have Mentally Unhealthy Kid: A Study
Research has discovered that when kids are a victim to struggle between their separated or isolated parents, they experience the dread of abundance. This stress over being deserted in light of interparental fights was related to future emotional health issues in kids, particularly for youngsters who had strong associations with their dads.
Kids Can Teach You Many Things, Some of Them Are
Every day is a fresh start. We have forgotten how to lie. Things have become so much messier that would take another life to heal it. But hey, do you know that you can do this by just following your kid's steps? How? Observe your child, try and learn rather than teaching them to live because they will do but you won't.
What is an ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) therapy? Does your child need it?
After a youngster gets a diagnosis, the time can be loaded up with vulnerabilities as there are various choices family will make to pick the legitimate game-plan. Early intercession is the key in all c curriculum that can achieve substantial long progress. The ABA program for autism has been the standard treatment technique with various variations and adjustments to it throughout the long term.
Nutrition Myths Busted Don't try the veggie if your child doesn't like it.
It is usual for children not to like food when they are first exposed to it. Many children need to see, feel, taste, but not eat food before they finally try and like it. It takes time! Instead: Be patient and keep serving it. Don't force, bribe or pressure your child to eat a certain food item. Let him grow to like it at his own pace. If you are still stuck, then try it in different forms.
How Common Are Blood Clots, DVT, and Pulmonary Embolisms in Pregnancy?
Pregnant women are 7 times more likely to suffer from DVT, pulmonary embolism and blood clots. Why? Because in pregnant women, the uterine pressure slows down the blood pressure, which is one reason. The symptoms include severe pain in the legs, which even while moving a toe becomes painful. When this clot travels to the lungs, it causes pulmonary embolism. Read more by swiping left.