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How Common Are Blood Clots, DVT, and Pulmonary Embolisms in Pregnancy?
Pregnant women are 7 times more likely to suffer from DVT, pulmonary embolism and blood clots. Why? Because in pregnant women, the uterine pressure slows down the blood pressure, which is one reason. The symptoms include severe pain in the legs, which even while moving a toe becomes painful. When this clot travels to the lungs, it causes pulmonary embolism. Read more by swiping left.
First 24 Hours of Bathing
Only becoming acquainted with your infant, taking care of, resting and acclimating to being a mum will presumably take all your time 24 hours. And regarding the baths, as long as your infant is cleaned after delivery, it only needs some topping and tailing on face and neck and washing in the nappy area. Do not worry if the skin is flaky, it is just a sign of the baby's adjustment to the world.
A healthcare system that needs to be appreciated
Germany is a country that provides universal health coverage to its people. How did they achieve this using an insurance scheme is what the video shares with us. For one thing, everybody is required to have an insurance plan. In turn, relaxed norms on the part of companies and equality in treatment motivate people to get themselves covered. Watch the video to know more.
Factors Influencing Public Health
Measuring health is attributed by physical, mental and social well-being. We all want a disease-free good health and health care system. This video shows the variable nature of health at an individual and national level and various factors detrimental to health. Thoroughly concise information to know about what makes up health nation i.e. individual's preferences and national health care system
Are you Gutsy, Be sure to keep it clean
COVID can have a harsh effect once it takes over various organs in the body, including the gut. Poor Gut Health severely affects COVID 19 prognosis. Studies have demonstrated that an underlying medical condition could adversely affect the covid condition and altogether associated with an altered gut microbe. Though these studies suggest results based on observation, the key thing to remember is to
Initiating Red Ribbon Quiz for youth on National Youth Day
Dr. Harsh Vardhan and Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey in association with the National AIDS Control Organization and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare inaugurated the finals of Red Ribbon Quiz. Addressing the youth in India is the future of the country and government initiative to provide them with an opportunity to become innovators, creators, builders and leaders. Read more..
Covid Vaccine no choice allowed
India on the verge of vaccine deployment, Union Health Secretay said no option provided to the person getting vaccinated. He said that none of the countries has given such a chance, which Vaccine will be administered publically is with the government but getting vaccinated is voluntary. India will go with inoculation of covishield Vaccine keeping the covaxin restricted for emergency use.
Eating and excreting food, keep the pathway clean
Excreteating, the leftover of digested food, is a natural process that functions through your colon. Apart from being a pathway for digestion and excretion, it also helps the body absorb nutrients and maintain your PH levels. Eating unhealthy food degrades the organs' functions. Watch the video on how to improve and have a healthy body.
Intelligent Food Items you should eat
A video from the archives of teachings of Sadhguru, Pranic Food for your intelligence. Looking into our overworked scheduled lifestyle, we leave out an intake of good food. Sadhguru puts light on ash groud a food item to include in our diet for pure energy. Watch more to know how to consume this nature's one of many gifts to humanity.
Depression and anxiety due to food shortage amid the pandemic
Food insufficiency increased by 25 per cent during the pandemic. With less to eat raises concerns of depression, as per studies conducted in USA people who did not have enough to eat during that week reported worse mental health, with 89 per cent of them reporting anxiety symptom. As per SOFI's report of 2020, India has the largest population of food-insecure people in the world. Read More
National Kayakalp Awards, Inaugration by Dr. Harsh Vardhan
A virtual inauguration of 5th Kayakalp awards by Dr. Harsh Vardhan and Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey took place on 12-01-2021. Kayakalp is a clean, Clean environment that improves healing and Fastens recovery, besides enhancing patients' experience at a health facility. It's an extension to Swacch Bharat Mission. During the inauguration recalled PM Narender Modi's call for Swachhagraha. Read more.
Keeping track of immunization
A system adopted by the state of colorado in keeping track of all the people who have and will be getting covid vaccination. A docent system that will be used to provide better health facilities to the society at large. It will also be used as a control mechanism for identifying inconsistencies on the part of health care providers. The data will be strictly confidential.
BRAIN, As a natural positioning system and using this triat to treat ailments
Studies for researchers suggest how the brain uses memory as a hard drive to store time and place parameters and how the studies mentioned in this article may help treat many ailments related to the brain. The storage of memory related to an event and its time of occurrence by the brain are called time cells. Read more to know who this study may be helpful in combating memory loss.
Auto-brewery syndrome (ABS): From Soberness to Being Drunk
Auto-brewery syndrome (ABS) also known as gut fermentation syndrome, is a rare condition where ingested carbohydrates are converted to alcohol (Ethanol) by fungi in the gastrointestinal tract. While one might find it weird, but is a condition that can be pretty scary. This article mentions Nick Carlson, 52 from Lowestoft in Suffolk, who suffers from this disorder and shares his experience.
Middle Aged women's health priorities
Women's being attributed to giving care often do not consider their own well being. Under these harsh covid days, it is important that women in 2021 should not ignore their own health, particularly middle-aged women. Dr. Prathima Reddy, senior obstetrician and gynecologist at Fortis La Femme Hospital, Bangalore, shares some tips read more to know them.
Is my newborn breathing heavily?
Prematurity is one of the most common reasons for breathing disorders in newborns. If the lungs aren’t developed by the time of birth there could be breathing problems. Symptoms may develop during birth or days later such as shallow breathing, heavy breathing or grunting. It is required to know the diagnosis before any actions, some of the common ones are pneumonia and meconium aspiration.
What To Look For While Buying Formula Milk For a Newborn?
Is there any difference between formula milk with different brands? Umm if you want a suggestion then we are here for you. But before reviewing the brands, it is best to know what you should be looking for in formula milk. Cow milk's whey, casein- a protein source, vegetable oil, vitamins, minerals and iron are the key elements you have to search.
SLIM platform for antibody therapies, OXIGENE
OXIGENE, a company offering advancements in cells and gene therapy. Gene therapy refers to techniques that use genes to treat diseases. SLIM self-labelling integral membrane, a protein discovery system allows for identification of antibodies against viruses and bacterias, which helps generate a natural immune response in the form of antigens. How the tech. works in decoding disorders
Words From a Mother: Mira Rajput
The duo Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput married in 2015, they have two children Zain and Misha. The opened up about the values they want to give to their children in an exclusive interview. Mira shared her thinking of how parents setting the right examples for their children at an early age. Following Indian tradition that we should follow, read to know her thoughts about parenting.
Boehringer Ingelheim, a pharmaceutical company, appointed Vani Manja as Managing Director.
She holds an MBA and an MA in international studies from Wharton school at the University of Pennsylvania. Vani replaced Sharad Tyagi after his retirement on 31-12-2020. Indian pharmaceutical market is crucial for the large conglomerate and Vani being the right contender basing her previous accomplishments.