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Eggs are high in cholesterol and can increase the risk of heart disease
Numerous studies have now been directed in healthy individuals demonstrating no impact of everyday egg consumption on blood cholesterol levels. The National Health and Medical Research Council's Australian Dietary Guidelines instruct that eating eggs each day isn't related to an expanded danger of coronary illness. It is rather important to make sure you eat a low saturated fat diet.
Is it ok If you provide a vegan diet to growing children: QnA
Whatever your reason is for going vegan, you may wonder if it is suitable for my growing kid? A small number of adults, maybe less than 1% are vegans, which means they do not eat meat, dairy or honey. But it Is also seen that vegans are highly decisive of B12, zinc, iron and calcium. Only solution to this. "No matter what diet you follow, it is vital to have a balanced diet".
Be Aware of False Pregnancy, Is It Harmful?
False pregnancy, also known as Phantom pregnancy, will give you all the pregnancy symptoms, fatigue, nausea, morning sickness etc.. Yet, the women have not conceived, and there is no formation of a baby inside the womb. There could be multiple reasons to have a false pregnancy, history of depression, past medical issues, and might be a strong willingness to get pregnant.
Want to Control Too Much Breast Milk Supply, Try Block feeding
Block feeding is a breastfeeding technique where a baby is fed on one breast over a long period, maybe for 3 hours or more. This can help bring down the breastmilk supply or if you are trying to wean. Block feeding can take a few days to figure out. Once the lower level of engorgement is created, it sends a signal to the brain to slow down the milk supply. To see the side effects swipe left.
5 simple exercises, you can work out post-lunch
A healthy lifestyle and exercise go hand in hand. Most people believe that only time they can actually exercise is mornings or evenings when their stomach is not full. It's how we all are conditioned, but some things we can change, how about an exercise routine that we can do during your lunch hour. It may sound weird. However, exercise during lunchtime can come with its own set of health benefits
Withholding Covaxin use, for now
Chhattisgarh health minister TS Singh Deo commented that covaxin should not be allowed as phase III has not been completed. Though DCGI approved Bharat Biotech Covaxin Phase III trials over 25 centers across India. Chattisgarh to complete its mock drill in all its 28 districts and projected 2.53 lakhs healthcare workers get vaccinated.
January 16, Initiation of Vaccine Drive In Delhi
Around 30 Million healthcare workers will be inoculated. The Dehli government said they have identified 89 sites, including 36 state-run and 53 private hospitals. Vaccines to all the centres will be supplied by the Delhi government and free for the beneficiaries. Covishield Vaccine of Oxford-AstraZeneca would be administered as of now keeping Covaxin for restricted emergency use only.
Deploying Vaccines at the required temperature, an MSME from Gurgaon
Phase Change" a technology made from salt and water, developed by Pluss Advanced Technologies an MSME, from Gurgaon, came up with unique material to transport vaccines at their required temperatures. They have already tied up with SpiceJet to deliver the vaccine. Mr Samit Jain stated that the materials keep absorbing all the heat, till it melts; also the materials used to transport are safe.
Weight Loss: Rice V/s Roti
Nutritionist Pooja Makhija explains the myths associated with two main staple grain food items, Rice and Roti. Following diet plans requires one to skip or include certain food items. Rice related to fear of gaining weight is excluded by many including wheat roti as an alternative in the diet, does that really help, read and watch what the nutritionist describes
COVIDLAND: A Film About Survival and Hope in the ICU
Under the pandemic over the frontline, healthcare workers are working hard to contain the covid situation. Professionals from ICU wards worldwide face harsh problems. Watch this short film portraying the conditions that an Intensive care unit professionals have to face. A drama showing high hopes, hard work by health care workers to relieve covid patients from intense suffering. Swipe right
Petitioner to pay a penalty of 20000 rupees
In a case from surat's consumer court where a petitioner a 37-year-old patient approached Yesha super speciality hospital in surat, being consulted of having cancerous cells in his tongue, the patient was ordered to get a biopsy done. After a biopsy, the patient was ordered surgery, The removed the cells from his tongue and neck both. The patient filed a case against the doctor and the Cath lab fo
PolicyX: Track Price index for health and term insurance policies
India's first price index for health and term insurance policies will allow users to track prices and trends in premium costs. An index value of premiums has remained stable for the 2020's last quarter at 20,995. According to Naval Goel, chief executive officer and founder, PolicyX, the company plans to bring out exciting insights and data analytics, read more for insight.
Slaughterhouse monitoring, Supreme Court's safety measures
After many violations noticed at the Ghazipur poultry market, the Supreme court appointed a committee to monitor slaughterhouses' violations. Under this pandemic, having unhygienic conditions around us raises an issue. "Gravely alarming" is a matter to be considered as several cases of bird flu have been found recently. Read more
Think to Gain Weight: Follow Morning Routine
Being Underweight is a condition that outlines severe health conditions. Having a proper diet in the morning builds up a healthy immune system. The weak, skinny body is more prone to diseases, deficiencies of nutrition. Changing lifestyle routines with altering diet like fat-rich milk instead of toned one can do wonders. Read more on how your morning routine helps you gain weight.
Pregnant Women Exposed To Poor Air Quality At High Risk Of Miscarriage, Stillbirth: Study
The study presumed that miscarriages because of air contamination were more typical in the Northern area in India and Pakistan. It likewise influenced women, who were pregnant at 30 or above, in rural regions due to their high susceptibility to contamination's unfriendly impacts. The report created a model that could calculate pregnancy loss's risk on every 10mg/m3 increase in PM2.5.
What is a Strep Throat: Every parent should know?
Strep throat is an infection caused by streptococcus (or group A strep) bacteria. It could be a recurring infection amongst younger children. Also known as sore throat, the symptoms include difficulty swallowing or drinking, thick nasal discharge, or in some cases might have a fever. Strep throat is not an emergency but should be treated with antibiotics if the symptoms continue for long.
How Much Milk Does My Baby Need In The First Few Days?
Demand Feeding: when a baby urges to be fed on its own soon after birth. If this does not happen, parents are often told to provide every 3-4 hours during the first few days, which also means, waking up the baby from sleep or a nap. While you are doing this, never try to force-feed your baby hoping to provide more nutrition etc. you are doing no good.
Nutrition Myth Busted Yoghurt is Good for the Bacteria in Your Belly
Indeed, some yoghurts might contain beneficial bacterias that could help keep the gut healthy. Lactobacillus acidophilus you should be looking for. However, most yoghurts are so high in sugar that they do more harm than anything less. Processed yoghurts are so high in sugar that they do more to promote unhealthy gut bacteria.
Do you know showing a mirror to 6-months-old can help boost cognitive development?
Connect a mirror to the lodging or close to the changing table so your infant can see his face and movements. Spot a huge mirror low on the divider to take a gander at himself when he is playing on the floor. Your infant won't comprehend that he's seeing his own appearance. However, he will appreciate seeing that individual moving his arms and grinning at him.