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Introducing cows' milk to your child
The baby needs more nutrients than what is available in cow's milk. It's not just iron, cow's milk doesn't have fats infants need, and might not contain the right types of fats like DHA and ARA. Wait until it's your child's first birthday. When a balanced diet of grains, cereals, fruits, and vegetables shows no allergies, it is a GO for you. Introducing cow milk should be last on the list.
I Have Got Your Back!
Backing up your child might not be the best feeling, but hey! This shows that your child is not alone; it gives him warmth and makes him feel protected. Also, this comes with cons. Excessive protection can result completely opposite, and you could end up being a helicopter parent. Overdoing the backing up could have a negative impact. It could also make kid-less confident and introverted.
Living with In-Laws: Is It a Boon or a Bane?
What is your perspective? You want to take it as a boon or as a bane? Believe me, it's a boon. Kids are like a sponge; they absorb everything they see around them. When they see the tradition of Indian culture, it could teach valuable things. There will be a clear difference in the character and behavior of the child. Also, when both parents are working, grandmas come with a lot of help.
Line of control: Healthy and Obese
When do we call a person obese, where on one side we promote a message to love our own bodies. Obese is a condition with an excessive amount of fat deposits in the body. The effects of diseases like diabetes, CVD, hypertension are heightened if a person is obese. BMI (Body Mass Index) is a parameter to calculate weight and height ratio, keep it under control. Read more...
Can I continue low carb high protein diet during pregnancy?
Pregnancy is not the time for dieting! Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy. Your red blood cells and brain cells depend on them for their energy requirements. If you give up or restrict carbs, your body has to derive its energy needs from muscle protein or muscle tissue breakdown. Trying to curtail any essential nutrients is not the right way to go, especially during pregnancy.
How to Soothe Your Child's Stomachache
At the point when your toddler's stomach is disturbed, you need to fix the difficulty quickly. Knowing precisely how to help can be interesting since they can't reveal to you why it harms. Discover what may be causing your child or baby's fuss and how you can help settle their stomach. What could be the cause, and what are the symptoms? Swipe left to read the article by WebMD
Pregnancy Weight Gain: Weight Watch
“I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy. I felt so self-conscious and miserable that I didn’t appreciate the miracle that had just happened; the postpartum depression took a toll on me. The second time around, I was determined to make the most of it. I didn’t gain any extra unnecessary weight; I ate healthily did exercise started yoga. It seems that turned out pretty well!”
Identify the signs of mumps; you can avoid the risks early
Having a child who has mumps can be scary for a parent. It is a highly contagious disease that should be treated immediately. Watch this video to learn about the symptoms, causes, treatment, and prevention of Mumps. Parents should be vigilant and watch for signs. Take action quickly to ensure effective treatment. Consult a pediatrician and make sure that the medication dosage is followed.
Teaching Child the Importance of Family Meal
A family that eats together stays together. However, a very known quote in English is slowly starting to fade away, and eating together as a family has high nutritional, social, and psychological benefits. Plan ahead of time. You might want to make a few recipes rather than making one big one. Most importantly get everyone involved. The cooking time could be more fun than eating.
Kids with Congenital Heart Disease Face Higher Odds of Mental Health Issues
Kids born with heart defects are more likely to develop anxiety, depression, and mental disorders, including ADHD in children. Congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth conditions in the US, and India too. The study found that uninsured children and those from minority groups are more likely to face the challenges. However, these kids have known to be living to the fullest.
If you are pregnant, these are the covid-19 vaccine for you
Healthcare employees are the first ones over a population of 300,000 pregnant and lactating women. Is the vaccine safe for them? Well, no data suggests the safety or risks, FDA suggests the answer is yes. As per the EUA, it is better if you consult with your healthcare provider for the options. Pfizer-BioNTech says they do not have sufficient data to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.
Love Is Science, It Promotes Better Health in Childhood
Want to listen to some of the world’s leading experts on how Oxytocin , also called “love hormone” helps improve the health of your children? Dr Patel explains why our mental health is an asset, and how it impacts our children. Cornelius shares her experiences in delivering child protection programmes and interventions. UNICEF has made an impact on a child’s safety, watch and read the stories.
Postpartum Yoga Asanas to Lose Extra Tummy Fat
Increase in Belly fat is the most common sign of pregnancy, it grows along with your baby but doesn’t go that easily. It will take time, and it might not even go if a woman is less active. Remaining active after a few days of delivery is a start to a healthy life. Yoga is a part of a fit lifestyle. If you have been struggling with postpartum weight gain then these 5 asanas will help you lose that
Recurrent Fever in Children, Is It A Problem?
When the body temperature increases above 100.4 F, it is a fever. And when this happens multiple times, maybe once every month then it is a recurrent fever. This could be a call to worry; however, in most of the cases, it is just an inflammatory response to an infection. In tots, one of the common reasons is tonsillitis. Also, it is best to let experts do their work and consult a doctor.
How to Minimise The High Risks with Type-1 Diabetes and Pregnancy
It becomes even more difficult for a woman with type-1 diabetes to conceive and miss a miscarriage than a normal healthy woman. There’s a lot to consider when trying to get pregnant and of course, the maternal desire to give best to your baby is no less. Keep your blood glucose levels in range. Keep in touch with your doctor. Practice yoga or exercise. It could be difficult but not impossible.
In Absence of Data, Pregnant Women Push Forward With COVID-19 Vaccine
Some pregnant health providers choose to get an emergency-approved vaccine in the USA. However, frustration over the lack of safety information remains. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, has advised physicians to allow pregnant and lactating people in priority vaccination groups the chance to get vaccinated. Yet there is no data available.
Segregating Super Spreaders: Gujarat's affirmative strategy
It has been estimated that 10% of patients with high SARS-CoV-2 are responsible for spreading 80% of local transmissions", as claimed NIOH, Ahmedabad. During the lockdowns of June last year, Ahmedabad opted to segregate high viral load patient to reduce the risk of a widespread. This proved beneficial, But how does one recognize Covid-19 cases with a high viral? Read more to know.
Corona Concerns: Mental Health
As covid vaccination progresses from plans to action altogether with lockdowns and isolations for containing the resurgence of covid is taking a toll on mental health. "The physical aspects of the pandemic are obvious," said Lisa Carlson, the immediate past president of the American Public Health Association. The mental burden can be considered the silver linings of this pandemic.
Critical time for Tokyo as corona cases rise
Registering 4000+ new corona case in japan raised the concern for a potential breakout. It raises concern for the summer Olympic games and economic damage. A lockdown from 8 Pm daily will be imposed from Friday onwards. This may also lead to, if the situation demands, shutting down the schools and non-essential businesses. Japan has recorded more than 245,000 cases and about 3,600 deaths.
Gearing up for vaccine inoculation
As days for covid vaccination is near, authorities are conducting trial runs for ensuring smooth vaccine deployment programs. The main focus is on deciding the venue and dates to administer the vaccine. One thing is making sure to employ trained vaccinator staff along with other ancillary staff. One major activity is to impart the necessary knowledge to the public which falls prey to rumor.