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How to calm a crying baby? Watch different tricks and tips
Newborns cry for infinite reasons now and then. However, at that point, there are different occasions when your infant conceivably even because she's experiencing an episode of colic may appear to be sad regardless of what you do. It might even be sufficient to drive you to tears. Yet, don't lose trust. Watch this video and learn small tricks and tips.
How Much of The Population Will Need to Be Vaccinated Once the Vaccine Is Available: QnA
An immunized person is a barrier or a shield against the virus and prevents it from continuing to spread. The ultimate goal should get at least 50-80% of the population vaccinated. Once the population reaches a point where the disease is unlikely to spread due to developed immunity, it is then called Herd Immunity Threshold (HIT). It is always safe to live in a vaccinated world.
They are "Masked" but should not be "Muted": Depression in Children
Yes, you read it right, childhood depression is possible. Just because a child is sad, it isn't depression. However, if this sadness persists for a longer time with symptoms like frequent irritability & other signs, it could be an alarm. It is more common in boys under age 10. Check for the signs because they might be too young, afraid, scared to tell you.Talk it out because depression is curable
Baby's First Foods: How to Introduce Solids
The AAP says that one can start introducing solids at the age of 4-6 months. The goal at this stage is to get them used to chewing and swallowing food than providing nutrition. Having said that one could start with cereals, as they are a good source of iron. By the time the baby is nine months, the stored-up iron in utero will start declining, and hence it is the best to start with.
Higher waist-to-hip ratio, a risk for non-communicable diseases
NFHS found that more than half of the women of Maharashtra in the fertile age group have a high waist-to-hip ratio. Nearly 44.5% of the women and 40.7% of the men in the age group 15-49 have the unbalanced ratio, making them more susceptible to diabetes and B.P. The ideal ratio as per WHO is 0.8-0.9. The fat around the waist can be an indicator of cardiometabolic problems too.
Coral IVF Trial Offers Hope of Renewal for Australia's Great Barrier Reef
Coral species from Australia's first "Coral IVF" preliminary on the Great Barrier Reef in 2016 have survived the bleaching events, and are on target to duplicate and generate, scientists state. Bleaching happens when hot water demolishes the algae which corals feed on, turning them white. After culturing the larvae, scientists send it to a damaged part of the reef and in need of live coral.
A new variant of coronavirus found, over 1,000 cases identified: UK
The UK's Health Secretary Matt Hancock on Monday stated, "In the course of the most recent couple of days, we have recognized another variation of Covid which might be related with the quicker spread in England." He says, "Introductory examination recommends that this variation is becoming quicker than the current variations." The UK has distinguished more than 1,000 cases with this variation.
Digital technology used to discover fascinating details about Britain's earliest dinosaur
With the use of 3D modeling and technology, a study has discovered Britain's earliest dinosaur's brain to find its possible diet and reasons behind its ability to run fast. The University of Bristol's scientists has claimed that Thecodontosaurus may have had a meat diet and walked over two legs. Experts have also reconstructed its inner ears and guessed its high hearing frequency.
NITI Aayog To Set Up Surveillance Platform to Build Up India's Public Healthcare System
Government think-tank NITI Aayog in its report proposed setting up a data framework to help India's general healthcare observation. The stage will store and investigate data dependent on individual Electronic Health Records (EHR) caught using a Unique Health Identifier. "Public health observation could be incorporated inside India's 3-tiered health set up" it added.
Japan's Worst Bird Flu, 11,000 Birds Will Be Slaughtered and Buried
The outbreak in Japan and neighboring S. Korea is one of two highly pathogenic avian influenzas (HPAI) epidemics hitting poultry around the world, according to the UN and FAO. The Japanese Gov said that around 11K birds would be slaughtered and buried after the avian influenza discovery at Higashiomi city. It has currently suspended poultry imports from 7 countries.
Why Kids Need the Flu Vaccine
Getting an influenza vaccine is particularly significant this season in light of the fact that this season's virus and the Covid infection cause similar basic signs and indications. Influenza inoculation could decrease side effects that may be mistaken for those brought by COVID-19. Forestalling this season's virus and reducing the seriousness of flu attack.
Kids and screen time: Mayo Clinic
In today's society, children are inundated with media. Many kids spend hours in front of devices such as computers, TVs, smartphones or tablets. But how much screen time is OK for your child? In this Mayo Clinic Minute, pediatrician Dr. Angela Mattke explains new screen time recommendations released by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Vivien Williams reports.
Know What Benefits You Can Have from Just a Bite of Juicy strawberry
Life is a perfect blend of emotions & body, a balance of nutrients. There is nothing more nutritious than having a strawberry smoothie loaded with Vitamin C. Do you know that you need Vit C to help your body absorb Iron? Now you know. Also, Strawberries contain antioxidants which reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease too. These sweet-sour punches can be enjoyed in many recipes, read the article
Does Getting COVID-19 While Pregnant Harm Your Baby?
Like swollen ankles and constipation, worry is a constant companion when you're pregnant. While much still needs to be learned about the virus, the little research out shows that pregnant women with COVID-19 are no more likely than others to have severe disease. Also, the virus is less likely to pass to the baby. Proper measures like frequent hand washing and social distancing can help longways.
Humiliating children publicly in schools is an offence, says Kerala child rights panel
Humiliating a child in broad daylight is a gross breach of child rights and should be treated as an offense, the Kerala State Child Rights Commission has said. The request was given on a grumbling document against a school in the Wayanad area for purportedly embarrassing a nine-year-old kid before the 800-part in the morning school gathering for wearing a specific haircut.
The "HOLD" to quiet their cries
Newborn cries a lot, whether of any discomfort or something else. We don't know why they cry; we just want them to stop crying. In this video, Dr. Robert Hamilton Demonstrates how to calm a crying baby. His "The HOLD" technique surprisingly works wonders. Watch the video for a step by step guide.
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away- Fact or Myth?
Even though studies show that eating more apples may not be related to fewer visits to the doctors, adding apples to your diet can help improve parts of lifestyle. Truth be told, one research in more than 20,000 adults found that eating a plant-based diet, including apples, was connected to a lower risk of stroke. For best outcomes, enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables for a well-rounded diet.
Man dressed as Santa Claus infects 75 people with Covid-19 at a Belgian care home
A man, who came spruced up as Santa Claus at a nursing home in Belgium's Mol to engage with people, coincidentally contaminated 75 individuals with Covid there. The man had created indications three days after the visit, following which he tested positive. "It was made with the best goal, yet it turned out badly," Mol's Mayor said.
When Can I Began Giving My Baby Tub Baths- QnA
Once the umbilical cord falls off, and the circumcision and the navel are completely healed in cases of surgery, it's time to try a tub bath. Not all babies would like the transition, and some can be a little fussy too, so it is best to start with a sponge bath, introduce the baby with water for a week or so and then shift to a regular tub bath.
Home Treatments To Soothe A Teething Baby
What work's for other's babies might not work for yours so you might have to play different things out. You can try a cold teething toy, spoon or a cold pacifier, but make sure it's not too cold. One could also try offering an unsweetened teething cracker or massaging baby's gums with a finger while breastfeeding or otherwise. Try to avoid breakable plastics, water teethers, or a frozen solid.