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Fire in the ICU ward of COVID hospital in Rajkot, five dead
An uncertain incident took place at the COVID hospital in Rajkot, Ahmedabad. The fire broke out in the ICU ward where at least five patients died at Shivanand COVID-19 hospital. With a total of 33 patients at the hospital, seven in the ICU. The cause is still unknown—the Chief Minister of Gujarat orders probes into the incident.
Have You Also Delayed Your Child's Vaccination Due To COVID-19 Pandemic- QnA Time
When you are getting behind the schedule, you are inviting the germ friends to your house and allowing them to attack your kid. This means until your child does not catch the disease, he does not have immunity against it. Vaccines help your baby to develop immunity, which allows him to develop physically and mentally healthy. Read the article to know more reasons for "on-time vaccination".
Name the rash-Teething rash
Teething is the cycle of an infant's first teeth pushing through their gums. This cycle commonly begins around the age of a half year to 1 year and stops around the age of 3. Getting teeth can hurt, making children fastidious or hard to quiet. Slobbering is a typical manifestation of getting teeth. Tenderly cleaning spit from the skin with soggy cotton fleece can prevent the rash.
Indian Urban Youngsters on Radar of Increase in Type 2 Diabetes: A Hidden Epidemic
As per a new study, more than half of the men, and nearly 2/3rd of the women currently in their 20s can develop diabetes in the later stages. The research published in the Journal Diabetologia country shows that India already has a significant health burden caused by diabetes with more than 77million adults, and the number is expected to double by 2045.
Stress in Mother While Pregnant Is Affecting Infant's Brain
Stress can be harmful to you, but during pregnancy, it is harmful to you and your child- a new study reports. Maternal stress is known to influence the development of the child's behavior and ability to regulate emotions as it grows. Researchers found that higher levels of cortisol in mother's hair is linked to the structural levels in infants' brains.
Eye strain and vision problems for WFH professionals
Digitalization has eased the human body but along with it has come other problems too. Human vision has decreased in recent years due to excessive use of screens, work, and home. The study reveals that almost 70% of the employees who are spending their time in front of the screen for 8-9 hrs a day have computer vision syndrome (CVS). WFH employees are highly recommended for a regular CVS check.
6 Sure-Shot Reasons to Formula Feed Your Baby
Believe it or not, not all moms are comfortable to breastfeed their baby. They might have their reasons or not, if no excuses come up, it is OK to formula feed. They are shamed, questioned, and are heard many negative things. Many working mothers are forced while many have to opt for a medical condition; if you are one of them then have read this beautiful article.
Challenges Women Face with Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is an essential part of a newborn's life. It provides essential nutrients and all the required vitamins. However, some new moms face it quite challenging to breastfeed their baby for many reasons. Some might have problems latching, a painful breast, or a sore nipple. But is painful breastfeeding normal? Find out the answer from the video by
Is a baby sleeping over its stomach safe?
You have a ten-month-old and want to know at what point can they start to sleep on their stomach. A lot of babies between four and seven months will start to roll either from their back to their stomach or from their stomach to their back. Some babies are very restless and also turn from side to side. The American Academy of Pediatrics has got all your queries covered, watch this video.
Day-old baby with multi organ dysfunctions, COVID-19 positive survives: PUNE
"It's not the day yet until it's the date" applies quite perfectly to the case. A day-year-old baby with multiorgan involvement and cytokine-storm, a sporadic form in severe SARS-COV2 survive at the Jahangir hospital, Pune. Mother was COVID-19 positive to which the baby carried the infection and was shifted to Neonatal ICU followed by an emergency C-section.
Record-breaking progress made in COVID-19 vaccine development: Biden
US President-elect Joe Biden stated, "There's been critical record-breaking progress made as of late in building up vaccines [COVID-19], and a few of these antibodies look phenomenally viable." He added the US is on target to start vaccination against COVID-19 by late December or early January. America will set up an appropriation intended to get the whole nation inoculated, Biden further said.
What Are The Best Probiotics For Kids: Benefits And Safety
Trillions of bacteria live on the skin and in the body, especially in the gut. These bacteria play an essential role in everything from digestion to fighting illness. Probiotic supplements claim to help restore healthy bacteria, potentially improving health. Probiotics support the development and growth of healthy bacteria. Research has also suggested it for severe medical conditions.
What is Kawasaki Disease?
It is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in infants and young children. The condition causes inflammation in the blood vessels, and the symptoms can be severe. In addition to several days of fever, children with Kawasaki disease may develop symptoms such as rash, swollen neck glands, swollen hands and feet, and red eyes, lips, and tongue. If left untreated, then could be life-threatening.
Is it normal to get cold often while pregnant?
You're probably going to get a cold sooner or later during your pregnancy since it's not unexpected to contract a few bugs per year. Likewise, during pregnancy, your resistant system changes, so its primary reason for existing becomes protecting your baby. This can make your immunity against infections lower than expected. It becomes important in such cases to visit your doctors.
Mental health is the real wealth.
Will seeing the glass half full assist you with living longer? Studies have discovered that there is a relationship between expanding levels of optimism with diminishing degrees of death from cancer, sickness, flu, and stroke. This is especially valid for instances of cardiovascular diseases. People with a healthier mental health status had a practically 40% lower danger of coronary illness.
89% of patients getting plasma recover at GIMS, most are men
The success ratio for plasma donations is seen more in men than in women. Analysis done on the plasma treatment for COVID survivors in GIMS, Lucknow showed the results. Out of a total of 335 patients, 277 were men and 58 women, where the success ratio was 89% in total. Dr. RK Gupta, director GIMS further added that plasma therapy is showing positive results than expected.
Stubble burning cases up 46% in Punjab, down 28% in Haryana
Stubble consumption in Punjab expanded by 46% this year in contrast with a year ago, while in Haryana it went somewhere around 28.6%, as indicated by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. There were 76,537 occurrences of stubble consumption in Punjab between September 21 and November 22 as against 52,225 such occasions in 2019, the service said in a report.
How Your Immune System Works
It can become a difficult task sometimes to explain how our immune system works. How do you explain it to your kids? Do they know what fruits can help make them Popeye, or the iron man from marvels? Then a must-watch video. Numerous kids' health has made a simple video which will help you and your kids understand your body and your immune system.
Can there be a difference between your two pregnancies?
This can be exciting news for you; but do you know that both of your pregnancies can be different in terms of everything? Your second pregnancy could show symptoms a lot earlier than your first one, and also your sweet bump will come out faster. The good news is, your labor will be shorter as your cervix will be flexible after the first birth. Want to know more? Swipe left to read the article.
What kids eat around the world- Poland Edition
Kids in Poland are less influenced by western culture and are savored more on home-cooked healthy food. But hey, isn't this similar in other European countries too?? Maybe. So, children in Poland love having soups, more on vegetable-based, and potato pancakes. Also, what is more, exciting is they do have a dish called fruit soup and fruit dumplings!! That's something new.