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Gas and bloating in pregnancy
Are you experiencing extreme tummy aches? Not sure what's happening? Is Tummy getting rapidly bloated? Humans pass gas or wind 13 to 21 times per day on average, but when you're pregnant, you may find yourself passing gas more often than usual. Find out how pregnancy increases bloating, burping and flatulence, and discover ways to get relief. These will help you to relieve that bad tummy gas and b
Digital Health Is Future – Experts at PHDCCI Webinar
Can a man who is living in a remote village of Chhattisgarh access quality consultation from top-doctors now? Telehealth, digital record management, Patient Engagement Systems and Improved network speed and availability of smartphones have enabled the reach of high-quality healthcare consultation to the remotest of the village. As per experts: Mobile digital health isn't a product; it’s a process
Russia’s Sputnik V demonstrates 92% efficacy, finds interim data analysis
Presently, 40,000 volunteers are partaking in twofold visually impaired, randomized, placebo-controlled Phase III of Sputnik Vaccine clinical preliminaries, out of which more than 20,000 have been immunized with the 1st dose & more than 16,000 with both the first and second dosages of the immunization. Sputnik V Phase 3 clinical preliminaries are going through in Belarus, UAE, Venezuela.
RT- PCR confirmation should be the base for any covid-19 test in India: JVR Prasada Rao
As the Rapid Antigen Detection Tests (RADTs) done across India are giving faster results, it is also becoming a challenge as every state has formulated its screening and tracing strategy. The government might have relied on the cheaper method, but for any COVID negative report an RT-PCR was a must to do, as the RADTs are becoming less reliable for giving out several false reports- JVR prasad Rao
Autoimmune disorders have a direct link with air pollution – AIIMS Study
In the past decade, the incidence of autoimmune disorders has risen tremendously. The study shows that it is caused not only by genes but environmental factors, such as prolonged exposure to air pollution. People who are living at a distance of 200m from the main road have higher anti-nuclear Antibody & Rheumatoid factor levels which are also responsible for causing Rheumatoid arthritis.
Health metrics for policy making, evidence-based research is needed: Prof. L.S. Shashidhara
To augment healthcare research and better healthcare public policy, India needs to define comprehensive metrics and promote evidence-based research. Creating a framework for data-driven analysis is key to the future of policy making, which is accurate and helps. Since antigen testing is only 50% reliable, it can barely be considered to review the data of COVID positive patients in India-for exampl
‘Very poor’ is Delhi’s best show in 7 days
344 was the AQI (Air Quality Index) of Delhi on Wednesday being the lowest in the past week. AQI has come down from emergency to Very Poor. As the wind direction shifted from north-westerly to easterly on Tuesday night, there was a minimum transfer of pollutants from Punjab and Haryana to Delhi on Wednesday. Thursday, which is likely to improve AQI to the middle end of the very poor.
Dairy, Soy, And Risk Of Breast Cancer: Those Confounded Milk
Consumption of dairy milk for women could increase the risk of breast cancer. A study found out that the moderate consumption of dairy milk could increase the risk. The risk gets higher when a woman consumes 3 cups a day by 80% than by 1 cup (50%). On the contrary. No clear associations were found between soy products and breast cancer, independently of dairy
How to Control Anger At Your Toddler?
It surely doesn't help when you talk about the endless problems of your life. But it doesn't work if we get angry at a child asking 'WH' questions. This is who they are! It is showing their rarity to a particular task and also achieving a developmental milestone. So, be happy that you have a tot who is curious about the world and who knows might become the second Picasso, Einstein or a legendry ac
China COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Halted In Brazil After "Serious Adverse Event"
China's Sinovac Biotech ltd. 's COVID-19 extensive vaccine trials in Brazil have been suspended after a serious adverse event on oct-29. Brazil's health regulator ANVISA has said. The risk of having severe adverse events includes death, long term incapacitation, hospitalization or risk of death. As per the news, over 10,000 people were injected in the trail of the vaccine in Beijing.
Air Quality in National Capital Region reviewed, immediate actions need to be taken
The members of Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR reviewed the air quality and have decided to enforce strictly to minimize the use of personal transport, encouraging work from home and preventing burning of waste along with other seven laws. These 10 immediate measures have been taken into the existing laws, guidelines, and SOP to minimize the pollution on an emergency basis.
Strenuous jobs increase the likelihood of having a baby with foetal macrosomia
The term "fetal macrosomia" is used to describe a baby who weighs more than 8 pounds during birth. Yang and Dave, the lead researchers, have found that moderate-action at work during pregnancy is related to an increase in the probability of foetal macrosomia by 17%. One potential reason focused is lack of sleep actuated diabetes created during pregnancy prompting foetal macrosomia.
Let's Teach Empathy Beyond Liking and Sharing Pictures on Social Media
Life has become busier than before. With the help of technology, conversations have become easier than in previous times. Feelings are limited to just the time of the stories Because this is what todays' kids & teens have become & will be worse in the coming years. Empathy is putting yourself in other's shoes &understanding the pain, but how can we if we are busy measuring our shoes all the time?
Pfizer's Covid vaccine raises hopes for others, but key question could be of price
The mammoth of American pharmaceutical Pfizer has created quite a noise with its statement of claiming to bring a vaccine which has proved to be 90% effective. While most of the companies have set the benchmark to at least have 50% efficacy levels set by WHO. The chances are prices may reach to a higher level as its logistics and transportation require a busier temperature setting which is -94°F.
How Meningitis Spreads | WebMD
The bacteria that cause Meningitis can spread when people who are infected cough or sneeze. Meningitis is an illness that can be very scary. It's an infection that can make people very, very sick. Babies who get the disease are at particular risk of getting dangerously ill because it can be tricky to diagnose, and symptoms can escalate quickly. Watch to know more on the warning signs of Meningitis
You are beautiful, even after giving birth to a 4kg baby
The feeling of gaining almost quarter-century weight can be petrifying. But Things do not change overnight, just a little sass and a pinch of confidence are all you need to flaunt that belly. So, how do you do that? Breastfeeding. As per the research one can lose almost a kg of weight in 2 weeks by breastfeeding your newborn. This is just 1. Here are 7 other ways you can lose those extra kgs.
What is a baby crowning? Everything a woman should know
Baby crowning is the moment when your baby's head has fully emerged from the vaginal opening and doesn't slip back in. Once crowning occurs, your baby will arrive real soon. Watch this video for everything you need to know about baby crowning during birth - how you can prepare for it during pregnancy itself, how it feels and how you can prevent tearing of your delicate tissues.
Pfizer's promising COVID-19 vaccine won't save Christmas, or even Easter and Passover, experts say
Pfizer, an American pharmaceutical company, announced a new vaccine that is 90% effective in preventing the COVID-19. Do not make plans any soon because it might not come into effect until April 2021. Initial supplies of the vaccines might be limited & will be available to only vulnerable groups at the start. Making it challenging to reach worldwide vaccines needs to be stored at -94°F.
6-Year Old Gujarat Boy Becomes Youngest Computer Programmer, Holds A World Record
Gujarat's Arham Om Talsania has been recognized as the world's youngest computer programmer by the Guinness World Records. Arham, born on January 24, 2013, says his father taught him coding when he was just 2. After a few years, he developed his interest in python. He soon started making games. A class 2 student and a son of a software engineer have cleared the language certificate exam too!