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No of New Cases Are Declining: Claims the Indian Government
India’s cumulative coronavirus positivity rate is declining at a steady rate. However, there are some districts which are reporting more cases and have been told to focus upon- Senior officer, Health Ministry. As the number of cases is declining, the recovery rate is increasing simultaneously, Kerala displacing Maharashtra with a maximum number of recoveries in one day.
How to Take Care of Mental Health Among Children During Pandemic
There hectic schedules- online zoom classes, online exams, assignments with little to no outdoor activities can take a toll on them. Your teen’s life has been under a turmoil since more than 6 months-resulting into anxiety, and depression. A balanced life with a healthy diet, some outdoor activity and cycling can have tremendous changes in their mental health status! Don’t believe us? Then Try it.
Travelling, A Therapy Even for a Child's Mental Health
Going with kids has never been simple. Children’s need during the journey never comes to an end. Being said that, presently, during the pandemic, things have gotten much more difficult to take care of. Travelling has become one of the necessities, at least for the sake of the kid’s mental health. So, if you are planning to travel with kids, here are the few shots to know about.
Deafness may lead your loved ones cutoff from people. Offer them the possibility to listen founded by Dr. Marco Vietor, is a german hearing aid device manufacturing company. One of the fastest growing company shares their success story with us in form of Signa Nx, one of the smallest & virtually invisible hearing aid device available in the market. You are at a right spot if you have someone requiring hearing assistance, may have a tester reservation available.
Need to Consider - How Much Sugar
Consider the harsh effect of consuming way too much sugar is what the American heart Associations recommends. Marketed Food items which contains sugar, gives you instant energy boost but produces too much calories which may have negative impact on your body. Read this data driven article on maintaining blood sugar level with optimum quantity sugar consumption
Boost your health with just a sprinkle of Pumpkin Seed,
Balancing life is important, so start with balancing your diet. Nature gift's us the perfect blend of nutrients we need from - "Pumpkin Seeds". A daily handful intake of these seed can revitalize your body. It has many nutrients and can be consumed in various ways. Know how these incredible tiny seeds supplement your body to regulate blood sugar levels and restore immunity.
What is health for you?
Globally people have different cultures & belong to other races but, you know what is most common in all of them? The theory of HEALTH. WHO believes that health is a birthright of every human being on earth irrespective of their social class or religion. What is it for you? Are you accessible to health services when you need them the most? Here are the views of people across the world.
The Isolation Got My Nerves, I Want to Stay Mentally Healthy Too
Coronavirus has got people to stay in a place with just the walls which animals in the zoo are more use to. Now to maintain physical health, many people are avoiding their state of mental health. A study found out that social isolation can lead to an increase in 30% of the heart disease. Read the article to know how to stay sane in this insane time.
When will My Baby Stop Crying?
The unremitting crying of your infant is sufficient to send any parent on a crazy ride of feelings, from stress to disturbance and fatigue. The uplifting news is, these cry-fests are typical. The terrible news? They could continue for the following, not many weeks. Their GI and the sensory system are as yet changing and developing, and the baby is still adjusting to the environment.
British Residents Travelled from Denmark Banned Due to Covid-19 In Mink
All the non-British nationals living in Denmark from the past 14 days will not be allowed to enter the UK. Amid the outbreak concern in the country, mutation of coronavirus in Denmark has been linked to the mink. The UK gov is closely working with international partners to understand the changes in the virus. Although the chief scientist of the WHO says, it is a bit too early to come on any conclu
Does Men’s Fertility Decline with Age Too?
You are manly because you are fertile in old age! Aha, let’s rephrase this. Men become less fertile after the age of 40. Reason being, the testosterone levels decrease as the age progresses, and the sperm quality also changes for bad. In short, the shape and movement of the sperm both gets deteriorated as the age progresses. And men, too, become infertile in their life.
Can My Age Affect Infertility?
Many career-oriented women think of putting the burden of being a mother on later age. But, do you know that women tend to loose one egg every time they get periods. This means that as they get older, the chances of getting pregnant decreases. Not only this, but they are also prone to high-risk pregnancy, miscarriages, and stillbirth. Age can be a leading factor for the failures in IVF too!
Winter Is Here: Things that can keep you Fit and Healthy
The wardrobe is being decluttered, and so does your eating habits and daily routines require a change. Get yourself MOVING, because winter can make even most active people stay cosy. Treat yourself with HONEY & BLACK pepper every morning for avoiding sore throat. Lastly! MEDITATE, be it winters or summers meditation can bring out all the positive emotions from within to give a good start to the da
"Jiska mudda uski ladai, uski hi agwai": Political parties to include demands of children
As Bihar elections are around the corner, leading parties are making their way towards people's heart by including children's demand in party manifestos. Reviewing on the pandemic and its impact on children, the state and bigger parties should keep this as their central issue-Says Rafay E. Hussain, Head, NGO. The demands are small but yet far from what other children are getting nationwide.
Polio And Measles Can Be The Next Epidemics In Non-Gavi Country,Urgent Action Required: WHO & UNICEF
We cannot fall into the trap of saving people from one pandemic and letting a lord fall into another. To meet the requirement of the finances, WHO and UNICEF have called for an urgent action meeting for resuming vaccination campaigns and avert other epidemics beside COVID-19. They have also come up with the new generation tools for OPV and Measles. We are looking for a planned strategy on this WHO
Stretch Marks Are Preventable: Watch the Video
Want it or not, stretch marks are a bitter truth of every pregnancy. Some may like to flaunt some don't. Hence, we have got you a video which can help you prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. By keeping some simple things in mind, one can avoid marks. Dr Aradhana Singh is a senior gynaecologist and obstetrician at Fortis hospital and will give you the perfect advice you are looking for.
Can I Eat broccoli if I am pregnant?
Whether or not you are pregnant, broccoli is considered one of the healthiest vegetables to consume. It is high in vitamins A, C, K, B6, Calcium, Folate, Fiber and antioxidants. Now that pregnant women can include broccoli in their diet, it is safe to eat not more than 2-3 cups a day. It is highly beneficial for women with low haemoglobin count and constipation.