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Do You Know Dates Can Help Your Baby Grow?
Are you thinking about whether to give your baby dates or not? Confused about how and when to start? This video gives you answers to all the questions regarding dates-its nutritional value, precautions, and when to start feeding it to your baby. A new mother can be worried about introducing anything new to her baby and it is obvious to have questions too. Here's how you can incorporate dates.
5 fruits to avoid during pregnancy
Any Fruit directly cannot cause a miscarriage or a stillbirth. Still, the effects it does to the body might contribute to an unhealthy pregnancy. A healthy diet is essential for a healthy pregnancy. You must be aware of what to eat and what to avoid during pregnancy. Since you are feeding for two, you have to be extra careful. While most foods are safe, there are few you must avoid.
Why Does My Child Feel She Has to Lie?
Children aren't naturally deceitful. A child who often lies is under too much pressure of some kind. As a parent, your job is to find out what is wrong and help find a better solution. You might say gently, You don't have to lie to me. Tell me what the trouble is, and we'll see what we can do." Some support and letting your child express can help her feel comfortable to talk about.
What Doesn't Cause A Miscarriage- Get Your Facts Right
Old wives' tales are not only untrue but might affect your health and pregnancy- says Dr Schaffir. As per Dr's facts, exercising or picking up heavy objects are very unlikely to cause a miscarriage. It could relieve the stress or pain one might have. Do you know what does not cause a miscarriage? Stress! To learn more about what cannot cause it? Swipe left.
What are the causes, signs and statistics of stillbirth- You need to know
A baby who dies in utero after 20 weeks of pregnancy or one who dies during delivery is considered stillborn. India has the highest number of stillbirths in the world rating from 20 to 66 per 1,000 births. Due to heavy smoking, being obese and many other reasons stillbirth can be ignited. When you do not feel the reflexes and you start feeling heavy it could be a sign to visit your doctor soon.
Children with no symptom COVID-19 positive might have low virus load: A study says
A Canada based study released that symptomatic patient with age group 0-17 might have a higher viral load than one with no symptoms. The study used PCR tests at nine children's hospital across north and south America. The study used PCR test while the hospitals use a rapid antigen test. Also, does it mean that asymptomatic kids were at lower risk of spreading the virus as the load was lower?
How to burp a Newborn- Know from the experts
Has your baby been spitting her food up? Crying nonstop and you aren't sure what you can do to help her? Gas! Every baby has it, but not every parent knows how to deal with it. We've had those days where no amount of rocking or walking or sweet-talking can calm your baby or stop her from crying. Gas can give your munchkin sleepless nights, that's why it's essential to learn how to burp a baby fast
Constipation during pregnancy-Tips on easing the pain
Irregular bowel movements that cause a bloated, gassy, clogged-up feeling are a very regular pregnancy complaint. Constipation tends to start as early as progesterone levels rise, around the second to the third month of pregnancy. It may get worse as the pregnancy progresses and your uterus grows. As with many other pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy hormones are the culprit behind constipation.
Name the rash- Eczema
If your baby has eczema, he may have dry, itchy, red and cracked areas of skin, which can sometimes ooze fluid and bleed. Your baby may have eczema on his hands, face, neck, elbows and the backs of his knees. There may be times when your baby doesn't have any symptoms at all. These flare-ups are often caused by particular triggers, such as a food allergy or certain skincare products.
Buying things ahead of time
Some might think of waiting until the baby arrives while others get prepared months in advance. The advantage of arranging things ahead of time will lighten your burden. Many parents can get exhausted after delivery, and a little chore like buying diapers and clothes can be profuse. It can be comforting to know that you have things ahead of plan.
Bringing your baby home
It will be a hectic moment when you come home after giving birth. You are tired, preoccupied and overwhelmed. Father will be scurrying around about being helpful. The older child can finally say Hmm, so this is the baby!" after few minutes when things get settle down you can introduce older one to the newborn and would be nice if you could bring a gift for your older child.
How to make siblings cope up?
While you are pregnant, it is good for your child to know what is going to come That way, he can get used to the idea gradually. Of course, you will have to gear your explanations to his level of understanding, and no amount can make him prepare for what's next in the plate. Your job is to begin the dialogue, answer his questions and reassure him that you love him as much as you did before.
Can you make your baby smarter?
The short answer is yes… but NO. Experts say that half of the person's intelligence is dependent on genes and other half is contributed by factors like nutrition and earlier experiences. This is regarding intelligence which can be measured by standard IQ tests. There are different kinds which contribute equally to your child's career, like emotional intelligence or emotional quotient.
What to expect in your Second Trimester of pregnancy | Pregnancy Week-by-Week
Now that first trimester is about to get over and you are preparing for your second one then let me tell you that it would be the most blissful time of pregnancy and you will enjoy the most during this period. Over the coming weeks, baby will grow the cookie size to a slice of pizza-says Today’s parent. The video will show you the development, & symptoms to start thinking about in this trimester.
What is the Role of a parent in today’s world?
Sadhguru, a Yogi, mystic and a spiritual master says nobody, nobody has ever known the best way to parent their children. However, by trying to work on inner self will surely help you bring up a pure and beautiful human being. Create an atmosphere of joy, happiness and positivity around you, it will naturally build up your child likewise.