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What is so unique about Finland’s parenting style?
It is not about how much leave a dad or mom gets or about gender equality, but what your child deserves at this stage as what are his rights says the family minister of Finland, Annika Saarikko. Parents in Finland never stress about their child’s education instead, the schooling starts only once the child is of 7 years, and early years are spent in making their child more creative and active.
What is the correct time for my child to teeth?
For many new moms out there, who is raising their child on their own, this could be a question they might be worried about. Is your child 6 months old? Is he having mild fever at days and acting irritable? Then probably It is the sign he is teething. Teething could start when your baby is 4 months old. Canines are the first teeth that appear following by premolars, molars, and incisors.
Questions about infant nutrition? – Let the experts answer it for you
Having a newborn comes with lots of questions. You are never too sure about the food you give to your infants. Is it safe to feed readymade food? Whether you want to know how to target nutrient-rich foods or supplements to nourish your growing baby, or when to introduce your infant to foods, doctor and nutritionist, Dr Christina Valentine has the answers.
Is it safe to fly with my newborn?
It is recommended to wait until the baby turns six weeks old. It will give you time to settle down with the baby and also will help the baby to develop its immunity against prone infections, in the case of C-section it is definitely not safe for the mother to travel and should take six weeks more before the journey. Lastly, one also has to make sure that the newborn is vaccinated.
I am pregnant, am I at a risk of COVID?
Pregnant women are definitely at a higher risk of getting infected by coronavirus than non-pregnant women. Symptoms are mostly the same, but, due to lower immunity, it could result in adverse effects like stillbirth or ICU admissions. However, it is equally important during this time to not miss on your routine checkups and vaccines too. Proper measures can save you and your family from the virus.
Bleeding gums while pregnant
The condition is known as medical gingivitis & is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy. It can be caused due to the build-up of plaque around the teeth. Gentle brushing and daily flossing could prevent bleeding. If not treated this could also lead to periodontitis. Experts also say that there is some connection between bleeding gums with premature birth & complications.
What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?
Every year around 600-1400 cases get registered in the U.S.A of the shaken baby syndrome. It is a severe injury that occurs in the brain when someone shakes the newborn’s head vigorously. This causes a severe form of damage ranging from brain swelling to even paralysis, seizures, and retinal haemorrhage. When moved swiftly, the brain gets hit to the skull, causing wear to any part of the brain.
Why should we not kiss any new born?
Ema gave birth to a completely healthy daughter one month ago. The baby was completely healthy and had no complications even after birth. As it was one-month ema thought was throwing a party in honour of her daughter. All her friends and relatives were invited to the party. Some of her friends gave warm wishes and many cuddles along with soft kisses on her cheeks and lips & this happened next…
How to make out if your baby is having enough food?
"It is understandable that you are surely worried about child’s health and nutrition. If you have been worrying then pay attention to some of the signs like: • He often remains irritable after feeding. • He does not wet his diaper more than 5 times in 24 hours. • His pee is dark yellow in colour with a strong smell. • If the baby is gaining weight and growing enough then there is nothing to worry
what is pink eye?
An eye infection also called conjunctivitis, which is very common in kids and newborns. It can be caused by many bacteria and viruses which are responsible for colds, ear infection, and sore throat or via STD. It usually shows up a red sticky eye with yellowish discharge. Know how to lessen the pain of pink eye in children. Newborns could develop serious complications it remains undertreated.
Do I still need to breastfeed?
Breastmilk is the most important source of nutrients for your baby until the age of 6 months. As per the World Health Organisation, breastfeeding is recommended for at least six months of age. After 6 months, your baby needs a new source of iron, vitamin C & D every single day hence it is beneficial to provide food in the form of puree to your infant along with breastmilk if you wish to.
They can sense you, your emotions and your behavior too
A 2018 study out of Switzerland found that babies are able to distinguish emotions from adults based on both facial expressions and voices. The babies develop their emotional abilities very early in life: Within the first six months, they can distinguish differing emotions from happy to sad to angry. After babies get older than 6 months, they are able to distinguish even more emotions.
What should a mother do for the bonding process after birth?
Nothing can be better than having Kangaroo mother care. The oxytocin which will be released soon after birth gives a powerful feeling of euphoria. When this combines with the skin-to-skin contact, it can help fasten the bonding process, which is difficult for many mothers out there. Feeding is another excellent way; the hormones released during feeding helps promote relaxation and love.
Newborn belly button bleeding- Do you need to worry about?
"Umbilical cord provides nutrition to your baby while in the womb. But it serves no purpose once the baby comes into the outside world & so, it falls off gradually within a week or so. When the stump comes off on its own, it may lead to some bleeding. To avoid excessive bleeding, do not cover the cord with a diaper or tie anything over it. A clean gauze on the cord with some pressure could stop
Asthma in children- Know the basics
It is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs and the airways where it gets swollen & irritated. Suppose your child is getting out of breath quickly, having chest tightness or similar symptoms regularly then it could be one of the signs of asthma. It might be because of allergies, family history of premature birth too. Asthma cannot be cured completely but can be managed by medications.
Hey Dads! These are the 4 ways you could help your partner during labour’
Many dads to be are confused and not sure about how to help their partners during labor. They often get numb or scared just by imagining the scene of standing in the labor room. But hey! There are many other ways you could help your wife. Watch this live birth video to learn four ways you can help & share it with your other friends too.
Name the rash- Chickenpox
The first symptoms include fever, aches, pains, and loss of appetite. A chickenpox rash starts as little red spots that can appear anywhere on the body. On darker skin, the spots may be harder to see. These then develop into tiny fluid-filled blisters, which eventually scab over. There may be so many spots that they join up, or there may be just a few. Learn more about chickenpox
Is it safe to eat cheese while pregnant?
Well, it all depends on the type of cheese you eat. All pregnant women are advised not to eat mold-ripened cheese and blue-veined cheese Reason being the growth of bacteria called listeria, which could cause listeriosis. However, in contradiction, all hard or homemade cheeses are considered safe to eat. Swipe to view the list of cheese you should not be eating while pregnant.
Is my toddler drinking enough water?
This depends on several factors like the environment, & how active your tot is—being said that, as per the guidelines if he is 3-year old than should be drinking 3 cups& so on. You can check if he is drinking enough water by the color of the urine. If the color is pale/transparent yellow then it is a good sign, but if it is dark yellow, then it may need to up the water intake.
I am a formula milk-feeding mother, and I am not ashamed about it.
Breasts are the best-but not always. I am a formula feeder from day 1 because I wanted to, I had to. It was my choice to stay emotionally, physically and mentally fit. The pressure of doing it right, being present around my kid all the time scared me. The fear crippled as my first child barely could get any breast milk due to less production, so my reason is valid & I am not ashamed.