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How to maintain the post-baby belly?
Breastfeeding can help to loose weight, especially during the early months after giving birth, breastfeeding burns around 300 extra calories to make milk, might differ to everyone. Breastfeeding moms are more likely to loose weight faster than bottle-feeding mom. It is also possible to loose 1 kg in a week but don’t worry. This will not affect the quantity of milk you produce.
Pregnancy Exercises Second Trimester
Working out during your pregnancy is equally important as your daily routine workouts. Start from your first trimester of pregnancy and you can continue till the last date however, the exercises differ in every stage of pregnancy so make sure to check that out. Exercise will help your prep for the labour and keep you active and away from pregnancy hormones.
How did you come to life? Welcome to life- Hashem Al-Ghaili
A video by Hashem Al-Ghaili shows how you have been formed in your mother’s womb. An incredibly beautiful depiction of how a coagulation of just two cells can divide and forms human kind. Who is Hashem AL-Ghaili? Hashem Al-Ghaili is a science communicator and a video producer. He is best known for his infographics and videos about scientific breakthroughs
Name the rash-Meningitis
Meningitis is a severe infection that can develop very quickly. The most distinctive feature is a rash that doesn't disappear when you press a glass to it. The rash can be harder to see on dark skin. Check paler areas of your baby's body, such as the soles of the feet, the palms and the tummy. Earlier symptoms may include fever, shrill crying, vomiting or stiff neck or body.
What is an epidural?
An epidural is a particular form of pain relief common in surgery and also in childbirth. Not everyone will need this form of pain relief but if your Labor's unusually long, the babies in an awkward position or if you have a special pregnancy with twins you may be advised to have an epidural. They will discuss with you all the side effects beforehand for you to make an informed decision.
How to Get Your Kids to Listen and Engage | Kris Prochaska | TEDxBend
Kris Prochaska by using her intuitive insight, diagnostic skills and experience of years will load you with some tips on how to get your child to listen to you. Why do we always ignore our kids and try to suppress them with our thoughts? Can we do this with adults? Have we ever behaved like we do with kids? No, right? then why not try and explain our little ones in a simpler form.
Child immunization and vaccination schedule in India
Children are highly sensitive to infections and germs around them. Hence, it is necessary to keep your child vaccinated on time, especially the newborns. The vaccines cost from as low as 52INR so that it is easily accessible to the majority of the Indian population. BCG, OPV, & Hep-B1 are amongst the first vaccines your child will have after birth.
Reusing the inserts of the cloth diapers: How to make sure they are germ-free
Cloth diaper inserts are the fast gaining popularity among the new mother. These are great alternatives to disposable diapers too. Although washing the inserts are easy to ensure that the insert is absorbent. Best diaper insert is bamboo; they are known to absorb more than the traditional cotton inserts. Bamboo made fabric can wick away the moisture and help keep baby's but dry and happy.
Red flags- Signs that your baby has a vision problem
It will take some time for your baby to adjust to the outer world; at first, they might not always look or function as you expect For ex. it's normal when your 3 months old have crossed eyes. But certain signs are a problem if: • One of the eyes does not move • 1 month old & still doesn't catch light or distractions • Have cloudy eyes Be sure to visit a healthcare professional when in doubt.
Scientists develop a way to accurately detect and monitor common pediatric brain cancer.
As of the inconsistent outcome of the patients with Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) test, scientists have come up with another way to detect the most common form of brain cancer in children. DNA methylation can be seen in circulating tumor DNA from CSF which will be a biomarker to know the status of the tumor that will allow for better treatment.
Isn't milk enough for my baby?
Your baby is getting enough nutrition from breastmilk but, only till he is 6 months of age. The iron which was build up during pregnancy in the baby is now getting low. So, now he needs external nutritional support for growth. Baby foods available in the market might say they are suitable for a 4-month-old, but it is advised by the doctors to start only after 6-months of age.
Microtia in babies
While there is no proper study stating the genetic cause of microtia, it is a randomly occurring anomaly in the development of the embryo. It is derived from the word Micro & Otia means little ear, affecting 1 in 5 every 10,000 births. One of the significant reasons for microtia is if the mother is diabetic previous to pregnancy. Lifestyle changes and therapy sessions can be beneficial.
How to interact with your 1-month old?
Doesn't matter how young they are, they need interaction and love from you. These simplest activities could help them develop their brain. Skin-to-skin contact embraces development, and some studies say that delaying this can stop the growth too. Imitate the baby, dance with them, match their vision, talking and reading with your 1-month old are some of the great ways to interact.
Name the rash- Cradle cap.
It looks like a bad case of dandruff. It’s prevalent in newborns and shows up as a red area on the scalp. This appears as oily, scaly patches that are not painful or itchy but difficult to remove. The exact cause is not identified but is also said that hormones from mother to baby could be one of the factors. It is not a contagious condition but can be prevented by daily shampooing.
Do you know your pregnancy checklist?
A protein-rich diet is a must during pregnancy. Before you start picking up the name and changing the households, think about how to make your body prepared for the pregnancy. Get in shape, control your blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Watch your weight. Being too heavy could decrease the chances of ovulation and if in case you conceive it could lead to a high-risk pregnancy.
Need solution for heartburns during pregnancy? -Watch the video
All-day, every day with no relief!! says a mom complaining about severe heartburn while she was first trimester pregnant—many moms-to-be experience heartburns. Heartburn is a condition of having burning sensation into the stomach due to the acidic release. Heartburn during pregnancy can be avoided by not eating chocolates, CO2 drinks, & citric food. How can you treat heartburn?
What It Takes to Get Pregnant After Birth Control
The most important thing to know about stopping oral contraceptives is that ovulation can return immediately. The synthetic hormones leave your system in a few days so that you can get pregnant the first month off the pill, says Alexandra Sowa, M.D. It can also take a few months for your period to return. How long it takes is entirely individual and has nothing to do with using birth control.
Am I at a risk of infertility?
Are you underweight? or Overweight? Then yes, you are at risk of infertility. Extra kgs in your frame can disturb the regular hormonal balances that influence the ovulation. This will reduce the chances of getting pregnant. Being overweight also increases the risk of PCOS. It causes the women to produce too much of male hormone (testosterone) which can shut down ovulation at high levels.
How much sugar is suitable for my infant?
How much sugar & salt should my baby have? If your baby is still breastfeeding, then there is no need to give any sweetened processed readymade food. When a baby is fed with fruits, it has got natural sugar and does not need to be sweetened. Do you know, your baby can only have 0.4gm of sodium/day? Hence, always check the sodium count before buying any food for the baby.