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10 Simple Sensory Activities for Toddlers | DIY Baby Entertainment
Having a one-year-old is quite a tough one to entertain. They cannot be counted in babies anymore but also not as developed as a toddler. One-year-old needs to move, they have their preferences on what to choose for toys and their brain needs stimulation. But, also they don’t need much of toys or fancy games, it could be simpler than that. Watch the video and get some hacks
My kids are Anti-Social, what should I do?
Doesn't it seem more accessible when we as kids used to simply hang out on our routes with our other friends then today? Many parents might agree that social skills are a critical part of your child's life. Hence, there are plenty of ways that can help your kids develop skills at a very young age. One is by creating eye contact. Transfer the confidence you want to see by the magic of eyes.
Is it “OK” to bribe your child?
While bribes are bad, it's totally fine to provide an incentive for your child to behave well. "An incentive is something you offer before a confrontation, so it's about positive reinforcement” However to every action there is a reaction. Every continues bribing has long term reaction. And certainly, to bring the change, model the behaviour you want to see. This is one tip, swipe for more.
All You Need to Know About Your Child’s Safety and Coronavirus. Are They at Risk?
A virus that was detected back in the 1960s has got its name from the "crown" of proteins surrounded by viruses. It belongs to a family of viruses that ranges from MERS & SARS. As per the reports, COVID-19 has affected fewer children than adults. While symptoms almost remain the same, measures to take are-wear mask while travelling, hand hygiene and getting child vaccinated with influenza vaccine
10 Baby Care Skills Every New Parent Should Learn
The joy comes with equal responsibility. It can be quite a bumpy ride for the first-time parents for taking care of the baby. There could be several issues like bathing times, napping issues and changing diapers, but the video has got you all the required solutions to your problems. It is not the most complicated thing in the world but if guided than could become easier than expected.
Parenting 103 - Don't pamper your child too much
What happens when you pamper your child a lot? What are its side effects? If you do not think that you are pampering your child than it is a must-watch because parents usually live in a bubble that “I am not such parent” allow us to pop your bubble and see how can you make your kid become a better person when reaches adulthood.
Are Helicopter Parents Ruining a Generation?
Initially, helicopter parenting appears to work, says Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of How to Raise an Adult. “As a kid, you're kept safe, you're given direction, and you might get a better grade because the parent is arguing with the teacher.” But, ultimately, parents end up getting in the child’s way. A must watch video on helicopter parenting, I bet you do not want to miss it! A must-must watch
What Is meningitis? And how can it be prevented?
Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes, typically caused by an infection. Meningitis is usually caused by a viral infection but can also be bacterial or fungal. Vaccines can prevent some forms of meningitis. Children who are not vaccinated are at higher risk of having meningitis, also to be noted that teenager needs to be revaccinated during high school.
Things that no one would tell you of being a first-time mom
By the personal experience of Diana Eidelman, a counsellor for more than 20 years now explains how difficult it could get for an experienced career-oriented person but to a first time being a mom. Drawing from her own experience, Diana shares the insights of experiences that could challenge a working mother more than anything. Awesome interaction & communication is the key- she adds.
Need-to-know, potty training tips
Below are the few tips to potty train your baby 1.Make sure he is ready, do not rush into the stage to potty train your baby 2. Let him choose the kind of chair he would like to be trained on 3. Buy some wonderful cartoonist underwear to inspire him 4.Keep a check to track the progress. 5.Inspire him by playing his favourite jingles while he is pooping.
Ways to boost your baby’s brain development
It is easier to train your baby’s brain when he is 5-6 months old. Developing a daily practice could actually make your baby stand. It is easier to train your baby’s brain when he is 5-6 months old. Start from not missing out on eye contacts & ignoring their cryings Try to keep the bedtime stories a routine practice. Read the books together and make him a part too.
Heard about STEAM education before? know what it is.
STEAM stands for S-Science, T-Technology, E-Engineering, A-Art, M-Math. The approach of STEAM education shares common goal. It requires gathering & experimenting with ideas providing proof to support them. STEAM education starts earlier in life, however, that does not mean teaching your kid equation or theories using flashcards. But, it is a practical given approach to teach your kids about STEAM.
Is it normal to bleed while you are pregnant?
Bleeding during pregnancy is normal, especially during the first trimester and is not an alarming sign. However, sometimes bleeding can be a sign of concern too, so get yourself checked when in doubt. During the first month of pregnancy, there can be slight spotting during the first few days. It is the sign that you have conceived, although not all pregnant women show a similar sign.
Getting Through the Quarantine with A Toddler
As pandemic is the only talk in the world, but you are probably just too tired by things happening at your house with a three-year-old. Certainly, it is not forever and even at times when you have to work from home, handle your toddler & let him do household chores as well. The only thing you can do is stay calm, & be positive. See the tips on how come out as the best version of yourself.
Does it feel too much pressure to be a modern Indian parent?
Alia is exhausted, her five-year-old attends kindergarten, then goes straight to her dancing class, sleep in the afternoon, goes to her basketball class, and if she gets time she can play with her friends outdoor. Does this even look real? But certainly, this is the story of many parents who is over exhausting their children. Remember Parenting is not a race, it is love, respect and time you share
Are you dealing with anger management issues being a parent?
Do you ever get angry at your kids? Well, then, you are not alone. Many would-be thinking of getting mad at their kids is OK, especially when they have done some wrong things and you have to face a hard consequence of that. Anger is a natural emotion, and it comes out easily. But sometimes we need to grab upon those hard feelings and let your little munchkins express them as well. What say?
Bedwetting in children, Is it a problem?
Bedwetting is common and is often seen in younger children. It is not something to worry about and can be treated with medications. Do not consider bedwetting as a problem. Any young child can suffer from this problem, and yours is not unique. It is treatable and takes just a few days to months. Try to follow the Do's and avoid the Don'ts. Even if it doesn't work, then consult a paediatrician.