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Know the difference between baby blues and Postpartum depression (PPD)
Majority of the women faces baby blues immediately after giving birth. However, to misunderstand postpartum depression with baby blues could make situations neglecting and make it a long-term problem. All the symptoms of PPD are similar to baby blues however, the major difference comes down to, for how long you have been feeling it. Baby blues goes away faster than PPD.
Returning back to work from maternity leave is hard and comes with a lot of sacrifices, but It is never too early to babysit your child. Studies have shown that a child who is being babysat have better logical reasoning skills and are more socialising than others who do not. It is common to have concerns for your child but remember things never change overnight, and it comes with all the perk.
What to do when there is a case of severe choking infant?
"1. Put the baby in a facedown position and give your hand support to baby’s head and jaw. 2. Give 5 pats between baby’s shoulder blades by the heel of your hand. 3. If you are still unable to get the object out of its mouth, turn the infant on his back. Give 5 chest thrusts with 2 fingers of your other hand and one hand to keep his head upright. Keep the pace as of CPR."
What are the Causes of Maternal Death in India-I?
In India maternal deaths are not rare, especially in the rural region which covers more than half the nation. 50-98% of maternal deaths are caused by direct obstetric causes (hemorrhage, infection, and hypertensive disorders, ruptured uterus, hepatitis, and anemia). 50% of maternal deaths due to sepsis are related to illegal induced abortion. MMR in India has declined in the past 15 years.
Tricks to Develop Social Skills in your Children
Schooling is not enough to expose your child to other people. Environment refers to an exposure that can help your child develop its creative skills which indirectly will help him increase his confidence. By coming in contact with a different class of people at an early stage will surely help him grow personally. Engaging in outdoor activities and self-development is also a part of social skills.
How to care Infant child? ABCs of InfantCare
"A" Sleep Alone •Always put your infant to sleep alone in a crib. "B" Breastfeeding •WHO suggests to breastfeed your baby till she is 6 months old. •Mother's first milk contains ""colostrum"" which is rich in antibodies and help pass baby's first stool called meconium. "C" Care on Vaccinations •Vaccines help baby immunize against certain deadly diseases like polio, measles
Run for a Healthy Heart- Know the ABCs of a Healthy Heart
Heart diseases, be it heart attack, Heart failure or even high blood pressure; by following the ABCs you can help reduce and improve the health of your heart. “A” Aspirin As and when required only after consulting your healthcare professional "B" Blood pressure • Ideal diastolic and systolic blood pressure respectively should be 90mmHg and 120mmHg. "C" Cholesterol • Higher the level of LDL
What is a Helicopter Parent? Know whether you are one or not
Are you a controlling parent or a modern one? Are you overprotecting him or just being normal? Try to observe your behavior and other parents around you of the same age to compare. If you get self-realisation than it is the time to step back by trying to old your emotions and let your child learn the consequences of his decisions. Interesting?Know more about Helicopter Parenting?
Are you pregnant? Know the ABCs of Pregnancy
"A' Anemia •Severe anemia during pregnancy can cause premature birth, or infant death immediately before or after birth. 'B' High Blood pressure •Following a healthy diet during pregnancy is very important to have a maintained blood pressure. •Blood pressure should be 120/80 to be considered as normal. 'C' Check ups •Going for regular antenatal checkups is considered a vital part of pregnancy
Know the Science Behind Tummy Time
Chiropractors explain by a theory saying the more the head remains to flatten and in the same position, more difficult it gets to overcome gravity and your infant will remain to one suitable side posture in sleep frequently. Parents think it is typical behavior and the head shape of the infant remains unnoticed which is often observed by the paediatrician during the first physical examination.
Yes almost 60% of newborns suffer from jaundice. However, some are more at risk than others. If the blood group of a mother is type O+ and baby has a different blood type than there is a transmission of mother’s antibodies to the baby through the placenta and it destroys fetuses blood cell that accelerates break down. Or During pregnancy when the mother is exposed to any of the TORCH infections.
Many first-time mothers have the question, is it the time to feed my baby solids? Well, it depends on the personal development of every child. However, experts say that solids should not be started until your baby is 6 months old till then you should keep it on breast milk or bottled/powdered milk. The reason lies behind the physical development as the gut is yet fully not developed for solids.
Is It Safe To Feed Ready Made Babyfood?
Researchers say that readymade infant food has 20 % lower nutritional value than homecooked food for infants. The two-thirds of commercial food that targets infants of 4 months have higher sugar level content and is classified as 'SWEET'. The main purpose of the commercial food should be to increase the nutritional content of the diet and provide the necessary sources which are still not proven.
Parenting for most of them isn’t complete without spanking their children. Almost 80% of the parents around the globe feel that spanking helps their child learn basic manners or teach them the right thing. Studies show that children from spanking families are more likely to behave aggressively during a later stage in their life during difficult situations.
Newborn Jaundice- What Is Normal and What Is Not?
When a baby's skin and eyes get yellower than normal it is referred to as Newborn jaundice. As the level of bilirubin increases due to not fully developed liver it comes out to be one of the most common disease in newborns. If your baby is having physiological (normal) jaundice than this kind will appear after 2-4 days of birth and it naturally goes away within 2weeks of birth.
Newborn Jaundice- What Is Normal and What Is Not?
When a baby's skin and eyes get yellower than normal it is referred to as Newborn jaundice. As the level of bilirubin increases due to not fully developed liver it comes out to be one of the most common disease in newborns. If your baby is having physiological (normal) jaundice than this kind will appear after 2-4 days of birth and it naturally goes away within 2weeks of birth.
5 most helpful ways to handle a three-year old. Dealing with a toddler not always needs you to be a trained and experienced mother, you are probably reading this with one eye open and the other eye constantly on the kid seeing if he is on some mischievous mission. In the starting it might get complicated and frustrating but will surely help you manage the future years.