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Don't let these symptoms undiagnosed .It might be type 1 diabetes
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes often escalate quickly. The three most common symptoms of undiagnosed diabetes include: Increased thirst (polydipsia) High blood sugar levels cause increased thirst Increased urination (polyuria) Needing to urinate more throughout the day Urinating more often than usual at night Increased hunger (polyphagia)
अत्यधिक भावुक बच्चे को कैसे संभालें?
कमजोरी के लिए अपनी भावनाओं को भ्रमित न करें, इसके बजाय विशेषज्ञ के संवेदनशील बच्चे अधिक उचित होते हैं और उन्हें संभालना आसान होता है। जब रोना एक समस्या है, तो फिर, यह कोई बुरी बात नहीं है। यह उनकी भावनाएं हैं जो बात कर रही हैं, और यह उनका संवाद करने और आपको अपनी भावनाओं के बारे में बताने का तरीका है। हालांकि इससे निपटने के कई तरीके हैं, सुनिए डॉ. फ़ोरम त्रिवेदी का क्या कहना है।
अपने बच्चे की वास्तविक क्षमता की खोज करें
हर बच्चे में गुणी बनने की क्षमता होती है; इसके लिए केवल अपनी क्षमताओं को उचित रूप से तेज करने की आवश्यकता है। इसका आधार वास्तविक, निष्पक्ष और अपने बच्चों की क्षमता का पता लगाने के लिए होना चाहिए। कई माता-पिता ऐसा करना चाहते हैं, लेकिन उनमें से अधिकांश के पास अपनाने के लिए सही तरीके नहीं हैं। प्रवीण पमेस्वरम के 5 टिप्स निश्चित रूप से माता-पिता को अपने बच्चे को बेहतर ढंग से समझने में मदद करेंगे।
Don't get demotivated if you cant breastfeed. There are options to try.
Some women simply feel breastfeeding is not something that they want to do. Breastfeeding can be challenging when a mother and her baby are separated, such as when a mother returns to work. To help manage this, you can breastfeed your baby when you are with them and provide EBM or formula when you are apart. Your partner can also feed them EBM from a bottle.
Is your baby premature? they might feel development issues
Most premature babies have typical development. The earlier that premature babies are born, the more likely it is that they’ll have development problems. Some premature children have thinking and learning difficulties, or problems with physical, social, or emotional development. If you’re worried about your child’s development, speak to your child and family health nurse, GP, or pediatrician.
Are you having headaches more often? you might have Chronic Daily Headaches
Most people have headaches frequently. But if you have a headache for more days, you might have chronic daily headaches. Rather than a specific headache type, chronic daily headaches include a variety of headache subtypes. Chronic refers to how often the headaches occur and how long the condition lasts. Aggressive initial treatment & long-term management might reduce pain and lead to fewer headaches.
What can u expect of your body in the first week post delivery?
The first week after birth is an important time for getting to know your new baby, resting, and recovering. It’s normal to have vaginal bleeding, soreness, and afterpains. Your body will change in the first few months after birth. For example, you might have urinary and bowel incontinence, hair loss, and stretch marks. If you have breastfeeding problems, talk to your midwife or a lactation consultant
Eating peanuts and dairy can make your baby allergic to them? Truth or Myth
It's perfectly safe to eat these foods unless you yourself are allergic to them, or if your doctor advises you not to. There is no evidence that cutting out some foods will prevent your baby from being allergic to them. There are some foods to avoid due to the risks of certain harmful microbes. They include soft cheeses, patés, raw meat or fish, raw or partly cooked eggs, and soft-serve ice cream.
Children with COVID-19: When to Call for help
Although in a majority of cases disease seems to be milder in young children, it’s important for parents and caregivers to understand causes. Parents or guardians should immediately seek urgent or emergency medical care if they notice these warning signs in a child: Difficulty breathing or catching his or her breath Inability to keep down any liquids New confusion or inability to awaken Bluish lips
Are you a Tiger parent ?
Tiger parents are the ones who make their kids push the boundaries. They don’t raise children, they raise high-achievers whose main goal in life is to set grandiose goals. They take full control of their child’s life, trying to make them successful. Anything that’s not beyond “the best” is “not enough. They openly show their dissatisfaction with their child using harsh words l
Could breastmilk protect against tooth decay?
Some research suggests that breastfeeding may actually protect against tooth decay, while formula may play a role in its development. Antibodies in breastmilk may help to reduce the growth of bacteria Lactoferrin, a protein in breastmilk, actually kills S. mutans . S. mutans may not be able to use lactose, the sugar found in breastmilk, as easily as sucrose that is found in some formulas.
Don't push your child into eating more.
Put healthy foods on your table. In this case, you shouldn’t have to worry about whether your baby is eating unhealthy food or about the amount of food they’re eating. Some parents may force their children to eat because they may think that they are hungry. It is better to not put pressure on a child about food. The same thing goes for diets. Only have healthy options and let your child decide.
The baby streches - 1 minute yoga for babies
If you've ever worried that your baby has been in their car seat for too long, or if you just want to stretch their muscles and encourage tummy time and balance, yoga is a great method to get their little bodies moving.
खीरा आपकी त्वचा को चमकदार बना सकता है
खीरा या खीरा एक आम सब्जी है इसके कई फायदे हैं। यह आपके पाचन तंत्र पर एक ताज़ा और सुखदायक प्रभाव डालता है और आपके शरीर को हाइड्रेट भी करता है। हालांकि इसका उपयोग आम तौर पर सलाद में या भोजन करने से पहले ऐपेटाइज़र के रूप में किया जाता है, लेकिन इसके कई सौंदर्य लाभ भी हैं। जो इसे आपके ब्यूटी रिजीम के लिए उपयोगी बनाता है। इसमें मैंगनीज और बीटा-कैरोटीन होता है।
ब्रेस्ट मिल्क न बनने के कारण
कई कारणों से महिलाओं के शरीर में हॉर्मोंस असंतुलित हो जाते हैं। खासकर प्रेगनेंसी, पोस्ट डिलीवरी, पीरियड्स आदि के समय। ऐसे में भी स्तनों में दूध कम बनने लगता है। कई बार हॉर्मोंस के बैलेंस न होने से प्रेग्नेंसी के समय और बाद में भी कई तरह की समस्या होने लगती हैं जिन महिलाओं को पीसीओएस, थाइरॉइड, वजन अधिक होना जैसी समस्याएं हैं, उनमें भी हॉर्मोन असंतुलन होने के कारण दूध का निर्माण थोड़ा कम हो सकता है।
Why Maternal & Child Health are Important?
350k women die during childbirth, 3 million babies die before turning 1 and 8.1 million children die before their 5th birthday. Can we prevent this?