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Do you know about postpartum edema?
You may be eager for that swelling you noticed during your pregnancy to go away. It won’t, though, for a while longer. Also known as postpartum edema (swelling), your body will continue to hold on to water because of an increase in a hormone called progesterone. there is swelling in your hands, legs, and feet. It shouldn’t last much longer than a week after delivery. If it does consult doctor
What is " BLACK FUNGUS " in humans?
Mucormycosis, or “black fungus”, infects people whose immune system is compromised, causing discoloration on the nose, blurred or double vision, chest pain, breathing difficulties. It is caused by exposure to mucor mould which is found in soil, plants, decaying fruits, and vegetables. It affects the sinuses, the brain, and the lungs and can be life-threatening in diabetic, cancer, or HIV/AIDS people.
Know about Facial Massage and its benefits
Facial massages are treatments you can do with a practitioner or on your own. The technique involves stimulating pressure points on the face, neck, and shoulders. You can use lotions, oils, or a face roller, or a flat gua sha tool. Facial massage helps promote healthy skin while relaxing your facial muscles. It has a relaxing and rejuvenating effect, helping you look and feel better.
All humans, both infants, and adults have two stages of sleep. Rapid eye movement (REM) stage and the non-REM (NREM) stage. As the names suggest, there is rapid movement of eyes underneath the eyelid in REM sleep and no movement in NREM. Over the course of a night, you go through multiple cycles of REM and non-REM sleep. Babies begin their sleep with the NREM phase, which has 3 stages
What is Anophthalmia and Microphthalmia?
Anophthalmia and microphthalmia are birth defects of a baby’s eye(s) and can develop during pregnancy and can occur alone, with other birth defects, or as part of a syndrome. It often results in blindness or limited vision. Researchers estimate that about 1 in every 5,200 babies is born with anophthalmia/microphthalmia in the United States. The causes of it among most infants are unknown.
खड़े होकर पानी पीना हो सकता है खतरनाक
खड़े होकर पानी पीने से किडनी पर बुरा असर पड़ता है। इससे किडनी खराब होने और यूरीन मार्ग में इंफैक्शन भी हो सकता है। जिससे दिल की बीमारियां होने का भी डर बना रहता है। बैठकर पानी पीने से नर्वस सिसटम भी आराम से काम करता है। मगर जब आप खड़े होकर पानी पीते हैं तो यह सीधा पेट की दीवारों पर गिरता है जो आसपास के अंगों को बुरी तरह प्रभावित करता है। इससे पाचन तंत्र कमोजर होना शुरू हो जाता है।
Strabismus is an eye disorder. It affects muscle control in your eyes. The eyes don’t line up properly. Instead, the eyes appear to cross, or one eye may wander to the side. One eye’s vision becomes weaker. This disorder also is called “crossed eyes.” If it is not fixed when a child is young, his or her brain will always ignore what it sees from the weak eye. This disorder cannot be prevented
Precautions you should take when you take your child swimming
Parents should follow these precautions while taking children swimming. A swimming costume, cap, goggles, and earplugs can help your child stay safe by ensuring that water that contains chemicals does not enter their body. If your child goes swimming with open bruises, cuts, or wounds, they can be at risk of getting infected by contagious, blood-borne diseases so cover them well before they do.
Does giving your toddler options aid in their development?
Parenting is fraught with difficulties. Even a toddler requires independence training. According to pediatrician Gwenn Schurgin O'Keeffe, tight guidelines are not the best solution. It is preferable not to impose your will on toddlers. They require choices. Ask your child, for example, what he or she wants for dinner or what color T-shirt they want to wear.
मानसून में गर्भवती को कैसी डाइट लेनी चाहिए?
मानसून के मौसम में नमी के कारण कई तरह के वायरस और बीमारियां होने का खतरा रहता है। अगर जरा सी लापरवाही बरती जाए तो व्यक्ति रोगों का शिकार हो सकता है। क्योंकि गर्भवती की इम्युनिटी कमजोरी होती है इसलिए वो जल्दी इंफेक्शन का शिकार हो जाती है। इसलिए जरूरी है कि बरसात के मौसम में गर्भवती को अपने खानपान का खास ख्‍याल रखना चाहिए।
Parenting tip 101: Avoid power struggles
As parents, we're taught that we're in charge and that our children should obey our commands. However, no one wins a power struggle, so don't get too caught up in proving your dominance.“For example, if your child always refuses to eat dinner, consider his or her true requirements. If she says she's not hungry right now but is later, it's possible she's lying. Is it the end of the world if she eats her food as you read her a story for bedtime?
Is an Olive Oil Massage Safe and Beneficial for Your Baby?
Using oil to massage nourishes & helps protect your baby’s skin but olive oil isn’t something that should use regularly on your baby’s skin. Olive oil is made up of several kinds of fat and on the skin surface omega-3 fatty acids help soothe inflammation, & linoleic acid can improve the skin’s natural barrier. However, it’s the oleic acid that makes it a poor choice for skincare. So choose wisely.
Name the rash: MILIA
Milia are tiny white bumps that commonly appear on a baby's face. It develops when tiny skin flakes become trapped in small pockets near the surface of the skin. It can develop at any age but are most common among newborns. They appear on the baby's nose, chin, or cheeks. It usually disappears on its own in a few weeks in newborns but can persist in older children and adults."
Mindfulness meditation for kids
Mindfulness meditation is a simple technique is of allowing you to be in the present moment. This means only what you are doing right this minute in time is what really matters. Sometimes in meditation, your mind may wander a little bit that’s ok. Bring your thoughts to your breathing. Try not to move. Focus on your breathing. Focus on your chest, rising and falling with breathing.