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Ever thought of changing your parenting style once the pandemic is over?
So, what parent do you think you’ll be? The pandemic has given us enough time to introspect, to realise what’s really important to us and what we want to change in our lives. For some of us may think as a turning point of the life others take it as a new beginning of the chapter. Which ever way you take it, remember than your kids would always be your best friend, all that matters is your love and comfort for them which should not change.
क्या होता है स्तनपान के कारण पीलिया होता है?
स्तनपान पीलिया तभी होता है जब आपके नवजात शिशु द्वारा स्तन के दूध का अपर्याप्त सेवन किया जाता है। जब आपका नवजात शिशु आवश्यकतानुसार इष्टतम स्तनदूध नहीं ले रहा होता है, तो इससे बिलीरुबिन का स्तर बढ़ जाता है और अंततः बिलीरुबिन का पुन: अवशोषण बढ़ जाता है। इसलिए सीडीसी अनुशंसा करता है कि स्तनपान सुरक्षित है और सबसे बढ़कर, यह आपके बच्चे की प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को बढ़ाता है।
When and how to start brushing your baby’s teeth?
Many parents do not realise the importance of brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as they get their first one out. Doing it twice a day will help them develop a habit of life time. Watch this film to find out how to brush your child's teeth. Health visitor Penny Lazell explains how you should brush your child's teeth and the importance of getting into a routine of regular brushing.
Adding these to your toddler’s diet will help your fussy eater love food
It is often a task for parents to get their tiny ones eat something healthy, rather something healthy-looking. It is all about what they see. In the quest to make things interesting for kids, why not try something that’s full of colours and shapes in their food. It Is believed that rainbow-coloured foods entice kids a lot, which is why doctors & dietician suggest adding more colours on the plate.
Why does mosquito bites one more than other?
Your blood is sweeter than theirs’s. True? Probably not after reading this. But if your body is producing more lactic acid than someone sitting next to you than you are surely inviting some mosquito to feed upon. Lactic acid is a produce of human body which is released through skin as a result of muscle cramp or sweat. While not all who exercise produce equal lactic acid, this depends on individual body type.
DIY Tips to follow during pregnancy for a healthy and strong hair
A healthy shinny hair might be easy to get but difficult to maintain, especially during postpartum. So why not try this home-made hair spray that stays for hours with no tacky smell!? Methi or also known and Fenugreek seeds are one of the most effective ways to treat hair fall naturally and also helps get rid of dandruff! Want to know the recipe? Swipe left.
Pandemic or not, child should not suffer
COVID-19 has taught everyone a lesson that cannot be forgotten. But what not should be forgotten is your child’s vaccination. There may be travel restrictions or lockdown due to pandemic which has reduced 50% of the patient flow in the OPDs of the hospital. This has turned into lesser number of kids being vaccinated in comparison to previous years.
गर्भावस्था के दौरान कॉफी पीना कैसे हानिकारक हो सकता है?
तीन साल के बच्चे को संभालने के 5 सबसे उपयोगी तरीके। एक बच्चे के साथ व्यवहार करने के लिए हमेशा आपको एक प्रशिक्षित और अनुभवी माँ होने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है, आप शायद इसे एक आँख खोलकर पढ़ रहे हैं और दूसरी आँख लगातार बच्चे पर देख रही है कि क्या वह किसी शरारती मिशन पर है। शुरुआत में यह जटिल और निराशाजनक हो सकता है लेकिन निश्चित रूप से आपको भविष्य के वर्षों का प्रबंधन करने में मदद करेगा।
When should we start potty training? (18 to 30 months)
If you've decided your child is ready to be out of diapers, congratulations! Using the toilet is an important skill that further develops your child’s independence and increases their confidence. The purpose of toilet training is to teach your children how to recognize the sensation they feel in their bodies before they need to use the toilet. While there is nothing to hush-hush about its NHS trainer tells you everything you should know.
Can fully vaccinated people be infected to the Delta variant of COVID-19?
Reportedly, the first case of the Delta Plus variant of COVID-19 in Rajasthan was detected in a fully vaccinated 65-year-old woman, the sample of the woman was sent for genome sequencing and Delta variant was confirmed. But it was also sure that it can impactfully be vaccinated and COVID recovered individuals too.
Can you safely take medicines while breastfeeding your infant?
In most cases, antibiotics are safe for breastfeeding parents and their babies. Antibiotics are one of the most common medications mothers are prescribed, and all pass in some degree into milk, As the Mayo Clinic explains, the majority of drugs that become present in your bloodstream will also be present in your breast milk. However, the amount in your milk is usually lower than the amount in your blood, and most medications “pose no real risk to most infants.”
Prenatal depression is common, yes prenatal depression too!
When things didn’t go well for her during first pregnancy, she decided to never go for a second one. But things weren’t in her favour. She conceived and instead of feeling gratitude, and happy she felt the otherwise. She felt absent and had no emotions during the first trimester. Things did change after the first 3 months but in a positive way? What happened next? Did she make a comeback?
What does Chinese women drink for a faster postpartum recovery?
Chinese and Vietnamese tradition has it that green papaya fish soup is a nutritional winner for lactating moms. Green papaya and fish are packed with a load of iron and vitamin A nutrition. While ripe or cooked papaya is safe, it should not be consumed while pregnant. Papaya contains uterine stimulant properties and large doses could lead to uncontrolled contractions.
Word natural supplements for a better milk supply
Most OB-GYN advises the nursing mothers to avoid peppermint tea. It is also one of those components which should not be consumed even during pregnancy. Many studies have not proven it to dry up the breastmilk if consumed in an excess amount but a cup or two of peppermint tea should not spook you. The same goes for sage leaves (Tejpatta) and I considered them harmful for nursing moms.
Bottle-feeding doesn’t affect your closeness
Let’s start by saying that whichever way a baby is fed, it does not dictate the intensity or quality of the relationship they have with their mother. Feeding is one of the hundreds of cares that you provide to your baby hence try not to put high standards on yourself. The ability to adapt, accept, focus, and be content in the situation are the positive qualities and will help deal with the stress.
क्या ठोस आहार शुरु करने के बाद ही शिशु की पॉटी ट्रेनिंग शुरु करनी चाहिए?
आप शिशु को जिस भी उम्र में पॉटी ट्रेनिंग देना शुरु करें, यह जान लें कि आपका शिशु 18 से 24 महीने का होने से पहले अपने मूत्राशय पर नियंत्रण नहीं रख सकेगा। पॉटी ट्रेनिंग काफी हद तक शिशु की देखभाल करने वाले व्यक्ति पर निर्भर करती है। आप या आपकी कामवाली को शिशु को नियमित अंतराल पर बाथरूम में ले जाना होगा। कुछ तरीके हैं, जिनसे आप शिशु को शौचालय में पेशाब करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित कर सकती हैं। हो सकता है वह आपको बताना सीख ले कि उसे पेशाब जाना है। मगर आपके शिशु की शारीरिक क्षमता इतनी नहीं है कि वह पेशाब को रोक कर रख सके। यहां और अधिक पढ़ें कि पॉटी ट्रेनिंग किस तरह कराई जाए।
How much sleep should my newborn baby have?
Not all babies sleep for 18-20 hrs a day, while some are a day sleeper other could be a night owl. But it is important to understand that comparing your baby with others will not only make you doubt that something is off but you also are putting extra pressure on yourself. Watch how Midwife Natalie from NHS explains about the baby's sleep.
Lazy body makes lazy bones
Bones are continuously changing, especially in children and teens. In fact, new bone is being made and old bone is being broken down. Consequently, a number of things can impact this process. With healthy eating habits, consistent physical activity, and regular visits to the doctor, your kids can have strong bones throughout their lives. The key is getting enough calcium, vitamin D, and physical exercise.