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Is It Safe for Children to Be Playing Outside During COVID-19?
Knowing the fact that covid does not transferred to kids easily It was considered a safe option before but as the second wave has passed by things have changed. Trying to keep our kids happy and also safe during the pandemic is the only worrying parents have and still it can be very difficult to balance our children’s feelings. And so with proper precautions and measurements it is safe for your child to play outside in a less crowded place.
Is it safe for babies to sleep in a swing?
Swings are a must-have item on most baby registries. Not only do swings provide a change of pace for your baby—they're also great for freeing up your hands on a busy day. Parents should know babies are at risk any time they're placed to sleep somewhere that isn't a flat, firm surface. This position can interfere with their breathing and is considered a suffocation risk.
Should You Discipline Your Kids Differently?
Discipline shouldn’t be a compulsion your child feels and feel horrible about. Instead, healthy discipline should be all about teaching kids how to make better choices and not shaming for not being perfect. Hence two kids might not be of the same personalities. This also means you have to deal with them differently but in case you have clear basic rules and preaching standards, you might not have to have different patterns.
Do you use different parenting style for your children?
Think about it. Do you treat all people the same way around you? Everyone is unique in its own way. No two person will have same personalities and so will your two children. Parenting is never easy. Even the impact of birth order does a huge difference in parenting styles. You are more generous, cautious and alarming for your first child but as you come down to second or third, your furiousness, and emergency alarms decreases.
सडन इन्फेंट डेथ सिंड्रोम या कॉट डेथ क्या है?
यह नाम उस स्थिति को दिया गया है, जब किसी बिल्कुल स्वस्थ शिशु की बिना किसी स्पष्ट कारण के मौत हो जाए। ऐसा अधिकांशत: शिशु के जन्म के पहले तीन महीनों में होने की संभावना रहती है। अचानक शिशु मृत्यु सिंड्रोम (सडन इन्फेंट डेथ सिंड्रोम, एसआईडीएस) वह स्थिति है, जब किसी बिल्कुल स्वस्थ शिशु की बिना किसी कारण अप्रत्याशित रूप से मौत हो जाए। एसआईडीएस को आमतौर पर कॉट डेथ के तौर पर भी जाना जाता है। मगर यह शब्द भ्रामक धारणा देता है कि शिशु केवल कॉट में सोते हुए ही इससे प्रभावित होते हैं। वास्तव में एसआईडीएस शिशु के कहीं भी सोने पर उन्हें प्रभावित कर सकता है।
How to know if you have postnatal depression, discussing moms
Three mothers talk about their personal experiences of postnatal depression and the symptoms they had. Postnatal depression is a form of depression that happens to women after giving birth to a child. While not all of them face the same symptoms and not many of them feel suicidal but it is important to know that feeling low or out for a longer period as something to do which is not right.
Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting- All you need to know
Mindfulness-based childbirth is not a new-age programming but quite an old pattern, discovered in 1998 and focuses mainly on women accepting the discomfort they feel during the childbirth process. It is more about the awareness of their own body and realize that not always things go as planned. The key is to keep a proper mental and physical balance by in advance awareness.
Night weaning and phasing out night feeds
In case you are night weaning your baby, she is still getting enough breastmilk during the day. If your baby is short time night feeder, which means she doesn’t wake up too much then you can completely stop the feed altogether. Or in other cases, you can gradually cut down the time you spend on feeding. Note that it might take several nights to get used to the routine.
How to increase bonds between siblings and avoid fights
You certainly don’t need a study to know that sibling relationship are emotionally charged. Whether they’re slugging it out over who gets the last bite, or teasing with weird names there’s just something about siblings that brings out big feelings. Sibling fighting is normal but at times when things go out of control teach on walking away are better ways to manage frustration.
Using consequences instead of smacking
Part of firm and fair discipline is setting limits on children’s behaviour. For preschoolers and school-age children this can include using consequences when children break rules or misbehave. Consequences work in the long term only when you combine them with positive strategies. Babies and toddlers are too young to understand hence can be used for older kids.
Tantrums: why they happen and how to respond
Tantrums are very common in children aged 1-3 years. This is because children’s social and emotional skills are only just starting to develop at this age. Children often don’t have the words to express big emotions. They might be testing out their growing independence. In such situations, it is best to stay close to your child, acknowledge their emotions. For example “I understand you are very angry at the moment but you need to know that we can’t do it now, because..”
गैस क्या है और यह शिशु को क्यों होती है?
गैस आपके शिशु के पेट में जमा हवा है। शिशु दूध पीते समय दूध के साथ-साथ बहुत सारी हवा भी अंदर निगल लेता है। वह रोते समय और यहां तक कि सांस लेते समय भी हवा अंदर गटक सकता है। कई बार दूध या भोजन अच्छी तरह न पच पाने की वजह से भी अत्याधिक हवा बन सकती है। आंतों में सामान्यत: मौदज बैक्टीरिया दूध या भोजन को फर्मेंट कर सकते हैं, जिससे ज्यादा गैस बनती है। जिन शिशुओं में यह समस्या होती है, वे बीमार से लग सकते हैं और उनका वजन भी सही ढंग से नहीं बढ़ता। साथ ही, कुछ शिशुओं के पेट में बहुत ज्यादा गैस होती है और उन्हें हर बार दूध पिलाने के बाद डकार दिलवाने की जरुरत होती है।
When you feel breathless or having issue breathing
If you're feeling breathless, try to keep your room cool by opening the ventilation. You could also try: -breathing slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth, with your lips together like you're gently blowing out a candle -sitting upright in a chair -relaxing your shoulders, so you're not hunched -leaning forward slightly – support yourself by putting your hands on your knees or on something stable like a chair -Try not to panic if you're feeling breathless. This can make it worse.
How to do baby massage at home without any professional help?
Never underestimate the power of a nice rubdown on your infant. Massage reduces irritability and helps babies sleep better -- the two biggest pediatric complaints," This short video shows you how to do baby massage. It explains how baby massage is good for bonding with your newborn baby. It can also be soothing and help newborns and babies relax.
Study finds association between eating hot peppers and decreased mortality
Like spicy food? If so, you might live longer, say researchers at the Larner College of Medicine, who found that consumption of hot red chilli peppers is associated with a 13% reduction in total mortality - primarily in deaths due to heart disease or stroke in a large prospective study. Back in centuries, pepper and spices were known to be beneficial for health but only one study has found the connection between the association of chilli with mortality.
Dancing today will reverse all the signs of brain aging in future
Exercise has the beneficial effect of slowing down or even counteracting age-related decline in mental and physical capacity, says a new study. To overcome the age-related brain diseases researchers concluded that everybody who aims to live an independent life, well everyone does so than physical activity is one of the best getaway, dancing being a part of the kit.
The most curious babies become the most curious toddlers
Does your baby stare at a particular object for too long? As per the research by the john Hopkins University, the babies who looked longest at events were the ones whose parents rated them as most curious in an information-seeking, problem-solving way-the type of curiosity most likely to help children learn about the world.
Taking care of mental health at workplace
Encountering side effects of negative moods (depressive nature) while at work can feel overpowering. Recognizing signs like tension, crying, fatigue, and absence of interest is the initial step to finding support. Your body in well advance can tell you the signs of a pessimistic environment around you, once you notice such behaviour, do not wait for the end results, try these activities suggest by Healthline author. Swipe left.