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What Is Evaporative Dry Eye?
Evaporative dry eye (EDE) is the most common form of dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is an uncomfortable condition caused by a lack of quality tears. It’s usually caused by a blockage of the oil glands that line the margins of your eyelids. These tiny glands, called meibomian glands, release oil to cover your eye surface and prevent your tears from drying out.
Processed foods are linked to risk in hight and weight issues in children
Almost every educated parent would not feed their children processed food but little do they know that these processed foods could highly risk heart problems for kids in future. High-processed foods are made primarily from substances extracted from food, including fats, starches &sugars. The most common processed products are fast foods, stored frozen food, desserts and dairy products.
Hearing screen process in newborns
A baby may look healthy but can be born with a hearing problem. The hearing process varies in different countries. It helps identify babies at risk of hearing loss. If found early, babies can be referred for additional testing. Before a baby leaves the hospital, a health provider will place a soft earphone in the baby’s ear that plays sound. This checks how the ear and brain respond to sound.
Umbilical cord prolapses during pregnancy
Umbilical cord prolapse is when the umbilical cord slips into the vagina (birth canal) ahead of your baby during labor and birth. The cord can get pinched, so your baby may not get enough oxygen. For most babies, umbilical cord prolapse doesn’t cause problems. But if your baby’s not getting oxygen because the cord is pinched, it can cause stillbirth unless your baby’s born right away. Stillbirth is when a baby dies in the womb after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
क्या गर्भावस्था के दौरान स्ट्रेच मार्क्स से बचना संभव है?
पर्याप्त पानी पीने से आपकी त्वचा को हाइड्रेटेड और मुलायम रखने में मदद मिल सकती है। रूखी त्वचा की तरह कोमल त्वचा में स्ट्रेच मार्क्स विकसित नहीं होते हैं। अनुशंसित दैनिक पानी का सेवन पुरुषों के लिए 104 औंस और महिलाओं के लिए 72 औंस है। कॉफी जैसे कैफीनयुक्त पेय पदार्थ पीने से वास्तव में स्ट्रेच मार्क्स विकसित होने का खतरा बढ़ सकता है। यदि आप कॉफी पीते हैं, तो सुनिश्चित करें कि आप अपने तरल पदार्थ के सेवन को भरपूर पानी, हर्बल चाय और अन्य कैफीन मुक्त तरल पदार्थों से संतुलित कर रहे हैं।
How the food you eat affects your brain
When it comes to what you bite, chew, and swallow, your choices have a direct and long-lasting effect on the most powerful organ in your body: your brain. So which foods cause you to feel so tired after lunch? Or so restless at night? Mia Nacamulli takes you into the brain to find out.
Give your infant a better sleep with a silent sound and light
You don’t need to shut down your TV or close the doors so that noise does not disturb your baby’s sleep, that is not required. Infect children can sleep with some noise, it gives them a sense of your presence and doesn’t need to be in a totally dark area. The same goes with the lights, you can dim down the lights at night, and during the daytime just close the blinds or curtain for him to sleep in peace.
Vitamin D supplements have known to prevent breast cancer in women
According to a new study, having enough vitamin D at the time of diagnosis is highly associated with better breast cancer outcomes. Researchers measured vitamin D levels at the time of breast cancer diagnosis and then survival outcomes 10 years later in almost 4,000 people. The researchers said that they found Vit D supplement intake, BMI, race/ethnicity were the most influential factors on Vit D levels in the blood.
Cosmetic products have ‘Forever Chemicals” prone to cause cancer
A new study found that almost half of the cosmetic products tested contain potentially harmful chemicals. These chemicals, called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), have been linked in early research to cancer, reproductive harm, and damage to the immune system. PFAS are often used to increase a product’s durability, spreadability, and wear.
If you are skipping breakfast than you might miss out on vital nutrients
Having breakfast is not everyone’s cup of tea. As per a study, if you skip breakfast, you could be missing out on several nutrients. What you eat during breakfast will not eat at other times. In addition, one who skips often tends to snack more, especially on sugar, carbs, and fats. The biggest difference lies in the consumption of folate, iron, Vit. A B1, B2, B3, C & D.
Know the difference between postpartum depression, anxiety and baby blues
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders affect as many as one in seven women with kids. Feelings of worry, sadness, & moodiness, fatigue in the first few weeks after giving birth. Typically, these symptoms are mild and develop within a few days of delivery and may last up to three weeks. To differentiate between the baby blues and PPD, look at the time and the intensity
DOs and DON'Ts of Tummy Time: Time Time For Babies and newborns
Have a newborn and not sure when to start tummy time, how long to do tummy time or newborn tummy time positions? Or does your one-, two- or three-month-old baby hate tummy time. Well, this video is for you! The video covers everything you need to know about tummy time, including my 'Dos and Don'ts of Tummy Time'. It also gives you some tips which will make your baby get comfortable with tummy time faster.
क्या गर्भावस्था के दौरान शहद खाना सुरक्षित है?
यदि आप गर्भवती हैं या निकट भविष्य में गर्भवती होने की योजना बना रही हैं, तो आप तथ्यों को जानना चाहेंगी। और अच्छी खबर यह है कि इस सवाल का एक आसान जवाब है। हां, गर्भवती होने पर शहद खाना सुरक्षित है। एक वयस्क के रूप में क्लोस्ट्रीडियम बीजाणुओं के किसी भी संभावित उपनिवेशण को खाड़ी में रखने में सक्षम होने की अधिक संभावना है क्योंकि पाचन माइक्रोबायोम वयस्कता द्वारा अच्छी तरह से स्थापित किया गया है। एक वयस्क की आंत में सुरक्षात्मक वनस्पति होने की अधिक संभावना होती है जो बीजाणुओं को बढ़ने से रोकेगी, इस प्रकार बोटुलिज़्म को विकसित होने से रोकेगी।
Anxiety: The stepladder approach
The stepladder approach is a steps method of assisting your kid with anxiety. The strategy depends on 'graded exposure’. This implies handling few less terrifying things in order to prepare him for the real struggles. It encourages children to face their fears, rather than avoiding them. This approach can be used for different ages and anxieties.
An ‘A’ type personality can be difficult with newborns
A type personality is cookie-cutter they say. Organised, oriented and methodical. Probably if you are an A type you would have drafted plans for the nursery, your budget is formed and you are not ready for a change. However, in the first few days as a parent/mom it can be hazy. Surely things would not go as per your plan, it will take a while to adjust. So, if you are an “A” try rehearsing from before itself.
Can the civilised England achieve a zero HIV target by 2030?
In 2014 the UN developed a strategy for addressing the HIV by setting out “90-90-90 targets” which England has successfully achieved the target in 2017 and ending HIV transmission by 2030. The first is, 90% of people with HIV to be aware of their status, 90% to receive antiretroviral therapy and 90% of those have achieved “viral suppression” i.e., fewer than 200 copies/ltr of blood.