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Making a healthier snacking habit if you are working from home
Just because we’ve been working from home for months now doesn’t mean we have fully mastered it. Lots of us are working in less than perfect workstation set ups which many finds distracting and are turning to what’s inside fridges or cupboards while at the office things happen otherwise. So, wipe left and get some tips from pros.
Let your child learn to listen too!
Learning how to have conversations is important for children’s development, relationships, and wellbeing. You can help children develop conversation skills by talking and listening to them every day. Role-modelling, prompting, guiding, and practicing help children learn conversation skills. rules about polite conversations and consequences for rudeness can help you manage to interrupt and talking back.
Nappies: Cloth nappies and disposable nappies
With all the positives of having a cloth nappy and comfort that comes with a disposable nappy which one would you be opting for? Totally depends upon many factors like, are you traveling, is it monsoon, does the baby has a nappy rash, or do you have a spare nappy? Cloth nappy certainly has more health benefits than diaper ones but the later is easier to choose during travel.
60 days “The Power of Habit’’ is it true?
Once we’ve formed habits, they are hard to break because, many times, we forget we’re doing them. Because of the habit loop, we are able to do other things without thinking about our habits. Though some substances we use have addictive qualities that make the habits almost impossible to break, there are ways to replace those bad habits with good ones… and all it takes is 60 days. How? Swipe left.
Kidney disease linked to depression: A study
In a recent study of adults with healthy kidneys, the researchers found that those with major depression were more prone to develop a faster-than-normal deterioration in kidney function. The study explains: “CKD is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and mortality worldwide. Therefore, the identification of more modifiable risk factors may reduce the huge burden of CKD
Television and the Under 3 Crowd
Although children may learn some concepts from watching educational programming, they learn best from interactive, hands-on experiences with the people they care about. For parents and caregivers who choose to allow their young children to watch some TV, consider the following research and guidance on viewing screens before parents.
How good is having cereal in the morning?
Many cereals contain a preservative, either in the cereal or in the packaging, to keep it fresher longer. Also, research says that foods that are extra processed like cookies, nuggets, and “Cereals” may up the risk for cancer and early death. Hence, with no extra nutritional value, high in sugar, and added preservative diet, why would one opt for it?
गर्भावस्था में विटामिन डी
विटामिन डी आपके और आपके बच्चे के स्वास्थ्य के लिए कई मायनों में महत्वपूर्ण है। गर्भवती होने पर आपको विटामिन डी सप्लीमेंट लेने की सलाह दी जाती है। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि आपके बच्चे को विटामिन डी आपसे मिलता है। इसलिए यह सुनिश्चित करना कि आप दोनों के लिए पर्याप्त है, आपके बच्चे को स्वस्थ और मजबूत होने में मदद करेगा। यह आपको स्वस्थ भी रखेगा और संक्रमण से भी बचाएगा। यदि आप सोच रहे हैं कि किन खाद्य पदार्थों में विटामिन डी होता है, तो यह तैलीय मछली, अंडे, सूरजमुखी के बीज और रेड मीट में पाया जा सकता है। कुछ पैकेज्ड फूड में अतिरिक्त विटामिन डी भी मिलाया जा सकता है।
0 to 6 Months Baby Development Activities: Tips for New Parents
Your baby may be halfway through her first year of life, but she'll experience many more physical, mental, and social and emotional changes before that first birthday actually arrives. The first six months of baby's life are amazing time, as he/she transforms from a floppy-headed newborn into a tiny person who can sit and play when propped up.These fun and easy activities will teach your baby about his/her senses.
Why do you need to consume folic acid tablets during pregnancy
Folic acid helps to protect your unborn baby from developing neural tube defects such as spina bifida in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. It may also help to prevent other birth defects like cleft palate, heart and limb defects, and childhood brain tumors. In fact, a woman planning for a baby should take a daily supplement of 400mg of folic acid and should continue till 12 weeks of pregnancy.
How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, Is it possible?
More than half of all mother-to-be develop stretch marks. This is because of skin getting stretched beyond its capacity due to sudden weight gain in the nine months. However, if one makes sure to put on weight gradually, eat a well-balanced diet, stay hydrated and exercise regularly, apply oil or cream to keep the skin moisturized than there are 50% chances to avoid those marks.
Bathing tips for newborn baby’s skincare routine in cold climate
If your baby’s skin is super dry, it will contradict cold weather so here are some tips from the experts. Do not bath your baby shortly after birth. Avoid frequent bathing, it can lead to weakened skin and will increase dryness. Once or twice a week for 10 minutes in the tub is sufficient. In case if he is visibly dirty and has had a poop explosion, you are then left with no choice.
Top 5 meal tips for a healthy start
Who doesn’t want a healthy growing baby who loves to have greens, peas, and everything good about it? So, when is the right time to start? Zer0-to-three gives the topmost five tips which could help you go easy with your toddler soon to become. The author says to try a responsive feeding approach. Well, it’s true to a certain extent but, swipe left to know more.
How to prevent your child from being obese, even if it hereditary
Not every genetic disorder leads to obesity. But you still have a lot more options by having a healthy eating behavior. You might not have control over your child’s choice of eating but you can still control your pantry. Try to avoid bringing any unhealthy processed food at home, try some tricks and play games that require physical movement
बच्चे के डर को कम करने के लिए क्या करें?
जब तक आपका बच्चा अपने डर को दूर नहीं कर लेता, तब तक उसे आश्वस्त करने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास करें। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आपका बच्चा पानी से डरने के कारण स्नान नहीं करेगा, तो उसे टब में प्लास्टिक की कुर्सी पर बैठने दें। उसे एक विशेष वॉशक्लॉथ दें और शॉवर अटैचमेंट से खुद को साफ करने में उसकी मदद करें। आखिरकार, आप स्नान को कुछ सेंटीमीटर गहरा ("बस अपने पैर की उंगलियों को गर्म करने के लिए") भर सकते हैं, और धीरे-धीरे मात्रा बढ़ा सकते हैं।