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बच्चे के डर को कम करने के लिए क्या करें?
जब तक आपका बच्चा अपने डर को दूर नहीं कर लेता, तब तक उसे आश्वस्त करने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास करें। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आपका बच्चा पानी से डरने के कारण स्नान नहीं करेगा, तो उसे टब में प्लास्टिक की कुर्सी पर बैठने दें। उसे एक विशेष वॉशक्लॉथ दें और शॉवर अटैचमेंट से खुद को साफ करने में उसकी मदद करें। आखिरकार, आप स्नान को कुछ सेंटीमीटर गहरा ("बस अपने पैर की उंगलियों को गर्म करने के लिए") भर सकते हैं, और धीरे-धीरे मात्रा बढ़ा सकते हैं।
How babies learn from playing with pictures?
From the moment they're born, babies love to play. Here's what to expect developmentally in your baby's first year. Through play, your newborn learns about the world around him and how he can interact with it. New play experiences also help parts of your newborn’s brain connect and grow. And play that gets your newborn moving builds muscle strength as well as gross motor skills and fine motor skills.
Becoming comfortable with your child’s healthcare provider
Is it difficult for you to handle a crying baby and still be focused on your child’s doctor? It could be for anyone. Why not make a list of questions you need to ask the doc before you go. It’s natural for parents to have a long list of questions and concerns. So, think through your question and put them on paper, trust me it’s no shame. Instead, it will help you tick all your queries.
What causes gastrointestinal reflux in infants
Gastroesophageal Reflux occurs when an infant’s muscular sphincter where the esophagus enters the stomach allows acidic, gastric fluids to reflux, and sometimes reach as high as the mouth or nose. For most infants, this is a normal part of maturation and development but for some babies, this process may cause a burning sensation that naturally feels uncomfortable to the baby.
Here’s to Healthy Eating: Habits to Start and Habits to Avoid
Is your child struggling to try new foods? Ask them if they can lick it! As silly as it sounds, even licking a new food is a way to introduce the taste. You may have to introduce a new food more than 10 times before a child will eat it. Also, never try to reward for eating healthy food, like bribing for dessert if they finish a meal, soon they will deny eating anything healthy if there isn’t a dessert.
Some unknown truth about the fruit Juice
Many parents think It is a healthier option than a soda or a packaged drink but little do they know that even a 100% natural fruit juice has little to no nutrients in it. Also, it is recommended to not give juices to your 6-12 months old as it could cause toot decay. Also, avoid putting juice in sippy cups as it could lead to tooth decay, why? Read more.
To all those mushroom haters, here’s a news
Mushrooms are a great example of “don’t judge a book by its cover.” Yes, they’re fungi. But did you know that Mushrooms are the only produce item that delivers vitamin D, a nutrient that’s not easy to come by in many commonly eaten foods? Mushrooms are one of the richest sources of selenium in the produce aisle. That’s a mineral that works as an antioxidant in your body, and weight loss too.
मेरा शिशु प​हले महीने में क्या कर सकता है?
आपका नवजात शिशु बाहर की दुनिया में तेजी से तालमेल बिठाने में लगा है। इस चरण में वह अपना अधिकांश समय सोने और दूध पीने में व्यतीत करेगा संभव है। आपको ऐसा लगेगा की आपका शिशु इस समय ज्यादा कुछ नहीं कर रहा है, परन्तु सच यह है की वह बहुत कुछ सीख रहा है। यद्यपि, शिशु ज्यादा दूर तक नहीं देख सकता, लेकिन वह आपका चेहरा देखना बहुत पसंद करेगा। और जब आप उसे बहुत नजदीक से प्यार-दुलार करेंगी, तो वह आपकी मुखाकृति को गौर से देखेगा। इतनी छोटी सी उम्र में भी वह आपके चेहरे के भावों की नकल करने का प्रयास करेगा। आप अपनी जीभ बाहर निकालें और देखें कि क्या ​वह भी आपकी नकल करता है या नहीं।
10 Easy Science Experiments - That Will Amaze Kids
Do you wish your child becomes the next scientist in the country? even if you don't want to these are the 10 easiest experiments that you could do with your kids and share your knowledge. These will help your kids develop an interest and knowledge in the scientific world. These are easy and can be done with household items, might need to buy a few things.
Swaddling or not-swaddling, what do you opt for?
As per Wendy Hall, a sleep specialist and a nurse, swaddling is a must for infants. This is also supported by Harvey Karp who says swaddling is the five most effective ways to calm a baby Swaddling does seem to help newborns sleep longer stretches at night. That’s because it helps calm the Moro reflex, which makes the baby’s arms spring out. But, make sure to wrap your baby beneath the shoulder.
First night with baby, excited or nervous?
If there would be a term for this moment it would surely be “nervcited” so let’s talk about the first 24 hours after birth. You will be asked whether you would like to breastfeed or formula feed. This will be followed by several check-ups and also there is a little chance that your baby would be sleeping the whole night or not
Research on rare muscle disease due to protein mutation
Any damage to our muscles is repaired by eliminating the damaged protein and replacing them with new ones. The researchers from the University of Bonn, Germany have found out some mutation in the protein named BAG3 which hinders the normal muscle maintenance process resulting in severe muscle diseases that may even affect respiratory and skeletal muscle damage. Read more of this interesting study
Pulses: The Great Plant Protein Already in Your Pantry
Nutritionally, pulses are hard to beat as a plant protein. A one-half cup serving has more potassium than a small banana, four times more fiber than brown rice, more iron than a 3-ounce portion of flank steak, and twice as much protein as an equal amount of quinoa. Did you know all of this! Well, not all vegetarians are protein deficient, we have got a lot of options too.
What does a Mediterranean diet mean, is it good?
Did you know that there’s a simple, delicious diet that may help you live longer, whittle your waistline, keep your brain sharp, and slash your risk for chronic diseases? It’s a pattern of eating that’s rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, olive oil, and grains, with moderate consumption of fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs. While most Indians already consume the same, shouldn’t it be the “Indian Diet”?
Bonding with Your Baby Before Birth
The moment you know that you are pregnant, your parenthood journey starts. Well, all that expert comments being aside, have you ever wondered about speaking to your baby while is in the womb? No, it’s not silly. Between 18 to 22 weeks, your baby’s ears develop, which means your little one is taking in the sounds around her. So, talking, singing, and reading to your baby are great ways to connect.
अपने बच्चे को अन्य बच्चों के साथ शेयर करना कैसे सिखा सिखाए?
आपके तीन या चार साल के बच्चे के लिए आपसे उदारता सीखने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है। तो उसके साथ अपनी आइसक्रीम शेयर करें। उसे एक सुपरहीरो के केप के लिए अपना दुपट्टा दें, और पूछें कि क्या आप इसे भी आज़मा सकते हैं।आप जो कर रहे हैं उसका वर्णन करने के लिए ""शेयर"" शब्द का उपयोग करें, और अपने बच्चे को बताएं कि आप एक कहानी, एक भावना या एक विचार शेयर कर सकते हैं, साथ ही साथ भौतिक चीजें शेयर कर सकते हैं। सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात, उसे यह देखने दें कि आप दूसरों को देते हैं और लेते हैं, समझौता करते हैं और शेयर करते हैं।
What is the secret of caffeine that keeps us awake?
Over 100,000 metric tons of caffeine are consumed around the world every year. That’s equivalent to the weight of 14 Eiffel Towers! Caffeine helps us feel alert, focused, and energetic, even if we haven’t had enough sleep — but it can also raise our blood pressure and make us feel anxious. So how does it keep us awake? Hanan Qasim shares the science behind the world’s most widely used drug.
It is never too early to get kids in the kitchen
Getting your children involved in cooking is a wonderful way to develop life long skills that will not only improve their nutrition, but can reduce mealtime stress, and create a wonderful bond between child and parent. Throughout your child's lifespan, there will be opportunities to introduce different skills safely and effectively. Each step of the way, be sure to take safety measures before induling them.