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It is never too early to get kids in the kitchen
Getting your children involved in cooking is a wonderful way to develop life long skills that will not only improve their nutrition, but can reduce mealtime stress, and create a wonderful bond between child and parent. Throughout your child's lifespan, there will be opportunities to introduce different skills safely and effectively. Each step of the way, be sure to take safety measures before induling them.
Is your child what researchers describe as "Controversial"
The term "controversial" relates, not to actual controversy, but to peer acceptance." Controversial children" receive both positive and negative ratings from their peers. In other words, some peers love the controversial child while others strongly dislike him. Researchers believe that there are relatively few children who fit the "controversial" profile. Is your child one of them?
Is it safe to eat honey during pregnancy?
While being aware of your diet is important and ensuring proper nutrition can help supply all of the vitamins and minerals you and your baby need, but there is no reason to stop honey during your pregnancy. Honey does not pose a risk either to you or the baby, so if you enjoy the taste of honey in your tea, or to sweeten up baking dishes, you can safely indulge in honey during pregnancy.
Activities to boost brain development in your 0-3 months old
Hey, what is going on in your mind? Hmm, food? Gas? Or want to play! Here is the perfect video that shows how a newborn’s brain works and some suggestions for activities that accelerate the development. Don’t you get caught up between the diapers, no night sleep and breastfeeding? Remember, fun is the most significant part of parenting, and this will help him achieve all the milestones in life too.
Are you feeling low, upset after delivery? This might be the signs of postpartum depression (PPD)
It is a complex mix of feelings, physical changes and separation anxiety from the baby after the birth. PPD is a major form of depression that could come at 4 weeks after the delivery and could stay up to months. Difficulty sleeping, loss of pleasure, feeling worthlessness, hopelessness are the signs of postpartum depression. But remember to not get mistaken with baby blues.
7 signs your baby is ready for solid foods
Many babies are ready to start solids by the time they turn 6 months. Breastfeeding is the sole source of nutrition before that, but around this time, most paediatricians give parents leave to start testing the baby's readiness for solid foods. Watch for these signs that usually indicate when babies are ready to try their first food.
Have trouble sleeping? Try these tricks to fix your sleep schedule
Shift work, all-nighters, and jet lag can meddle with your sleep plan. Fortunately, practising good sleep hygiene can get you back on track. Prior to bed, keep away from splendid lights and hefty suppers. Ensure your resting climate is agreeable, calm, and cool. During the day, stay dynamic and skip rests so you can rest better.
Tips for Taming Your Monkey Mind and Becoming More Productive
The Monkey Mind refers to the frontal brain, where thoughts basically just spin around. It never stops. Sometimes the thoughts are a bunch of nothing that lead nowhere. So, what’s best? Smile. Yup even that much helps. Not even kidding there is a science to back this up. Roll a tennis ball under each foot for at least 1 minute. If you find a tender-ish spot, roll a bit longer in that area.
Taking some tuff decisions about screen time and your toddler
The AAP recommends no screen time for children below the age of 2, be it DVDs, videos, computers or phones. For children over 2 it should only be limited to 1-2 hrs a day. As it says, the best a child could learn is through interactive sessions with parents and other people, hands-on experiences—touching, feeling, shaking, stacking, problem-solving—with people they care about.
Toddlers having nightmares, how to deal with it?
Nightmares are vivid bad dreams that occur when a baby is in deep sleep, causing the child to wake up scared and nervous. But not all nightmares are because of a child’s mental health condition. It could also be Gastroesophageal reflux. It is not known whether reflux could be a direct cause of nightmares or it is the corresponding pain associated with it that leads to nightmares yet.
How soothing are the white noises for the baby?
White noise is the continuous and uniform noise over one or more specified frequencies. It works well with infants as it mimics the steady sounds that a baby would have heard inside the womb. Researches shows that white noise is an effective non-pharmacological method to control colic in babies and can be used to calm colicky babies and also set the baby’s sleeping patterns.
Why does a newborn sleep too much?
Eat, sleep, look cute, repeat! This is all a baby seems to do during the first crucial months. As they are still adjusting to the day and night pattern, they are trying to get hands-on with it. After a few weeks baby will start recognising it and will have a particular sleep and wake up time. A healthy newborn when sleep develops 3x faster in comparison to when they are awake.
Baby-led weaning: Is gagging normal?
Gagging is a perfectly normal part of the weaning process. In fact, gagging is the natural way your baby's body protects itself from choking. Your baby's gag reflex is actually farther forward in the mouth when you start feeding them solids, to better protect them from choking. Find out what gagging sounds and looks like in our baby-led weaning video.
Managing post-surgery pain
Controlling the pain after a patient has undergone surgery is the primary task of the doctors and nurses and they put every possible effort to relieve the patient from pain. Medications like NSAID’s and codeine are used to suppress the pain. They alter our nervous system and alter the brain's response to post-surgery pain. Researchers suggest ibuprofen and NSAIDs are better than codeine read more
Simple Things You Can Do Daily for Your Long-Term Health
The article describes things that we might ignore in the fast life that we live and try to achieve health and social goals by the use of technology. Then too at times, we might find ourselves at a standstill and not being healthy. One can start with “Slowing Down Time” meaning achieving health goals using the long-term conventional approach. Even waking up 15 mins early than usual can work wonders
Visualizing the unchartered; a post pandemic future of healthcare.
COVID surprisingly brought out the inequities of our healthcare system on the same hand has delivered the opportunities to develop a concrete yet flexible healthcare system at a global level. TeleHealth systems, Patient’ electronic medical records maintenance, even medication development have opened up pathways for new startups that help build a better future for society. Read more
Children and Digital Dumpsites, toxic e-waste affecting millions.
According to Global E-waste Statistics Partnership, around 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste was generated during 2019 affecting the health of millions of people especially children who work in the sub-sector of the E-waste recycling industry. WHO has reminded the industry players to keep control of increasing toxic e-waste and to safeguard the people working in the recycling industry. Read more
Following the healthful diet, Vegetarian Diet
Sustainability is the essence of following a vegetarian diet, it offers a nutrient-rich, antioxidant, and fiber-containing variety of food items. The vegetarian diet is further classified into Lacto-vegetarian diets, Ovo-vegetarian diets, and Lacto-Ovo vegetarian diets. Due to the health benefits, it offers a lot of young generation is opting this diet. Read more about the benefits of the following veg. diet