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The art of pumping and dumping the breastmilk
Pumping and dumping breastmilk is exactly as it sounds; it means to express breast milk and to throw it away instead of giving it to your child. After consuming alcohol or caffeine, it takes a while for the substances to metabolize and leave your system. This means after you have consumed any of the, you can pump and dump the milk and restart again when she is hungry.
Do not let your child cross this mark, signs that your tot is overweight
As strange as it may sound, but toddler obesity is becoming a cause of concern. It shows an upward trend, with approximately 14 per cent of kids. Apart from facing health issues, obesity also puts kids at risk of developing health complications later in life. It can become difficult for the kids to shift from the obese category to the healthy category later in life because of unhealthy lifestyle habits.
IQ exercise for you 0-6 months old infant
Notice your baby doing anything new? Big strides in development happen this month. That's because the left side of the brain is now "talking" to the right side of the brain. in order to help your baby's brain development at a more than average pace read colourful picture books with your baby! He'll love looking at the bright colours and bold, contrasting patterns while listening to your voice.
What Does Dreaming of Being Pregnant Mean?
Have you been dreaming of being pregnant? Our dreams can provide a fascinating insight into both our most obvious thoughts and the more subconscious elements. Of course, there is always a tiny chance that a dream about being pregnant can mean that you are willing to get pregnant in real life. And If you dream of taking a pregnancy test, it symbolizes that something life-changing is about to happen.
Where should your newborn be sleeping?
Have you chosen where your newborn will sleep when she returns home? The AAP suggests keeping your newborn child in a similar room where you rest (yet not in a similar bed) to enormously lessen the danger of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), So, purchase a thick, soft mattress in place of the one that comes with a play yard. Paediatricians say that babies do fine sleeping on a firm surface.
ब्रेस्टफीडिंग डाइट: ब्रेस्टफीडिंग के दौरान क्या खाएं?
हर दो घंटे में दूध पिलाना तनावपूर्ण होता है, लेकिन निश्चित रूप से इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि आपको अपना आहार बदलने की जरूरत है क्योंकि स्तन के दूध की गुणवत्ता समान रहेगी। यदि आप पर्याप्त नहीं खा रहे हैं तो आपका शरीर गुणवत्ता बनाए रखने के लिए संसाधनों का उपयोग करना शुरू कर देगा और इसलिए यह आपको आसानी से बाहर निकाल सकता है। इसके अलावा, आहार की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है क्योंकि आपका शरीर पहले से ही 200-300 किलो कैलोरी / दिन खो रहा है।
How to improve oxygen level naturally, Know from the expert
Breathing is something we do without thinking, so it is easy to take it for granted. But in the times of covid-19, it is more likely to develop respiratory complications and experience breathing difficulties. Along with this inability to breathe freely and sustain healthy blood oxygen levels comes a host of other ailments, and hence Dr Hansaji shows some extremely effective ways to increase SpO2 naturally in the blood.
How to deal with parenting stress exhaustion?
Find yourself a new hobby. You may find that you simply have no current interests in common with your child. That’s OK. In this case, you can talk to them about trying something new. Try to find something that neither of you has done before, and start together. Neither of you will be the leader in this activity because no one has more experience.
why is it called morning sickness when i am vomiting all day?
That's right, it is a misnomer. It should be called 'anytime sickness', since it can strike in the morning, in or night. according to various theories, the causes of morning sickness include hormonal changes, relaxation of muscle tissue in the digestive tract which makes you want to throw up the food you eat, and a heightened sense of smell. staying hydrated is the key to prevent throwing up all day.
Are sauna and hot tubs safe during pregnancy?
extremely hot environments, anything above 100 degrees are dangerous for your developing foetus, especially in the first few months of the pregnancy. you should avoid anything that might potentially increase your body temperature. however, using a hot pad to get some relief from aches and pains has no proven danger.
Basics of better connection with kids
The quality of relationships children has with people in their life highly influence their development. Each time you learn and interact with your child you stimulate his senses and develop synaptic connections in his brain. A mother’s love can physically affect the size of a region in the brain responsible for learning, memory and stress response.
First stroke is an alarm, prevent your second stroke now
Daily exercise. Once your cardiologist gives you the all-clear, aim for 30 minutes of “breathless” walking or similar activity you enjoy every day. The goal is to get a bit breathless (not struggling to breathe) as you exercise. Diet. Eat predominantly low fat, whole-food, plant-based diet. This type has shown a halt to the progress of CVD. For more tips on how to prevent your second stroke, swipe left
How do ventilators work? – TED-ED
In the 16th century, physician Andreas Vesalius described how a suffocating animal could be kept alive by inserting a tube into its trachea and blowing air to inflate its lungs. Today, Vesalius’s treatise is recognized as the first description of mechanical ventilation— a crucial practice in modern medicine. So how do our modern ventilators work? Alex Gendler explains the life-saving technology.
Gestational diabetes Is more likely to turn to type 1 diabetes
Lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and weight loss (if appropriate) will help reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and diabetes. Researchers have discovered that specific diabetic protein precursors were found early in pregnancy and those who had them had a higher chance of developing type 1 diabetes later in life.
Not all alcohols are healthy, NO, none of them are!
Their study of about 25,000 people in the U.K. showed that alcohol affects the brain's gray matter. It starts to alter your brain within 30 seconds you drink. You may feel mentally slower and have slower reflexes. For a long-term result, it shrinks the brain cells which in turn compromises the ability to learn, think and remember.