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Pre-term delievery, a common ailment in babies
One of the common ailments is caused by early delivery of the baby termed as premature. In India, around 40% of newborn babies weigh less than 2.5 specially babies weighing 2 or 1.5 who have an ailment regarding premature. The temperature maintenance mechanism of these babies has some problems. These babies have problems while breastfeeding, have jaundice and need to be taken to NICU for extra care.
What are the clues that your child might have strep?
The symptoms differ for different age groups. Strep throat in babies have a low fever and in toddlers, there could be fever, swollen neck glands, yellow coat on tonsils, etc. In kids over 3, a very sore throat, Pain while swallowing, red or swollen tonsils, Scarlet fever (a red, sandpaper-like rash that can develop alongside strep) is seen,Of course, not every sore throat is a case of strep.
Removing a part of heart could reduce the risk of arrythmia in heart patient
Arrhythmia is a condition with a problem in rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. So, either heart beats too fast or too slow in people with such conditions. Researchers say that simply removing a small appendage in the left chamber of the heart can cut the risk of stroke by more than a third in people. Now that the concept makes a lot of sense only till it is proven clinically.
Carbohydrate and sugars: What are the differences?
Carbohydrates are formed of 1 or more monosaccharides. Terminology of “free/added” sugars can vary from country to country. Carbohydrates, including sugars, are important nutrients at all stages in life. They are important sources of energy in a balanced diet. Glucose is the preferred fuel for the young brain and lactose represents 40% of total energy in breast milk.
No gut microbiota is transferred from mother to a C-sec born
A proven study by Katri Korpela in Finland, says that transplanting faecal microbiota from the mother can help to quickly correct microbial development in babies born by C-section. During vaginal birth, the gut bacteria get transformed into the baby which shapes the development of the child’s intestinal microbiota but were lacking in the microbiota of untreated CS-born babies.
गर्भावस्था में फूड पॉइजनिंग होने के कारण व इलाज
प्रेगनेंसी के चलते महिला के शरीर में हार्मोन में बदलाव होता है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि हार्मोन में बदलाव होने के कारण गर्भवती महिला का इम्यून सिस्टम कमजोर हो सकता है। फूड पॉइजनिंग होने पर मेडिकल ट्रीटमेंट के साथ-साथ कुछ घरेलू नुस्खे भी हैं, जो गर्भवती महिला को इस समस्या से उबरने में मदद कर सकते हैं। जिसमे से कुछ इलाज जेसे, जितना हो सके ज्यादा से ज्यादा तरल पदार्थ का सेवन करना चाहिए। इससे शरीर में जमा सभी विषाक्त पदार्थ बाहर निकल सकते हैं। फूड पॉइजनिंग होने पर नरम, हल्के और आसानी से पचने वाले खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन करना चाहिए, दूध व दूध से बने खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन नहीं करना चाहिए।
11 parenting mistakes that could hampers your child’s growth
All parents have their own, unique way of bringing up their kids. Many of them work in order to be able to buy new toys for them, others are strict because they want their children to be disciplined and goal-oriented, & others want them to be independent. But there is one thing that all parents have in common: when they look back, they all want to fix some of the mistakes they made in the past.
Unlocking the common medical cancerous “Myths”
Artificial sweeteners cause cancer To date, there is no good evidence that artificial sweeteners increase the risk of developing cancer.
Reasons you should not be sleeping with your TV on
There’s been a lot of research into how the technology we use every day affects our sleep, weight, stress levels, and overall health. One of the reasons to avoid watching tv while in bed is it decreases melatonin levels. It is a hormone that helps one sleep. TVs and other devices that produce blue light can reduce the amount of melatonin your body makes.
Breastfeeding diet: What to eat and drink while breastfeeding
Feeding every couple of hours is stressful, but that surely doesn’t mean that you need to change your diet because the quality of the breastmilk will stay same. In case you have not been eating enough then your body will start utilising the resources to maintain the quality and hence this could drain you out easily. Also, there is no need to diet as your body is already losing 200-300kcal/day.
Kindergarten Self-Management tips: how you could help your child
Try Role-Playing with your Child: For example, play grocery store and have them pretend to be the cashier. As your child pretends, they are learning self-management by acting as the cashier. Instead of doing something your child might have a sudden urge to do, like pet the family dog, your child continues to scan your pretend groceries. That's learning self-management.
Teaching perseverance in early childhood: All that you need to know
Perseverance, also known as grit is the ability to overcome obstacles and failures. The building of this character is not a day-old lesson, but a continuous process of dealing with minor setbacks and self-realisations of the emotions. How your child is going to deal with failures is a key aspect. Hence, it is significant that she fails and knows how to get back up yet again.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome raises pregnancy complications risk, here’s why
Approximately 5 to 15% of women who are of reproductive age suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome, a common disorder in which small cysts typically develop around the edge of the ovaries. These disbalances the hormonal levels of the woman’s body leading to a delay or unexpected arrival of the menstrual cycles. This could be as long as 3months and as short as 15 days.
5 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Life
There are four widely researched styles of parenting: authoritative, permissive, authoritarian and neglectful. The styles range from controlling to undemanding; and from cold and unresponsive to loving and receptive. In recent years, over-involved parents, who are present in every aspect of their child’s life, are often referred to as the fifth style, the helicopter parent!
बच्चों की पर्सनालिटी डेवलपमेंट के लिए उपयोगी टिप्स
कई माता-पिता यह सोचते हैं कि बच्चों को समय समय पर यह बताने से कि उन्हें क्या करना चाहिए और क्या नहीं, वो बच्चे की पर्सनालिटी को बेहतर तरीके से प्रभावित कर सकते हैं। बच्चे केवल समझाए जाने से वैल्यूज नहीं सीखते हैं, बल्कि आपके व्यवहार से बहुत कुछ सीखते हैं। अपने बच्चे को सुनें, बच्चे को हर समय आपकी अटेंशन चाहिए होती है। जैसे-जैसे बच्चे बड़ा होने लगता है, वो खुद को स्वतंत्र महसूस करने लगता है। माता-पिता के रूप में, आपको सब्र के साथ उनकी बातों को सुनना चाहिए ताकि उन्हें आपके साथ रहने में सुरक्षित और कॉन्फिडेंस महसूस हो। इससे आपका बच्चा भी एक अच्छा श्रोता बनेगा और उसके अंदर आत्मविश्वास विकसित होगा।
Childhood cognitive problems could lead to mental health issues in later life
Kids encountering psychological issues like low consideration, poor memory or absence of hindrance may later endure mental health issues as teens and grown-ups. Focusing on childhood markers for early treatment may help with limiting the risk of youngster's building up certain psychopathological issues in puberty and grown-up life, such as borderline personality disorder, depression and psychosis.