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The power of placebo
The placebo effect is an unexplained phenomenon wherein drugs, treatments, and therapies that aren’t supposed to have an effect and are often fake, miraculously make people feel better. What’s going on? It is anything but a “real” medical treatment. It could be in a form of a pill or a fake “shot”. What all placebos have in common is that they do not have any active component/ that affect the medical condition.
COVID-19 to be more lethal in men than women: Article review
It's long been known that obesity is a risk factor for severe COVID-19 in infected people. But new research suggests that the connection may be even stronger for men than women. The inflammatory response in infected men has shown higher cytokine than in women due to which the severity increases. However, obesity has nothing to link with cytokine levels in the body.
Use of Ivermectin for COVID-19 care can immediately stop the pandemic: Scientists
Peer-reviewed research has assured that worldwide ivermectin use can end the Covid-19 pandemic, as the medication essentially lessens the danger of getting the destructive respiratory infection when utilized routinely. The basic antiparasitic ivermectin is being promoted as a marvel solution for Covid-19 by specialists and campaigners the world over.
Do you need supplements?
As per the reports it is found that people in India are highly deficient to Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. It is hence recommended that everyone in India might consider taking these supplements especially during winter as it is not possible to get enough from the sun and Vitamin B12 from the meats. Supplements can be very effective to help accelerate the improvement of health conditions.
STOP! Read these warning signs before buying groceries.
Just because a packed food seems tastier, fresh and claims to be healthier does not always mean it is always healthy. Hence there are some of the important unknown warning signs that you should be knowing. For e.g. Ingredients can be disguised by using different names, like sugar can be listed as honey, nectar, corn syrup or as glucose, fructose etc.
Can bowlegs be prevented?
There is no known prevention for bowlegs. In some cases, you may be able to prevent certain conditions that cause bowlegs. For example, you can prevent rickets by making sure your child receives sufficient vitamin D, through both diet and exposure to sunshine. Learn how to safely get vitamin D from sunlight. Early diagnosis and detection of bowlegs will help you and your child manage this condition
क्या बच्चे को पूरे दूध के गिलास में थोड़ी चीनी मिलाने से बच्चे इसे बेहतर तरीके से पचा पाएंगे?
नहीं, चीनी मिलाने से आपके बच्चे को दूध को पचाने में कोई मदद नहीं मिलेगी, लेकिन यह मीठा पेय और खाद्य पदार्थों के लिए एक उत्साह को बढ़ावा देने की संभावना है। जब आपका बच्चा लगभग एक साल की उम्र में गाय का दूध पीना शुरू कर देता है, तो आपको थोड़ी चीनी मिलाने का प्रलोभन हो सकता है। चीनी की लत हो सकती है और भविष्य में अस्वास्थ्यकर वजन बढ़ने, मोटापे, मधुमेह और हृदय रोग के कारण बन सकती है। उच्च चीनी सामग्री वाले भोजन आपके बच्चे के दांतों के लिए भी हानिकारक होते हैं। जब आपका बच्चा लगभग एक साल की उम्र में गाय का दूध पीना शुरू कर देता है, तो आपको थोड़ी चीनी मिलाने का प्रलोभन हो सकता है।
The journey of 9 months
From the excitement of the new coming to counting the due date, the journey is all worth it. The emotional ride of the 9 months takes you to the most beautiful destiny of your life. As the baby develops, a mother’s body grows too. She aims to become a better person, to make the best of her time and invest her all into the newborn. The video takes you to this ride.
Bowlegs in babies
Bow legs (or genu varum) is when the legs curve outward at the knees while the feet and ankles touch. Infants and toddlers often have bow legs. Sometimes, older kids do too. It's rarely serious and usually goes away without treatment, often by the time a child is 3–4 years old. Sometimes, kids with bow legs may walk with the toes pointed inward (called intoeing, or pigeon-toes).
Ankle pain and ankle tendonitis facts
Even small changes in the foot can unexpectedly undermine its structural integrity and cause pain with every step. The ankle is a "hinged" joint. Ankle pain can be caused by injury or disease of the ankle joint. The severity of ankle sprains ranges from mild to severe (and can require surgical repair). Tendinitis of the ankle can be caused by trauma from injury and overuse or inflammatory diseases."
Smooth up the transition, the time is tuff
With schools in such an unusual state over the past few months, younger children may struggle to understand that the last school year ended and that, when they return to school this fall, the setting will have changed. Talk explicitly about certainty and uncertainty, amid this time of stress, find 15 minutes, twice a week, to sit down with a child and just follow how they want to play.
Is your child addicted, know how to raise an addiction free child?
While addiction not always means substance abuse, but it could be as little as addicted to sweets or a smartphone. In cases like this, communication is the key. Start these conversations when children are young by talking about a healthy lifestyle. Know the reason behind poor behaviour. Maybe because you are not around, or they are bored. try to handle them smartly with age-appropriate stats.
What are phytonutrients?
The natural chemical found from the plant is known as phytochemicals. Phyto refers to the Greek word for plant. These chemicals help protect from germs, fungi, bugs, and other threats. Phytonutrients aren't essential for keeping you alive, unlike the vitamins and minerals that plant foods contain. But when you eat or drink phytonutrients, they may help prevent disease and keep your body working properly.
क्या मेरे बच्चे के लिए जैविक (ऑर्गॅनिक) खाद्य पदार्थ बेहतर हैं?
ऑर्गेनिक खाद्य पदार्थ आपके बच्चे के लिए बेहतर नहीं हैं, वे भी अधिक पौष्टिक नहीं हो सकते हैं। शोध में पाया गया है कि गहन कृषि वाले खाद्य पदार्थों की तुलना में जैविक खाद्य पदार्थों की पोषण सामग्री में कोई महत्वपूर्ण अंतर नहीं हैं। जब आपका शिशु छह महीने में तैयार हो जाता है, तो आप कीटनाशक अवशेषों की मात्रा को कम करने के लिए उसे जैविक दालें, फल और सब्जियाँ दे सकती हैं। यह सुनिश्चित करना कठिन है कि आपके बच्चे कीटनाशक रहित रहे। कीटनाशकों का इतना व्यापक रूप से उपयोग किया जाता है कि वे हमारे चारों ओर हैं, पानी, मिट्टी और हवा में भी हैं - केवल भोजन में नहीं।
What is Coronary Artery Disease - Mechanism of Disease
What is Coronary Artery Disease - Mechanism of Disease Coronary artery disease (CAD) is characterized by plaque formation in the coronary arteries and leads to heart disease, the leading cause of death worldwide. Rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque can lead to the formation of a blood clot in the artery.3 This is known as atherothrombosis and can lead to restricted blood flow through the artery, potentially causing myocardial infarction.
How losing a bone in our noses gave us the ability to enjoy flavour
Humans need all the help they can get from their senses to stop them making mistakes with their varied diet. They are therefore guided by much more highly developed senses of flavour and aroma. As primates our experience of smell and flavour is unusual. This is because we have lost a long bone, called the transverse lamina, that helps to separate the mouth from the nose.
What is the effect of diet over your skin? What are phytonutrients?
A healthy, glowing complexion says a lot about your skin and your diet. The condition of our skin reflects what we eat and highlights the importance of looking after yourself from the inside out. Food is fuel and our bodies function best when we provide it with healthy, balanced and nutritious food. But did you know apart from this diet plays a part in fighting the effects of sun damage on your skin? Swipe left.
How to Prevent and Treat Anemia in Pregnancy
We get it! Spinach is not what your taste buds usually like. But hey, there are many other foods and fruits that are loaded with iron. Anaemia is a condition with low haemoglobin in the blood which is also very commonly found in pregnant women. Therefore, many women are told to shift on iron tablets while for other manageable cases one could shift to an iron-rich diet like poultry, leafy greens, lentils, beans.
Asthma During Pregnancy, is it normal?
When you’re pregnant, breathing for two is serious business. Asthma affects at least 8.2 percent of pregnant women and 9.4 percent of women of childbearing age. With all the common symptoms of asthma. However, uncontrolled asthma can reduce the amount of O2 that makes it to your baby, leading to complication like high blood pressure.