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Just Sitting all day, how bad it is.
Sitting down and relaxing your body can help you relieve one from stress and anxiety. Lifestyle changes at home and even at work that makes us sit all day around in from of screens and work our way out could lead to problems of a sedentary life. Our bodies is built to move, the joints and muscles are made for movement, watch to find out the sedentary way has ill effects over a long run
Pets - health and safety risks to babies and children
There are many advantages for your child to have a pet around. Interacting with a pet can help your child's social and emotional development. But pets can pose risks to your child's health and safety. Keep pets apart from babies unless you are close enough to quickly remove one of them. if the pet is child friendly than let both of them know each other slowly only with an adult supervision.
How to avoid spoiling your child
Set clear principles for how you need your kid to carry on and be predictable about implementing them. Giving your kid basic tasks acquaints him with assuming liability. He'll discover that participation is significant, and that he can have a positive outlook on himself by helping other people. Furthermore, when you do need to say "no" to your kid, give a justification for your choice.
Honey, not so sweet to your infant
You might think it’s a harmless natural treat, but honey is potentially very harmful to your child. Introducing honey too soon can risk your child for infant botulism due to the bacteria clostridium botulinum. Once a baby gets diagnosed with the condition, almost 70% of cases results on a ventilator for more than 23 days to prevent respiratory failure. However, fatality rate is still very low.
Best ways to handle baby teething
Is your baby fussing for no reason, or could that be a symptom of some tiny teeth getting ready to burst through bums? So as to help your baby consider gently massaging those angry red gums. Use a (very clean) finger and rub the sore gum with a circular motion. A damp washcloth that’s been wrung dry and chilled (not frozen) can also be a teething baby’s best friend.
क्या स्तनपान के दौरान सर्दी की दवा लेना सुरक्षित है?
ठंड या सर्दी और फ्लू से पीड़ित होने पर अपने बच्चे को स्तनपान कराना पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित है। सर्दी कई प्रकार की हो सकती है जैसे कि साइनस को प्रभावित करने वाली, ठंड जो सिरदर्द का कारण बनती है, और एक जो फ्लू की ओर ले जाती है। ठंड के प्रकार के बावजूद, शरीर संक्रमण का पता लगाता है और एंटीबॉडी के माध्यम से रोगज़नक़ों पर हमला करता है, जो आपके बच्चे को ब्रेस्टमिल्क के माध्यम से पारित किया जाता है, उसे रोगजनकों से बचाते हुए। इस प्रकार, ठंड के दौरान स्तनपान शिशु की रक्षा करने का एक अच्छा तरीका है क्योंकि छोटे से स्तनदूध के माध्यम से बोनस एंटीबॉडी प्राप्त करता है।
Carbohydrates and their health impact.
As we all know, carbs are an instant source of energy in form of sugars, starches, and fibers. There can be a variety of food items having the same level of carbs with different other nutritional content. Carbs could be of two kinds simple (Glucose, fructose) and complex based on different sugars content. Consumption of too much sugar carbs on a frequent basis can adversely affect your health.
Treat your anxiety with this simple tricks
Untreated anxiety can get worse and cause more stress in a person’s life. However, anxiety is highly treatable with therapy, natural remedies, lifestyle changes, and medications. For example, a 2015 review of 12 randomized controlled trials found that exercise may be a treatment for anxiety. However, the review cautioned that only research of higher quality could determine how effective it is.
Best pregnancy books to read, according to moms
Pregnancy doesn’t come optional or you don’t have the choice to do it second hand so why take any chance to go on advice! To gain much-needed advice the author asked expecting moms to weigh the best books of all time. These books not only give you scientific advice but also fills you up with stylish maternity clothes you must be worried of. “What to expect, while expecting is one of them”
Kidney stone problems could increase for first time pregnant woman
Asymptomatic kidney stone event is the most common hospital admission diagnosis for pregnant women, in second and third trimesters. As per science, during pregnancy the ureteral compression increases because of baby weight, this could result in elevated progesterone hormone and causes urinary stasis. In addition, increased urine calcium excretion and pH leads to calcium phosphate stone formation.
Low iodine levels in women increase risk of impaired foetal intellectual development in pregnancy
Dietary changes during the pregnancy could cost a little more than you think, especially in terms of nutrients intake. As per a study undertaken in Australia, it builds evidence that nearly 2 billion women worldwide are iodine deficient. During the pregnancy, the need for iodine increases by 150mcg, unable to do so may affect mental, language, and memory development of the fetus.
Prolactin is a major contributor to breast cancer development in woman
The hormone, prolactin is the main breast milk-producing hormone during the postpartum phase in a woman’s life. However, number of studies are claiming with strong evidence that prolactin also acts contributor to breast cancer. The researchers observed that this modified version of the prolactin receptor interacted with other forms of the receptor to turn benign breast cells into malignant ones.
What is nutrition, and why does it matter?
Macr+Micro Nutrients, Carbs, vitamins, proteins, & Fats, all come under the category of nutrition. Every edible would contain either or all of these nutrients, if not in high than in small amounts. What happens if a person has too much or too little of a nutrient? Body starts responding onto whatever one intake in the diet. The article explains the different nutrients a person needs and why
What is a BRAT diet ?
Children who have diarrhea may have less energy, dry eyes, or a dry mouth. They may also not wet their diaper as often as usual. In these cases BRAT recommended by some health care providers . It stands for the different foods that make up the diet: Bananas Rice cereal Applesauce Toast. There is not much evidence that its better than a standard diet for upset stomach, but it probably can't hurt.
कैसे पता चलेगा शिशु का पेट भर गया है?
आपको इस बारे में हर बार शायद ही पता चले! कभी-कभी आप इसका गलत अंदाजा भी लगा सकती हैं। आपको लगेगा कि शिशु ने पेट भरकर दूध पी लिया है, वह संतुष्ट है और उसे नींद आ रही है। मगर, जैसे ही आप उसे अपने स्तन से हटाएंगी, वह उठ जाएगा और फिर से दूध की मांग करने लगता है। शिशु को कितनी देर स्तनपान कराना चाहिए, इस बारे में शिशु से बेहतर कोई नहीं बता सकता। अपने शिशु को पहले एक स्तन से दूध समाप्त करने दें। इसका मतलब है कि जितनी देर तक वह चाहे, उसे उतनी देर तक एक स्तन से स्तनपान करने दें। अगर, वह स्वयं ही स्तन छोड़ दे और उनींदा प्रतीत हो, तो इस समय को स्तनपान के स्वाभाविक अंतराल के रूप में इस्तेमाल करें।
What happens when you stop eating sugar for 1 Week?
The energy in form of sugars that we derive whether from taking that warm sip of coffee/tea, processed snacks, etc. Excess sugars can increase your blood pressure and increase chronic inflammation a pathway for heart diseases. Even weight gains and mood swings are effects of high sugar content in your body. Know how cutting down sugar intake makes changes in your body, try for one week. Watch about