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Sunburn in summer
Superheat that we cannot beat, tropical summers, and skin issues are not the only case. The effect of ultraviolet rays not only darkens your skin but can alter your DNA resulting in premature aging of your skin. The symptoms of sunburn include skin redness which may sometimes hurt, one could also have flu-type symptoms. Read more to know the treatments.
Coming years, Healthier for everyone, World Health Day 2021.
Let us align ourselves with the equities of our thoughts and take up actions that are necessary to fight off covid and give ourselves and others the sense of a healthier future. WHO is committed in providing health care equality to everyone everywhere. Prevent ourselves for breaking down unhealthy lifestyle and celebrate this day of well-being with “health First”.
Evolutionary Road to Diet: How our nose helped us
It was a fire that changed our evolutionary path to what we are today and what we eat. Flavors is what we understood by cooking. Do you know Dolphins do not have developed taste receptors; they just can taste salty flavors? The article deals in our ancestral and evolution, where our nose helped us develop our cognitive abilities through cooking raw food. Read More
What’s more pressuring, Sugars and Salts.
Aging and health concerns in this globalized life go hand in hand, the compromises that we make in our lifestyle could have detrimental effects. Diet is one such concern and what most people forgo, which in turn build up the pressure on mental health as well as on the blood vessels. Just to get a hint, let's talk about salts and sugar and watch how much pressure they put us through.
Flexibly you from static stretching
Often followed by a rigorous workout, stretching helps to ease the workout pain and is an effective means for a flexible body. Stretching involves lengthening or flexing a muscle or tendon to promote enhanced elasticity. This method uses the agonist and antagonist muscles to work together to create a pull and muscle stretch and requires no external prop. Read more about static stretching.
गर्मियों में शिशु की देखभाल के लिए आवश्यक टिप्स
बच्चों को हाइड्रेट रखें : शरीर को डिहाइड्रेशन यानी पानी की कमी से बचाने के लिए छह महीने से अधिक आयु वाले बच्चों का विशेष ख्याल रखने की जरूरत होती है। इसका कारण यह है कि छोटे बच्चों की पानी की जरूरत बड़ों से अलग होती है। इसके कई कारण हैं, जैसे बच्चों के शरीर में पानी का प्रतिशत और उसका बाहर निकलना, दोनों ज्यादा होते हैं। साथ ही छोटे बच्चे अपनी प्यास को जाहिर नहीं कर पाते। इन सभी बातों को ध्यान में रखकर बच्चों को तरल पदार्थ देने चाहिए । बच्चों को उम्र और स्वास्थ्य के हिसाब दिन में कितना पानी या तरल चाहिए, इसके बारे में डॉक्टर से सलाह लेनी चाहिए।
Behavioral Healthcare designing to enhance lives.
The pandemic's arrival resulted in economic turmoil and hardships on mental balance at an individual’s level, but on the positive side it has come up with opportunities too. The growing number of people shifting their assessment of wellness criteria over the digital medium, whether using telehealth services, fitness wearables, biotech innovations altogether are designing our care system.
Papaya for diabetes, is it good or bad.
Diabetes is a problem that lets you question on how much should you consume, especially sugar. There are lots of misconception around fruit intake for people suffering from diabetes because of their sweet nature. One thing to remember, moderation is the key, Papaya is one such nutritious fruit, which scores 60 on glycemic index, and a good regulator blood sugar levels, read more of its benefits
Nutritional genomics for human health
As the researchers bring out the new dimensions of nutrition, suggesting that individual’s health depends on his genetic makeup and how the genes interact with the nutrients present in the food that one consumes. Nutrigenomics is associated with how the genes access the food compounds and what effect the have on the individuals DNA, read more to better understand the newer fragments of nutrition.
What is water fasting?
Do we consider it the lineage tradition or health consciousness, opting for fasting is a worthy action? Water fasting is one of the many types fasting can be done. But one needs to understand the implications of fasting on the body. Water fasting includes on water only and leaving other food items and drinks. Researchers suggest that one should not continue such fasting for no more than 3 days.
When unknown attacks, facts about anxiety attacks
Often associated with fear of occurrence of something bad is going to happen, can increase a person’s restlessness, increase in heart rate, or other physical symptoms like muscle tension. Though anxiety attacks are not common when occur for a prolonged period can lead to other mental disorders. Anxiety attack differs for panic attacks read more to know the difference.
Myths Vs Facts Eat Breakfast to Lose Weight
Eating breakfast does help some people lose weight. It can stave off hunger & it might prevent random eating later in the day. If you’re not breakfast fan, you can still slim down. A Cornell University study found that the non-breakfast crowd didn’t overeat at lunch & dinner, and they ate about 400 fewer calories a day. The bottom line: Skipping breakfast may help some healthy people shed pounds.
गर्भावस्था में एक्लम्पसिया कितना आम है?
गर्भावस्था के दौरान उच्च रक्तचाप की एक अनियंत्रित या अनसुलझे स्थिति प्रीक्लेम्पसिया है। जबकि डेटा 1500 में से प्रत्येक को प्राप्त करने के लिए चुनौतीपूर्ण है, गर्भधारण का निदान एक्लम्पसिया के साथ किया जाता है। अक्सर ज्यादातर महिलाओं को प्रीक्लेम्पसिया चरण के दौरान इलाज किया जाता है। फिर भी, जब अनुपचारित छोड़ दिया जाता है, तो उन्हे सीज़र्स सकते हैं जो माँ और बच्चे के लिए एक जीवन-धमकी की घटना बन सकते हैं।
The 24-Hour attack of Bacteria on your toddler’s teeth
Kids will be kids. One cannot rely over their daily routine as they do it. The results will be outstanding instead (pun included). However, when parents pay a little attention towards their health especially towards their dental health than a lot of future pain could be avoided. Also, did you know that once a baby’s tooth start sprouting you need to massage their gum twice a day? Watch the video to know better.
Curious cases with diabetes, A tell-tale.
Diabetes have impact on one’s life, it is its nature, but the misconceptions are what obstructs the normal being during this disease. Sciences have taken a long leap in the development and supporting people suffering with diabetes. The article mentions the misconceptions followed by informed observance delivered a person to write about some curious thoughts about diabetes. Read more.
5 Foods That Negatively Affect Your Child’s Mood
Not many Parents would know the impact of diet on mood. Some know that sweets, for examples can make child's hyperactive but mood-altering is just the only cause. Little do we know that dairy products could also alter mood and behavior which could make kids irritable, cranky or aggressive. However, Sugar can cause a child to be hyperactive, if not eating a complete whole foods-based diet.
Lower the risk for high blood pressure, exercise out
High blood pressure can be a serious underlying condition and one might not be aware of it. It is also called as hypertension, which puts extra stress on the heart as well as blood vessels. There are some lifestyle changes one need to make to avoid these stressful conditions inside the body. Exercising is one of the best option. You can start from walking, stretching, running, aerobics and others.
Improving your athletics performance.
Keeping your body hydrated while exercising is the key to keep you going. When people opt for gym or running they shift to different supplements, However they are unaware about the wonders of H2O yet. Keeping body hydrated while exercising will avoid cramps, help a faster muscle recovery and avoid pre-fatigue. The article further notifies the significance of salt and sugar, pre & post workout.