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Can Holi Chemicals Pass into Breastmilk?
It’s Holi and what better time to express the feeling of joy and gratitude to life. But along with that one needs to take care of precautions as chemical colours get easily absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin and might find its way to your breastmilk. Mercury, for example, is used to making red colours get absorbed by the skin and is very harmful to you and the baby too.
Understanding Dyslexia and How to Support Child Dealing with It
Dyslexia is known as a reading disorder, characterized by trouble with reading full sentences or long words. The severity of it varies amongst children but often could be helped with several activities. One of the many ways to work it out with a special child is to do what makes her feel good. Whether it is music, joining a sport, or anything else that could help build her confidence.
Stress Induced Muscle response to treat dementia
Troubles of memory impairment, communication, and thinking, all these conditions adjoin to one thing we call dementia. It is tough to diagnose this condition due to the underlying vastness of symptoms. Researchers from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital studied the mechanism of how muscle network’s communication affects brain functioning and mimicking those communications to protect the brain’s ageing.
Sharing is Caring India’s spirit in providing health solutions amid covid pandemic
India a strong collaborator of the COVAX program, uplifting the dignity of our traditional mindsets, Government have put in an effort for equitable care against the covid pandemic. We have distributed a greater number of vaccines to 70 different countries more than the people who have been vaccinated in the country. Vaccine hesitancy remains the problem, which is soon to be dealt with in the coming months.
Keeping them moist, Dry Eyes
Tear glands do more that just produce tears when you cry, they keep your eyes lubricated. When they fail, Dry Eyes is what you suffer from. Tears can be inadequate and unstable for many reasons. From being used as a traditional medicine in ancient Egypt to nowadays used as a processed lubricant in industrial as well as cosmetics. Do you know India is the largest exporter of castor oil? Read more
Maintaining your Blood Oxygen Levels
Each cell in our body requires a constant flow of nutrition and natural elements to convert them into energy. Oxygen is one such element that helps fuel that energy requirement. Blood Oxygen levels indicate the level of how well the body distributes oxygen in our body. A blood oxygen level below 60 mm Hg is considered low, leading to dizziness, confusion, even visual disorders, read more
Smile, it lets your teeth breath
Teeth, smile, and thoughts goes together. The power of smile will make you complete and so the smile is perfect based on the condition of your teeth. Its well said by Miguel de Cervantes that ‘Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond.’ Avoid the activities like grinding them, consuming too much soda, or chewing on ice to keep them away from early decay.
History of Vaccine form smallpox to covid 19 vaccine
Vaccination has always been controversial yet accepted by many without a doubt but many times vaccines are associated with causing harm. The purpose of the vaccine is to limit the spread of infections and protect those who cannot get vaccinated. Historical evidence shows vaccines are necessary against infections, same is the case with covid 19 vaccines, but anti-vaccine sentiments still persist
Does Spirituality Exists for you? Or is it the other way around. It is there.
The generic definition sings around “The quality of attachment of one with his inner self”. Practices around, being spiritual is the profound blessing of our ancestors. The very nature of spirituality has a different effect for every individual and should not be construed in a religious context, it breaks away essence. Your intellect gives you the power and a vivid vision to perceive your soul.
Occupational health Concerns: Focusing on Employees Focus
Covid; uncertainty and lockdowns, isolated work patterns and thereafter back to office work culture has become the “new normal”. But this normality has taken a toll on the mental attitude of all. In the context of corporate culture, these events have made the management question and help their employees work focus in the right direction. Read on how corporates are dealing with employee workmanship.
Processed MSG flavoring your life, too much can have side effects.
We love flavoured food, and this flavour comes to form a part of neurotransmitter glutamate which is an amino acid. Apart from being naturally present in food items, it can also be processed, monosodium glutamate is extensively used in pre-packaged food as well. Over intake of MSG is linked to being overweight. It can cause excessive sweating, chest pain and difficulty in breathing.
Southpaws don’t just write differently, they also think differently, is it true?
There are lots of personality traits of being left-handed, from being attached to witchcraft to being mentally disordered. Studies show that handedness is an outcome of complex biological characteristics involving genetics, environment and an important fact of randomness. Being lefty does not mean one who writes with his left hand it's much more than that and definitely not mental superiority.
Nearly irresistible feeling to move your legs, “Restless Legs” know about them.
It is that stretchy sensation that runs down in your legs while you try to take a break, mostly during the nights. Underlying this fact are a long period of sitting or lying down, you might not be using your legs. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a nervous system disorder, it can be remedied with medication or lifestyle changes. Read more about the symptoms and ways to deal with RLS.
The risks and benefits of going “Cold Turkey” on your nicotine intake.
Leaving some habits could be hard, one of the hardest for a smoker is to quit that smoke intake. The decision is a tough one or it could be an instant cut out. When smokers decide to stop smoking at all i.e quitting cold turkey a slang from 1920’s which means leaving smoking in an instant without the help of any medication or nicotine replacement, might not be an effective way for some. Know more.
एक्टोपिक गर्भावस्था क्या है?
सामान्य गर्भधारण आपके गर्भाशय के अंदर विकसित होती है, एक फर्टिलाइज़्ड एग आपके फैलोपियन ट्यूब के माध्यम से यात्रा करने के बाद और आपके गर्भाशय की परत से जुड़ जाता है। एक्टोपिक गर्भावस्था तब होती है जब एक फर्टिलाइज़्ड एग आपके शरीर में कहीं और होता है, आमतौर पर आपके फैलोपियन ट्यूब में - इसीलिए इसे कभी-कभी "ट्यूबल गर्भावस्था" भी कहा जाता है। एक्टोपिक गर्भावस्था आपके अंडाशय पर, या आपके गर्भाशय में कहीं और भी हो सकता है। एक्टोपिक गर्भधारण दुर्लभ हैं - यह प्रत्येक 100 गर्भधारण में से लगभग 2 में होता है। लेकिन अगर इलाज न किया जाए तो वे बहुत खतरनाक हैं।
Vaccine efficacy and effectiveness, how does it work?
Confusion around what is the Efficacy and Effectiveness; about covid 19 Vaccines. It is not wrong to have these questions. The health professionals delivered the world with these vaccines against covid in just less than a year of the pandemic’s arrival. This video delivers unbiased information on, how does these efficacy numbers are calculated? And the underlying facts of vaccine development.
Nutrition Myths Busted: Sugar Makes Kids Hyper
Sugar isn't good for kids, yet research shows the sweet stuff will not reason them to get hyper, hurt their mental space, or make them incapable to focus. Since numerous parents accept there's a connection, however, they anticipate that their kids should act severely after eating sweet food. Thus, they're prepared mentally to see it on the off chance that it occurs.