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How much does hair actually weigh?
We all have given a thought about it, never cared much, the impossibility of calculating the weight of your hair. According to a scientific research it is estimated that a 5 to 10 milligram hair sample would be 75 square millimeters. An average person has around 80000 to 120000 hair on their scalp, so if you have 6 inch long hair, your hair weighs around 170 to 360 grams. Read more
Measles, from the families that suffered the impact of.
This is lee family’s story, which suffered the attack of measles, where the parents never gave a thought about vaccinating their three children with measles vaccine, and how big this mistake would result out. The parents talk about how their oldest son who was not showing symptoms of the diseases, got struck by the wrath of measles. Read more of the firsthand experience in this article.
Guinness world record for most pledges taken for a health campaign.
Yes, we Indian are the one’s who have broken a world record through 5,69,057 people taking a pledge in relation to antibiotic therapy awareness, the campaign was initiated by ZIFI-FDC, Mumbai in September 2019. The campaign under the banner name “SANKALP” was put forward to deal with the non-compliances regarding antimicrobial resistance. Read more.
Foods that lower down the effects of certain medication
The food that we eat gives our body necessary nutrition to function properly. If someone is sick, they take assistance of medication. This medicine creates different chemical compositions in our body, the food we intake during such period might react with the formulation of these medicines, creating either a too strong medicinal action or too low, read which foods to ignore while on medication.
Importance of utilizing psychological-based pain treatments
Pain can be physical or mental, in this “multi-aspect” or “multi-aspiration” life we want to achieve, one might feel stressed, anxious, depressed, or suffer form bodily pain. A docent way to get you out of painful situation is “Pain Psychology” a trusted form of therapy practiced form over decades. It takes a comprehensive approach of mindfulness to Cognitive-behavioral therapies, read more.
It Is also Called Crocodile's Cry
You see your newborn screaming and crying for at least 45 minutes now but, without any tears associated? Are they faking their cry? YES, they are genuinely expressing their emotions & trying to communicate with you. Indeed, they do not shed tears because the lacrimal glands are still in the developing stage and will begin increasing their production of tears after 2 weeks.
पीसीओएस (PCOS) स्थिति के साथ गर्भावस्था को प्राप्त करना: लाइफस्टाइल टिप्स
मुख्य कारणों में से एक पीसीओएस महिला अनियमित मासिक चक्र के कारण गर्भ धारण नहीं कर सकते । अध्ययनों के अनुसार मोटापे से ग्रस्त पीसीओएस महिला को समय पर अंडाशय नहीं होने की संभावना अधिक होती है जिससे निषेचन की संभावना और कम हो जाती है। अस्वस्थ आहार प्रमुख जांचों में से एक है। कम कार्बोहाइड्रेट वाला और कम चीनी वाला आहार एक ही खाना चाहिए। जंक और प्रोसेस्ड फूड से बचना जरूरी है। आईवीएफ, इवीएम और आईयूआई हमेशा अंतिम विकल्प होते हैं, आशा खोना नहीं है।
Healing is unique to each individual, so are our Fingerprints.
We use fingerprints to identify individuals, but why do we have different imprints, it’s still unclear. Studies suggests that these unique ridge patterns in the form of whirls, arch and loops could be a result of genetic as well as environmental factors. Our fingerprints begin to develop during the third month of fetal development. Even twins who have same DNA has different fingerprints, read more
What are Kegels, and how does it help you during labor?
Kegels are exercise that help make your pelvic floor muscle stronger. These muscles help to support your rectum, bladder, small intestine and uterus. While the most important role in the process of labor is of pelvic muscles. This exercise in a set of three, 15-20 could make it stronger. It could also help recover from the weaking by age, pregnancy, childbirth or surgery.
Changes are constant, optimizing changes for better mental conditions.
With the wellness and being healthy trend over our minds, now a days, but do not just join such moment without being properly informed. Men and women have differences in metabolic functions. So, it is advisable to provide all the essentials whether through diet or lifestyle changes. Read more about the findings of survey of more than 2600 participants that defined the findings on a mental scale.
Aligning diet plans based on climate change, a global dietary concern.
Listing out diet plans for healthy being and recommending them to the public keeping in mind the geographical conditions and leaving out a low carbon footprint is an important tasks government take up. As per the study mentioned, the authors found differences in carbon scale in dietary guidelines published by US, Germany, India as well. The study puts emphasis on environmental impacts of diets.
Have Fun with Occupational Therapy for ADHD Kids at Home
It is a form of rehabilitation to express the inner emotion of an ADHD kid and learn to have control over their actions. The role is to overcome the physical functional deficiencies. One of the most creative and proven game is painting with hands. Let your kid go crazy, think out of the box and express his emotions over a piece of paper. ADHD is conditional and can be controlled, if you wish to.
Preventive Healthcare vs. Sick care
Being conscious about well-being and hygiene at an individual level and delivering optimum facilities is an effective way to keep the health quotient higher. Prevention and “Checkup, when needed” are the completely opposite ways and becomes an obstacle in overall health coverage. Preventive care helps early diagnosis of illness thereby reducing costs and stress. Sick Care is just damage control,
Tea time check
Tea for most Indians is an inseparable part of their lives. It's like, "Tea during breakfast", "Its Summertime Lets drink chai". We consume it to get relief from a stressful day, having a headache treats it with a sip of tea . Though this delightful and tasty cup of tea mixed when with spices and sometimes milk has many health benefits, over drinking can also harm your health.
पुरुषों की तुलना में महिलाओं में दिल का दौरा पड़ने की संभावना अधिक होती है, लक्षणों की अनदेखी न करें
दिल की विफलता के मामलों में महिलाओं को जिन लक्षणों का सामना करना पड़ता है, वे संकेत अक्सर अधिक सूक्ष्म होते हैं जो अक्सर ध्यान में नहीं आते हैं। दिल की स्थिति की जाँच करना ज्यादातर महिलाओं के लिए जरूरी नहीं है, फिर भी दिल की विफलता के कारण महिलाओं में मृत्यु दर की संख्या स्तन कैंसर से दोगुनी है। आगे पढ़ें कि महिलाओं में कुछ अनोखे लक्षण क्या हैं जो पुरुषों में मौजूद नहीं हैं।
Pregnancy Rhinitis A Common Yet Unknown Condition
If you have been blessed with an incredibly stuffy nose during pregnancy, you are definitely not alone! It’s a very common, and sometimes extremely annoying condition. Pregnancy rhinitis is not something you should diagnose on your own. In some cases, stuffy nose and congestion could become a respiratory infection, allergies, or an asthma flare-up. However, in most cases it’s nothing serious.
Do you see it? Parents like to ignore it: Childhood Obesity
The effects of childhood obesity continue to adulthood. A population study shows that at least 70% of the obese children persist some time of cardiovascular disease and it continue to rise as they get older. Parents often do not recognise when their children are becoming overweight. As a young child’s healthy weight looks skinny and an obese baby looks normal, the norms have completely changed.
Balancing Parenting and Work in Age of Digitalisation
No, parenting is not easy! And nobody said so. In the time of pandemic where WFH was the only solution, parenting was the most difficult choice. Having ‘No Phone’ times can make your life much easier. Try this. You don’t need your phone 24x7, so if you have habit of answering your mails at dinner, stop it. Switch off your phone on weekends. This is just one way, try other three, And a bonus too !