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गर्भावस्था में हाइपोथायरायडिज्म, क्या यह चिंता का विषय है?
गर्भावस्था के पहले कुछ महीनों के दौरान, बच्चा थायराइड हार्मोन के लिए माँ पर निर्भर करता है। ये हार्मोन बच्चे के सामान्य मस्तिष्क विकास और वृद्धि के लिए महत्वपूर्ण हैं। मां में हाइपोथायरायडिज्म का बच्चे पर लंबे समय तक प्रभाव हो सकता है। थायराइड हार्मोन को प्रीनेटल विटामिन के रूप में एक ही समय में नहीं लिया जाना चाहिए। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि विटामिन में खनिज थायरॉयड हार्मोन के अवशोषण को रोक सकते हैं। थायराइड हार्मोन के स्तर की जांच के लिए सभी नवजात शिशुओं की जन्म के समय जांच की जाती है।
Here are 7 ideas to help get you started. Have fun!
For little youngsters, playing is a genuine business and can bring a long period of advantages. Play is exploring. Play is trying out things. Play is attempting to sort out when and why you do a certain something differently. The uplifting news is youngsters don't require costly toys to play and learn. Truth be told, you most likely could play games like peeka-boo, imagining and tickle-tickle.
Sabu dana Khichdi or Dal Khichdi
Taking up weight loss plans for healthy life, include khichdi in your diet. Indian cuisine has many varieties of khichdi. Dal Khichdi is packed with fiber that is for easy digestion and rich in protein to keep you powered up for longer duration But keeping the rice content can help you maintain weight. On the other hand, Sabu dana gives you lots of calories which is not ideal for weight loss.
Intervention required when your disk is bulging, Back Pain.
Back pain has become common in adults. Lower back has a complex set of interlocking bones called vertebrae. Too much of strain on lower back results in disruption of the load-bearing capacity as a result, the tissue that keeps the spine lubricated gets worn off making the spinal disk bulge out. It causes pain, affect the mobility of a person. Read more for symptoms and physician and home treatment
Head and Spine neural alignment from inside and maintaining posture.
When a person leans his head forward i.e. out of order alignment with their spine, keeping such a posture for prolonged time puts a strain on the muscles and bones of the neck. This posture could be an effect of using electronic devices like cellphones for a long period. FPH can affect the upper back and associated with respiratory disorders and physical imbalances. Read more about the
Reading fictional book, a better way to develop language skills
The study from Concordia university points out the benefits of reading fictional book in relation to development of creativity and language skills. They conducted tests based on the reading attitude, interests of volunteers, reading fictional and non-fictional books and co-relating the actual reading behavior and their verbal abilities thereafter. Get a connection by reading the complete article.
Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever experienced of believing that you are not as competent as others think of you? You might think that you do not deserve your accomplishments and you are a fraud and the work you have done is just by luck. Psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes first reported Imposter Syndrome in 1978, today it is estimated that 70% of people might have experience such feeling for once.
Baby talk: Mini Parenting Master Class, UNICEF
Infant talk may sound silly at times to you, however not to your kid! In the initial 1,000 days, your child's brain creates at a speed never rehashed. Infant talk helps give your little one the best beginning throughout everyday life. The plunked down with Dr. Marina Kalashnikova, investigates how infants learn language, to discover what infant talk and why it's the main language on the planet.
Tiny organ that balances our body, Listen to warnings, what happens when they tickle
Do you know our ears apart for listening also gives us the sense of physically balancing our body? They create a waxy substance “Earwax”, it protects for dust and pollutants in the environment to enter our body. Sometimes you may have experienced a ticklish feeling in your ear, Wax build-up could be a reason. Should you consider using a cotton swab or opt for other ways to get rid of itchiness?
Jagged Teeth, covering up your smile
Have you noticed curved teeth tops, in children? Mamelon is a rounded bump on the edge of a tooth, they occur on newly erupted permanent teeth. They usually disappear as one ages, sometimes they might remain for longer duration. People facing such condition can have trouble taking a bite, or teeth may rub against each other troubling the person. Read more on how to treat jagged teeth problems
बच्चों में गुलाबी आंख नामक एक स्थिति क्या है
एक आंख के संक्रमण को नेत्रश्लेष्मलाशोथ(आँख आना) भी कहा जाता है, जो बच्चों और नवजात शिशुओं में बहुत आम है। यह कई बैक्टीरिया और वायरस के कारण हो सकता है जो सर्दी, कान के संक्रमण और गले में खराश या एसटीडी के माध्यम से जिम्मेदार हैं। यह आमतौर पर पीले रंग के निर्वहन के साथ एक लाल चिपचिपा पदार्थ आंख में दिखता है। जानिए बच्चों में गुलाबी आँख के दर्द को कैसे कम करें। यदि यह अनुपचारित रहता है तो नवजात शिशु गंभीर जटिलताएं पैदा कर सकते हैं।
“I Too Want to Help Mama!” Cooking with Your Tiny One
Your 2-year-old loves to cook. She wants to taste & spill your ingredients, but apart from all this she wants to help you. By this age kids learn what independence is and likes to explore as much as they can. The challenge is not to say NO but how to avoid any accidents. Start with basics, handle them toy knife to cut veggies, and invite them to clean up and put waste in a bag. Happy Cooking!
People who quits’ smoking, feel better within weeks.
A new study published in Cochrane Library suggests that people who quits smoking experience reduction in anxiety and depression, also uplifts their social relationships. Highlighting misconceptions associated with smoking the study reviewed evidence from other studies involving about 170000 people with a variety of mindset to stop the habit. Read more about no adverse outcomes of stopping to smoke
Too much screen time, Computer Vision Syndrome
We need focus, we need our work to be completed, we need entertainment, where do we find it. For most of us a digital window is the need or the solution. Spending too much time in front of computers or smart phones strains the eyes. One might experience fatigue, dry eyes or even headaches. There are ways you can reduce adverse symptoms by Adjusting the distance or reducing screen glare, read more.
It's important to think things through, but not too much
Overthinking is a vicious circle; it can drain all your energy and creativeness. Studies suggests that overthinking increases stress levels. Good thing is that there are ways we can handle such a condition. Do not consider that it would be an overnight solution to get rid of thinking too much. Start with letting go of the past, Develop Focus and control, Read more to not overthink.
Tastier and healthier options to maintain blood sugar level
Figuring out the best foods to eat when you have diabetes can be tough. That’s because your main goal should be controlling your blood sugar levels. However, it’s also important to eat foods that help prevent diabetes complications like heart disease. Your diet can have a major role in preventing and managing diabetes. Watch the video and find different options which are healthier and tasty
National Vaccination Day 2021
We despite being the second most populated are one of the countries around the work that has set an example with respect to immunizations. The Government of India celebrates today a day of national pride as one of the biggest immunization drive was undertaken by the government, healthcare workers and was accepted by the general public. Read more about the importance of the day and our achievement
Get Together, Activities with family that rocks!!!
“Quality time with family”, a dream, when it could be actualized is extremely hard in our busy lives. With dad’s working hard to earn, kids working hard to win, moms working hard to offer health. Even getting together during lunch or dinner time is out of reach. There is no better way to stay healthy is to spend time with family. So, take time and get along to spend with your loved ones.
आईवीएफ (IVF) प्रक्रिया क्या है
इन विट्रो फर्टिलाइजेशन (आईवीएफ) एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है, जिसमें महिलाओं के शरीर के बाहर निषेचन होता है। इन-विट्रो स्थिति में। आईवीएफ के दौरान, परिपक्व अंडे अंडाशय (महिला) से एकत्र किए जाते हैं और शुक्राणु (पुरुष) द्वारा निषेचित होते हैं। फिर निषेचित अंडे (भ्रूण) को महिला के शरीर में स्थानांतरित किया जाता है और अन्य गर्भधारण के रूप में स्वाभाविक रूप से बढ़ने की अनुमति दी जाती है। आईवीएफ का एक पूर्ण चक्र 3 सप्ताह तक ले सकता है।