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Consider these, before digitizing healthcare, India
Pathway towards providing public health monitoring with digital policy intervention needs to achieve desirable objectives. The National Digital Health Mission- announced by Prime Minister on Independence Day is a way towards achieving much needed digital solutions in healthcare problems. Read more for the four crucial steps that requires attention while developing our healthcare infrastructure.
Yumm, Mumma I love Khichdi, says your infant
Khichdi is a typical Indian household’s staple food is. It all starts when baby is 6 months old. It is gluten-free, easy to cook, swallow and easy to digest food. The carbohydrates from rice, proteins from lentils, and vitamins and fibre from vegetables make the khichdi a perfect recipe for the growing baby who needs energy and proteins during the first year of her life.
Fun healthy snack treats for your kids
Homemade baked vegetable crisps What could be a better option than chips, which your kid could neither deny nor envy! Try oven-baked wafer-thin potato, beetroot, sweet potato or carrot slices. Brush with a little touch of olive oil, sprinkle with ample ground cumin or coriander and bake until crackly crispy. Well, as they cook early also keep an eye so that they don’t burn. Store in a container for case of emergencies.
Breastfeeding can boost mother’s mood and help her recover from maternal stress: A study
About 1 in 9 mothers suffers from maternal depression, which can affect infant development. Touch plays an important role in an infant's socio-emotional development. Infants in the depressed and bottle-fed group had less touch while breastfeeding had a positive effect on mother and baby. Infants of depressed and breastfeeding mothers showed neither behavioural nor brain development dysregulation.
5-a-Day’ mixture of fruits and vegetables
Higher consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of death, according to data representing nearly 2 million adults. 5 daily servings of, eaten as 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables, may be the optimal amount and combination for a longer life. These findings support to eat more fruits and vegetables and the simple public health message '5-a-day.'
Self-Care Is Self-Writing Skills to All the New Moms, Heal Yourself
The concept of taking care of ourselves first, especially for mother is nothing to be ashamed about. This concept is a revolutionary phase. Writing is something that make sense of our own lives at home. It helps a mother to deal with endless hours of work and care with people they love. It isn’t just about creativity, it is the sense of reflection of yourself to the world, your white paper.
Cervical Cancer and Fertility
Treatment for cervical cancer often involves removing the uterus and may also involve removing the ovaries, ruling out a future pregnancy. However, if the cancer is caught very early, you still may be able to have children after surgical treatment. A procedure called a radical trachelectomy can remove the cervix and part of the vagina while leaving the majority of the uterus intact.
Natural juices for health preservation
Fermentation is an ancient technique of preserving food. Curd, Cheese, wine, etc. are prepared using this natural way. They are a rich in probiotic and are associated with improving digestion and building up immunity. Indians have a rich taste in food items, we have some tasty naturally preserved drinks. Lassi/Chaas, Koozhu, Kanji, Handia and many more for you to know the recipe.
Benefits of Mustard oil for your diet
We all need a small amount of Dietary fats, oils, and cholesterol in our diet for our body to function properly. Choosing a right oil is essential for an anti-inflammatory and healthy life. K. K Aggarwal, a cardiologist and past president of Indian Medical Association suggests including omega 3 rich monosaturated mustard oil in our diet. Read more about this healthiest edible oil.
गर्भावस्था मे पानी क्यो ज़्यादा जरूरी है?
गर्भावस्था के दौरान आपके शरीर में हो रहे बदलावों की जरुरतों को पूरा करने के लिए अधिक पानी की आवश्यकता पड़ती है। पर्याप्त पानी न पीने से शरीर में पानी की कमी (डिहाइड्रेशन) हो सकती है। गर्भावस्था के दौरान शरीर में पानी की कमी से सिरदर्द, मिचली, मरोड़, हाथ-पैरों में सूजन (इडिमा) और चक्कर आने जैसी परेशानियां हो सकती हैं। तीसरी तिमाही में जलनियोजित रहना और भी ज्यादा जरुरी है, क्योंकि तब पानी की कमी से संकुचन शुरू हो सकते हैं और समय से पहले प्रसव का दर्द उठ सकता है। कुछ महिलाओं का मानना है कि नियमित पानी ना पीने से मिचली, सीने में जलन और एसिडिटी और अपचता के लक्षणों भी हो सकते है।
Know How to Check your Heart Rate
To check your pulse at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery — which is located on the thumb side of your wrist. When you feel your pulse, count the number of beats in 15 seconds. Multiply this number by four to calculate your beats per minute. To keep in mind that there are several factors that could influence the H.R. like age & body temperature.
A date for your healthy body
Dates are very sugary and nutritious food item; it has a high fiber content to improve your digestive functions and antioxidant properties to boost your immunity. Because of high sugar content, speculating whether to consume them after soaking them overnight or eat them raw on empty stomach or during bedtime is a dilemma. They do not spike your sugar instantly, read more on when to eat them.
Can Gestational Diabetes Pass onto The Foetus Affect Baby’s Health?
If your blood sugar remains consistently elevated during pregnancy, the excess sugar can pass through your womb to your unborn baby. This can increase your child’s future risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. One of the other major health risks associated with diabetes includes Macrosomia. This term simply means "big baby" and applies to any baby whose birth weight is above 8 pounds, 13 ounces.
Chances of Having Spina Bifida to Your Baby
Although the occurrences appear to be decreasing, the birth defect occurs in approximately 8 to10,000 live births. According to the Spina Bifida association founder, it is estimated that in comparison to the world, 1-2 per 1000 birth, in India the number is 4- 8 per 1000 live births. As per the doctors one of the culprits is lack of folic acid supplements in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Its not just diabetes that increases the risk of heart problems
Glycemic Index: is a number system representing “How Much Carbohydrates containing food increases your blood sugar level”. The type of food we intake affects the functioning of our organs; this varies with the nutritional content and processes that breaks them down in to energy. A high GI Diet can lead to major cardiovascular events even fatalities. Get a complete insight for GI favorable diet.
Let’s Make Math Fun for Your Infant! You Can Start Soon
Do you know that your child knows basic math skills from birth? You can add up to this and help your baby understand the numbers and quantities faster. Now that infant knows the concept of “more” the first step is understanding of addition. As you feed, pause and ask if she needs more. Wait to see how she responds and tell: “Oh, you’re licking your lips and looking at the spoon. You want more.”
“One Health” to tackle Antimicrobial Resistance.
Microbes are evolving, whether present in human body or external surroundings. The mutation in bacteria leads to failure of medicines that fights them. India having the highest incidences of bacterial infections is most affected by Antimicrobial Resistance. To tackle with this situation which is a compounding effect of many industrial and societal exploitations, Read more “One Health” initiative
Why do some people believe health misinformation?
As many people are getting linked with digital social platforms, the need to derive considerations of using these disruptive services is very addictive. The parallel progressive growth of health information providers and receivers is still unmonitored. Effect of this is “Health Misinformation” is the inherent outcome. The less educated and lower-income groups are the most affected ones, Read more
Cholesterol Levels (LDL and VLDL): Your perfect Health Picture
Body need energy, it is supplied by fatty, waxy, and oily substance called cholesterol. CDC estimates 93 million adults in US and ¼ of the urban population in India have high cholesterol levels. Although the body requires it, higher levels can cause serious health conditions even fatalities. Read more about how LDL and VLDL transport fats around the body and how their levels impact health.